2012 (167)
2013 (346)
2014 (204)
2015 (199)
2016 (738)
2017 (213)
2018 (120)
2019 (106)
This is recorded before he became famous!!
In case you haven't seen this one, here it is. Lin can't control what others say about him, so ingore those things and let him concerntrate on his sports. He is an American of Chinese descent,hope that ends the debate. 台湾人说什么,没必要跟他们认真。
我们和我们孩子生长的环境,和前人不同,世界就是个地球村,大家要学会做个世界人,不要太纠缠于谁从哪里来的,代表哪国人.某个人可能有2-3个国籍,几个住过的地方,比如08,选上了总统,非洲和印尼都在庆祝,以后这种事情会越来越多,大家学着理性接受吧。(另外我们自己也要提高,比如在国内我们也有歧视,说韩国人“棒子”,出来后认识一些韩国朋友,很友善的,所以大家也要改变以前的地域偏见,哪里人都有好坏,看开些,少纠结。洗洗睡了我。Good luck, Lin! Good luck, everyone!)