
这样应该没有问题了吧,RFE for TB, 贴杰

(2007-08-03 17:33:03) 下一个
今天去医院拿结果,虽然没有见到civil surgeon, 没想到护士的态度很好。
我的rfe要求TB test.因为我有98年结果,护士就直接写上 \'pts has a positive TB test in 1998 of 14 mm\', 但还是check 了 , 我也不好太争。新做了一次X光,结果当然又是正常。

在我的要求下,护士还在comments栏中填上了\'pts was recipent of BCG vaccine in China\'.

但愿这次没有问题了。各位老师若有高见,恭请赐教,其实在做一次TB也是来得及的,但我总觉得\'新鲜\'的TB 阳性结果,会使移民官觉得有必要进一步follow up,而老的结果则说明我真的没有肺病。



RFE for TB 忍不住给移民官附了一封信,大家提提意见,谢谢


As a matter of fact, when I did the Medical Exam with the same civil surgeon two and half years ago, I presented my medical record with the TB test result which was done previously. But the doctor said as long as my X-ray check was clear, TST result was of no use. This time, after reading my RFE, he said he would include my TST record and gave me a new X-ray check.

As you can see, now I have accumulated three X-ray results. The first one is done in 1998 for record for the University; the second one was done in 2005 for initial I-693 form; and the third one was done in 2007 for this RFE. All of them are clear. I also got a TST result of 14 mm, which must be from the BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination I received long time ago in China.

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