01. 青瓦白墙恋徽州 Huizhou, verdant tile and white wall in the name of the city
02. 阳朔美景画中游 Yangshuo, beautiful scenery of the city just like a magical drawing
03. 水墨丹青凤凰城 Phoenix City, a city in Chinese ink and wash
04. 青稞飘香日喀则 Rikaze, the scent of the seed of high-land barley was wafted everywhere in the city
05. 曲阜孔儒风 Qufu, a holy city
06. 情满康定 Kangding, a city fulfill with Love
07. 大理雪月觅风花 Dali, romantic story with wind, flower, snow, moon.
08. 明月杭州夜 Hangzhou, a bright moon of night in sky
09. 伊犁:塞外江南 Yili, another Jiangnan city in frontier region
10. 平遥古韵 Pingyao, ancient charm
11. 丝路花雨锁泉州 Quanzhou, city is surrounded by Silk Way and rain of flower
12. 丽江,梦中的香格里拉 Lijiang, SHANGRI-LA in dream
专辑英文名: Our Gone Home
专辑中文名: 我们远去的家园2
艺术家: 集韵堂
发行时间: 2008年
乐声或欢快活泼、或神秘浪漫、或精致优雅、或古朴凝重……这是 集韵堂 倾力打造的《Our Gone Home II 我们远去的家园2》,秉承《Home That We Far Go To 我们远去的家园》的精心制作,同时更具抒情风格,情融于景,景寓于情,引领你开始一段情景交融的心灵之旅。
01. Recalling the Border-fortress 忆塞上
02. The Forbidden Garden 紫禁花园
03. Story of Border Town 边城故事
04. Night Chant in Fishing Boat beside Xiang River 渔舟湘江晚唱
05. Night of Ulan Bator Grassland 乌兰巴托草原之夜
06. The Dream of Chibi Startles String 赤壁梦惊弦
07. Grand Courtyard 深宅大院
08. Night Cool Breeze in the Bamboo Tower of Banna 版纳竹楼夜凉风
09. Old Path and Sunny Day in Loulan 楼兰古道艳阳天
10. Small bridge, flowing water and household 小桥、流水、人家
11. Celestial Track of Peng Lai 蓬莱仙踪
12. Wandering Arcadia along Stream 溪行桃花源