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英文听力:Forrest Gump 15 (电影录音剪辑)

(2009-05-07 20:33:12) 下一个



Forrest Gump 015
Gump: OK.

Dan: Yeah, but don’t you be thinking that I’m going to be calling you sir.

Gump: No, sir... (Crash!) That’s my boat.

Dan: I have a feeling if we head due* east, we’ll find some shrimp, so take a left.Take a left.

Gump: Which way?

Dan: Over there. They’re over there. Get on the wheel and take a left.

Gump: OK.

Dan: Gump, what are you doing? Left! Take a left! That’s where we’re going to find those shrimp, my boy! Ha ha! That’s where we’ll find ‘em.

Gump: Still no shrimp, Lieutenant Dan.

Dan: OK, so I was wrong.

Gump: How we gonna find them?

Dan: Maybe you should just pray for shrimp.

Forrest: So I went to church every Sunday. Sometimes Lieutenant Dan came too, though I think he left the praying up to me.

Gump: No shrimp.

Dan: Where the hell is this God of yours?

Forrest: It’s funny Lieutenant Dan said that, because right then, God showed up. Now, me, I was scared. But Lieutenant Dan, he was mad.

Dan: Come on! You call this a storm? C’mon you son-of-a-bitch, it’s time for a showdown*: you and me. I’m right here. Come and get me. You’ll never sink this boat.

Newsman: Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday, destroying nearly everything in it’s path, and as in other towns up and down the coast, Bayou La Batre’s entire shrimping industry has fallen victim to Carmen as has been left in utter* ruin. Speaking with local officials, this reporter has learned in fact only one shrimping boat actually survived* the storm.

Mrs.Gump: Louise. Louise, there’s Forrest.

Forrest: After that shrimpin’ was easy. Since people still needed them shrimps for shrimp cocktails and barbecues and all and we were the only boat left standing, Bubba Gump shrimp is what they got. We got a whole bunch of boats. Twelve Jennys. A big old warehouse*. We even have hats that say Bubba Gump on them. Bubba Gump Shrimp. It’s a household* name.

Listener: Hold on there boy. Are you tellin’ me that you’re the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation?

Forrest: Yes, sir. We got more money than Davey Crocket.

Listener: Boy, I’ve heard some whoppers* in my time but that tops them all. We were sittin’ next to a millionaire.

Woman: Well, I thought it was a very lovely story and you tell it so well, with such enthusiasm*.

Forrest: Would you like to see what Lieutenant Dan looks like?

Woman: Yes, I would.

Forrest: That’s him right there, and let me tell you something about Lieutenant Dan.

Dan: Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.

Forrest: He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God.


* due: 正; 不偏不斜

* showdown: 摊牌


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