
著名左派michael moore公开信:不要在活在泡沫里,川普会赢 (English)

(2016-10-24 15:35:33) 下一个

Michael Moore 最反川普,告诫大家不要在活在泡沫里,这是他公开信部分节选,


I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last 
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald 
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous 
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. 
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them 
for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”

Never in my life have I wanted to be proven wrong more than I do right now.
I can see what you’re doing right now. You’re shaking your head wildly – 
“No, Mike, this won’t happen!” Unfortunately, you are living in a bubble 
that comes with an adjoining echo chamber where you and your friends are 
convinced the American people are not going to elect an idiot for president.
You alternate between being appalled at him and laughing at him because of 
his latest crazy comment or his embarrassingly narcissistic stance on 
everything because everything is about him. And then you listen to Hillary 
and you behold our very first female president, someone the world respects, 
someone who is whip-smart and cares about kids, who will continue the Obama 
legacy because that is what the American people clearly want! Yes! Four more
years of this!
You need to exit that bubble right now. You need to stop living in denial 
and face the truth which you know deep down is very, very real. Trying to 
soothe yourself with the facts – “77% of the electorate are women, people 
of color, young adults under 35 and Trump cant win a majority of any of them
!” – or logic – “people aren’t going to vote for a buffoon or against 
their own best interests!” – is your brain’s way of trying to protect you
from trauma. Like when you hear a loud noise on the street and you think, 
“oh, a tire just blew out,” or, “wow, who’s playing with firecrackers?”
because you don’t want to think you just heard someone being shot with a 
gun. It’s the same reason why all the initial news and eyewitness reports 
on 9/11 said “a small plane accidentally flew into the World Trade Center.
” We want to – we need to – hope for the best because, frankly, life is 
already a shit show and it’s hard enough struggling to get by from paycheck
to paycheck. We can’t handle much more bad news. So our mental state goes 
to default when something scary is actually, truly happening. The first 
people plowed down by the truck in Nice spent their final moments on earth 
waving at the driver whom they thought had simply lost control of his truck,
trying to tell him that he jumped the curb: “Watch out!,” they shouted. 
“There are people on the sidewalk!”

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