
For those who like/dislike Johnny Howard

(2007-09-11 02:16:40) 下一个
JOHN Howard has missed his chance to bow out gracefully and should stay on to lead his party into the next election and face the consequences, NEWS.com.au readers say.

With the Prime Minister fighting intense speculation over his fitness for the top job after reports that two senior ministers had told him it would be better for the Government if he quit, NEWS.com.au readers offered their views today on what Mr Howard’s next move should be.

A snapshot at 5pm (AEST) of more than 400 reader comments revealed a trend emerging from the Howard-haters in the electorate who want him to face a crushing defeat and be thrown out of the seat he has held since 1974.

After we asked whether the PM should stay or go, the first post to the blog set the tone with this irreverent dig at the troubled leader:

“STAY!!”, Supersmirk from Sydney said. “I want to see what other tensions will come to the surface prior to the election. This is fun!”

Then reader Brian invoked one of Mr Howard’s political heroes to twist the knife: “I hope he stays as I want to see him beaten rather than walking away. It won’t be quite as good as seeing Mrs Thatcher get hers but will still be very enjoyable.”

Perhaps preparing a latter day Don’s Party, reader Big W wrote: “I think he should stay. I have a bottle of champagne read to pop in celebration on the night he loses his own seat and his government gets tossed out by the scruff of their necks.”

And from DB: “I want to savour the pleasure of watching him and half of the Cabinet lose their seats.”

On a more serious note reader Kate said: “Howard should stay to face the electorate and take responsibility for what he has done to this country.

“No one should be given the opportunity to say that a Costello government lost the 2007 election.”

However, the embattled Prime Minister was not without his supporters.

They suggested Mr Howard has achieved much of his goal to make Australia relaxed and comfortable, pointing to better standards of living.

Readers also praised him for being able to take a strong stance and make the hard decisions for the safety and security of the country.

Richard Orchard of Perth said: “John should stay for as long as he sees fit. He has earned that. You can’t argue with his results - superb. I am sure I will be telling my grandkids about the golden age of Howard.”

Ryan from Ryde in Sydney: “If Howard loses this election, he will be the FIRST PM EVER to lose an election during a period of continuous economic growth. This is unjust. Howard must stay!”

Other supporters noted there was still work to be done but Mr Howard was still the man for the job.

“I would like our current Prime Minister to continue governing our nation. I have seen overall improvement and growth in many aspect (yes, there are areas that need to improve).” Joshua of Perth said.

And JA: “For all his faults Mr Howard has been a successful PM, and still has so much to offer.”

But even from the faithful the tone struggled, as Steve from Sydney beach suburb Harbord said: “I think John Howard is the best Prime Minister I have known. I like him a lot. I’d describe myself as essentially a Liberal Party voter.”

Despite this he was forced to concede: “I think it’s time for him to go. I don’t want him to experience defeat in office.”

Tom of Sydney also seemed to adopt a tone of resignation in his praise suggesting the election was a done deal: “Never ashamed of him in any company in any country - is a wonderful true Australian. Strong, decent and with guts. We were lucky to have him.”

There does not seem to be ringing support for Peter Costello with comments like these:

“John should stay on as there is no one else in the Liberal Party that is ready to become the leader.” Barnesy of Sydney said

“Costello does not resonate with many at all (he still has that smirk), and all the others are somewhat unknown,” reader “plufim” said.

And from a Queensland poster: “It would be suicidal for the Coalition if he goes. Howard is their best hope - like it or not. The Coalition’s success and failures are all linked to Howard.”

But nothing could sway Swordfish from Sydney: “I support Howard to contest this election, and I’d support him to win it, then contest and win 2010 too.”
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