Forrest Gump 17
Jenny: You done watching it?
Gump: Will you marry me? I’d make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny: You would, Forrest.
Gump: But you don’t want to marry me.
Jenny: You won’t marry me.
Gump: Why don’t you love me, Jenny? I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. ( later) Jenny?
Jenny: Forrest, I do love you.
Man: Where are you runnin’ off to?
Jenny: I’m not runnin’.
That day, for no particular reason I decided to go for a little run so I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there I thought maybe I’d run to the end of the town and when I got there, I thought, maybe I’d just run across Greenbow County. And I figured since I run this far, maybe I’ll just run across the great state of Alabama. And that’s what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean, and when I got there, I figured since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around and keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn back and keep right on going. When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate and when I had to go… you know, I went.
Woman: And so, you just ran.
Forrest: Yeah, I’d think a lot, about mama, and Bubba and Lieutenant Dan. But most of all, I thought about Jenny. I thought about her a lot.
Newsman: For more than two years now, a man named Forrest Gump, a gardner from Greenbow Alabama, stopping only to sleep , has been running across America....
Newsman: For the fourth time on his journey across America, Forrest Gump, a gardener from Greenbow, Alabama is about to cross the Mississippi River again today....
Jenny: I’ll be damned. Newsman: Sir, why are you running?
NewsWoman: Are you doing this for world peace?
Newsman: Are you doing this for the homeless?
Newsman: Are you running for women’s rights?
Newsman: Or for the environment?
Newsman: Or for animals?
Forrest: They just couldn’t believe that someone would do all that running for no particular reason.
NewsWoman: Why are you doing this?
Gump: I just felt like running.
Forrest: I just felt like running.
Jogger: It’s you! I can’t believe it’s really you.
Forrest: Now for some reason what I was doing seemed to make sense to people.
Jogger: I mean, it’s like an alarm went off in my head, you know. I said, here’s a guy who’s got his act together*. Here’s somebody who’s got it all figured out. Here’s someone who has the answer. I’ll follow you anywhere, Mr.Gump.
So, I got company. And after that, I got more company, and then, even more people joined in. Somebody later told me it gave people hope. Now, I don’t know anything about that. But some of those people asked me if I could help them out.
Hey man. Hey, listen, I was wondering if you might help me. I’m in the bumper* sticker* business and I’ve been trying to think up a good slogan and since you have been such a big inspiration* to the people around you. I thought you might be able to... Whoa! Man, you just ran through a big pile of dog shit!
Gump: It happens.
Man: What? Shit?
Gump: Sometimes.
* get one’s act together: 朝既定目标前进
* bumper: 保险杠,防撞杠
* sticker: 不干胶
* inspiration: 激励