

Stanley Bing: What I’d like covered by the bailout

(2008-09-27 01:27:58) 下一个

Sure enough, everybody and his aunt Mary is lining up to take a piece of the bailout.I applaud their efforts. Why should only the fattest of the fat catsget the meat and potatoes? Yes, they need it more than most, becauseit’s hardest on the best fed when the supper plate is empty. But still.Fair is fair. 

I’m sure you have your own list. Here’s mine: 

I would like some help with my two mortgages. It was hard enough tosustain one, but this second one is sort of killing me. I can make it.But it won’t be easy. If we’re sweeping up a bunch of ill-consideredobligations into the cooking pot, I’d like Uncle Sam to consider mine.They’re no more idiotic than many, and smarter than most. 

I’d like the lease on my car to be bought out, or at least reduced.At the time I selected the two-year option on that bright red,eight-cylinder, genuine leather interior turbo-charged Deutche monster,the $800 per month seemed achievable. I suppose it still is, but it’sdarned inconvenient. I’d much rather it was lower, which would make iteasier for me to pay off my other debts. Is it possible that those ofus who have leased or purchased too much car for our wallet can beoffered some assistance at this juncture? I know there’s spiriteddebate on who’s going to get what right now between Democrats andRepublicans. Would one of the two parties, during this election year,like my vote? 

Then there’s my American Express bill. I’ll be hanged if I know how,but my balance has crept up to an amazing sum. More than $10,000! Isuppose that paying the minimum for almost a year while living thedream may have something to do with it. Cameras. Computers. IPods.Vacations, now and then. Pretty soon you’ve got a whopping big nut tocrack and eat. I’ll be honest with you, it scared me to look at it whenI finally took a peek online last week. If I have to clear that debt,I’ll be cash poor for quite some time, unless I borrow more. That wouldbe inadvisable, I think. 

It’s also my view, taken from a purely selfish perspective, which Idon’t think is inappropriate given the circumstances, that credit carddebt should in one form or another be included in this package. If itisn’t, think of the consequences! People would have to stop buying ontime. Many, many honest, hardworking Americans just like me wouldperhaps default on their loans. The entire credit structure of oursociety, and the mercantile system upon which it is built, wouldfalter! Do we want to risk that? 

There’s much more I could come up with if I really thought about it,I’m sure. So please, gentlemen. When you’re coming up with your list ofthose who receive the plums from this very large pie, don’t forget theworking person. We were pretty stupid, too, you know.

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