

(2007-10-11 09:54:14) 下一个
Briton wins Nobel literature prize By MATT MOORE and KARL RITTER
4 minutes ago




English writer Doris Lessing, who ended her formal schooling at age 13 and went on to write novels that explored relationships between the genders and races, won the 2007 Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday.



Lessing, who turns 88 in just over a week, was born to British parents who were living in what is now Iran. The family later moved to what is now
Zimbabwe, where she largely grew up.


She made her debut with "The Grass Is Singing" in 1950. Her other works include the semiautobiographical "Children Of Violence" series, largely set in Africa, that include the works.

她于1950年以处女作《碧草欢歌》(The Grass Is Singing")在社交界初试啼声。她的其它作品包括半自传体《狂热顽童》系列在内,大多发轫于非洲。

Lessing's agent, Jonathan Clowes, said Lessing was out shopping.

莱辛的代理乔纳森。克洛斯(Jonathan Clowes)说莱辛出去购物了。

"We are absolutely delighted and it's very well deserved," he said, adding she may not yet know that she had won the prize.


Her breakthrough was the 1962 "Golden Notebook," the Swedish Academy said.


"The burgeoning feminist movement saw it as a pioneering work and it belongs to the handful of books that inform the 20th century view of the male-female relationship," the academy said in its citation announcing the prize.


Other important novels of Lessing's include "The Summer Before Dark" in 1973 and "The Fifth Child" in 1988.

莱辛的其它重要著作包括1973年的《夏日黄昏》(The Summer Before Dark)及1988年的《第五胎》(The Fifth Child)。

Lessing is the second British writer to win the prize in three years. In 2005, Harold Pinter received the award. Last year, the academy gave the prize to Turkey's Orhan Pamuk.

莱辛是在三年之内荣获诺奖的第二位英国作家。2005年,哈罗德。平特(Harold Pinter)获此殊荣。去年,皇家科学院将此奖项颁给土耳其的奥汗。帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk.)。

A seasoned traveler of the world, Lessing has known many homes from Persia to Zimbabwe to South Africa and London.


"When you look at my life, you can go back to the late 1930s," she told The Associated Press in an interview last year ago. "What I saw was, first of all, Hitler, he was going to live forever. Mussolini was in for 10,000 years. You had the Soviet Union, which was, by definition, going to last forever. There was the British empire — nobody imagined it could come to an end. So why should one believe in any kind of permanence?"


Lessing's family moved to a farm in southern Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe, in 1925, an experience she described in the first part of her autobiography "Under My Skin" that was released in 1944.

1925年,莱辛一家搬迁到南罗得西亚,现属津巴布韦,一座农场里,这是她在发表于1944年的自传《皮下》(Under My Skin)第一部分里所描述的一段经历。

Because of her criticism of the South African regime and its apartheid system, she was prohibited from entering the country between 1956 and 1995. Lessing, who was a member of the British Communist Party in the 1950s, had been active in campaigning against nuclear weapons.


The literature award was the fourth of this year's Nobel Prizes to be announced and one of the most hotly anticipated given the sheer amount of guessing it generated in the weeks leading up to award.


On Wednesday, Gerhard Ertl of Germany won the 2007 Nobel Prize in chemistry for studies of chemical reactions on solid surfaces, which are key to understanding such questions as why the ozone layer is thinning.

周三,德国的格哈特。厄特尔(Gerhard Ertl),因其在固体表面化学反应领域的研究成果而荣获2007年度化学奖, 这一成果是理解诸如臭氧层何以日益变薄等问题的关键。

Tuesday, France's Albert Fert and German Peter Gruenberg won the physics award for discovering a phenomenon that lets computers and digital music players store reams of data on ever-shrinking hard disks.

周四,法国科学家艾博特•费特(Albert Fert) 和德国科学家彼得•格伦伯格( Peter Gruenberg),荣膺物理奖。(其业绩是)发现一种新概念,能使计算机和数码音乐玩家在日益缩小的硬盘里储存大量数据。

Americans Mario R. Capecchi and Oliver Smithies, and Briton Sir Martin J. Evans, won the 2007 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for groundbreaking discoveries that led to a powerful technique for manipulating mouse genes.

周一,美国科学家马里奥 R。卡佩奇、奥利弗。史密迪斯以及英国科学家大马丁。J。埃文斯获得2007年度诺贝尔医学奖。(其业绩是)他们的开创性发现,能够研发出一种操控鼠类基因的高效技术(或称利用小鼠胚胎干细胞进行基因打靶技术 – 译者注)。

Prizes for peace and economics will be announced through Oct. 15.


The awards — each worth $1.5 million — will be handed out by Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf at a ceremony in Stockholm on Dec. 10.

这次奖金- 分别价值为150万美元- 将于12月10日 在斯德哥尔摩举行的一个仪式上由瑞典国王卡尔16世古斯塔夫 颁发。
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