27日早和JIM 碰头后去他家GRACE 的很有味道的小咖啡店坐了聊天。下午时分便开车前往BANFF。晚宿 LAKE LOUISE。 - Lake Louise, we saw couple bears in distance. also an animal close upand on the tree. not sure what it is. Did not make it to the tea house.It's about 3.5 miles of one way hike. - Moraine Lake and hiked up on the hill.
- Crowfoot Glacier - not sure where are the foot crows. - Bow Summit, Bow lake, Bow Glacier - Mistaya Canyon - Saskatchewan crossing, has gas station and rest with cafe etc. but nothing much else to see. - Columbia icefield, 坐了EXPLOER 开到冰上面。据说全世界一共有23台EXPLORE, 22 台在这里,还有一台在南极。
晚上到BANFF,去cascade PonDs, Johnson Lake, Two Jack Lake, LakeMinnewanka, Lower and upper BankHead. 看到一家庭的DEER 。 一家庭的bighorn sheep大角羊,有一支还来我们车旁转了一圈。
29 连走了两个 PARK. - Yoho National Park, 1. Field is a little town that is backed on Mountains and has water front. 2. Emerald Lake, 3. Natural Bridge. 4. Spiral Tunnels View. Lake O'hara is also a good lake to go. But the bus only open during summer month (7,8). - Kootenay National Park. 1. Vermilion Pass 2. Continental Divide of the Pacific and Atlantic . 3. Paint Pots 4. Marble Canyon 回来去山上坐GONDOLA。上山看坐山环水的BANFF 真是漂亮。。
晚上去 1-2-3 Vermilion Lake。 还上 MOUNT NORQUAY。 徐徐多多的羊,
30 早爬了 TUNNEL Mountain。下午回CALGARY,在CHINA TOWN 吃了晚中饭后飞回弯区。