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【梦幻新世纪】David Arkenstone& Charlee Brooks:《Loveren愛到盡頭》by ken

(2015-11-26 09:59:03) 下一个


【專輯歌手】:David Arkenstone(大衛·阿肯斯通) & Charlee Brooks(查理.布魯克斯)
【發行日期】:March 5, 2013
【專輯風格】:New Age, Instrumental, Vocal


《Loveren 愛到盡頭》是美國新世紀音樂家David Arkenstone 與 Charlee Brooks,根據短篇小說作家Steven Vlasak 的《Loveren》同名小說改編而來。講述了一個來自大海的神話,幻想的海盜冒險和永恆的愛情故事。

而David Arkenstone用他夢幻般的合成器和宏偉史詩般的管弦樂,鼓和打擊樂,等一些世界器樂,揉進了精緻華麗的流行女聲,賦予音樂一種更奇特的氛圍,大氣深沉,瀰漫著浪漫詩意幻想的氣氛。首曲'Origins'管弦樂風格,強大的節奏與飄渺而唯美靈魂女聲三者融合,隨著音樂氛圍的展開,愛之海,暗流湧動,令人屏息凝神溶化其中的質感餉宴。不要抗拒,是不是像在一個神奇世界裡, 富有想像力的海盜冒險,美人魚、愛情、浪漫和激情交織在一起,無邊無際中溫暖了我夜裡的夢。

"Lovéren" brings together well-known recording artist David Arkenstone and operatically gifted vocalist Charlee Brooks on one of the most elaborate CD productions in a long time. The original story of "Lovéren" is an imaginative odyssey of love, romance and passion set in the magical world of mermaids. In addition to Charlee's contributions as a vocalist and collaborator on many aspects of the production, she also created an original mermaid language called Mermish, to give the music an even more exotic ambience. While Charlee contributes both vocal and instrumental talents, David creates on keyboards, guitars, drums and percussion, bass, mandolin, vocals, and a number of world music instruments. The album also features additional players on percussion and Uilleann pipes, as well as symphonic touches from a thirteen-member string section. As if this were not enough, the lofty vocals of The Nashville Soul Choir add their distinctive sound to the production.

Opening appropriately with a track called "Origins," the neo-classical influence is felt as the delicate female vocals ride the waves of swelling strings. Fans of Enya will immediately be captivated by this dramatic intro. On "The Forbidden Sea," washes of dreamy synthesizer and harp evoke aquatic ambience and set the scene for the next chapter. As the music unfolds, powerful rhythmic undercurrents blend with airy otherworldly vocals - a theme that is found throughout the album. For me it all comes together on "Love Always Waits," the grand finale, where various elements from the album converge as it flows through its diverse passages.


02.The Forbidden Sea
04.Sessa Nulma
06.Song of Lov ren
08.Slip Away
09.Love Always Waits

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