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英文听力:Forrest Gump 09 (电影录音剪辑)

(2009-05-02 08:02:07) 下一个


Forrest Gump 09

Bubba: Hey, Forrest?

Gump: Hey, Bubba.


 I’m going to lean against you. You just lean right back against me. This way, we don’t have to sleep with our heads on the mud. You know why we’re a good partnership, Forrest? ‘Cause we be watchin’ out for one another. Like brothers and stuff. Hey, Forrest. There’s somethin’ I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout. I’ve got a very important question to ask you. How would you like to go into the shrimpin’ business with me?

Gump: OK.


 Man, I’ll tell you what. I’ve got it all figured out too. So many pounds of shrimp to pay-off the boat. So many pounds for gas. We can just live right on the boat. We ain’t got to pay no rent. I’ll be the captain and we can just work it together. Split everything right down the middle. Man, I’m telling you, 50-50. Now hey, Forrest, all the shrimp you can eat.

Gump: That’s a fine idea.


 Bubba did have a fine idea. I even wrote Jenny and told her all about it. I sent her letters, not everyday, but almost. I told her what I was doing, and asked her what she was doing. And told her how I thought about her always, and how I was looking forward to getting a letter from her, just as soon as she had the time. I’d always let her know that I was OK. Then I signed each letter “Love, Forrest Gump” .. One day, we was out walking, like always and then, just like that, somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out.


(fighting in the jungle)

Dan: Run, goddammit! Run!


 I ran and ran, just like Jenny told me to. I ran so far so fast, that pretty soon, I was all by myself, which was a bad thing. Bubba was my best good friend, I had to make sure that he was OK. And on my way back to find Bubba, well there was this boy lying on the ground. I couldn’t just let him lay there all alone, scared the way he was, so I grabbed him up and run him out of there. And every time I went back looking for Bubba, somebody else was saying “Help me, Forrest. Help me.” I started to get scared that I might never find Bubba.

Dan: I know my position. There’s Danger close. We got Charlie all over this area. I got to have those fast-movers*in there now, over.

Gump: Lieutenant Dan, Coleman is dead.

Dan: I know he’s dead. My whole goddamm platoon is wiped out. Gaddamn it! What are you doing? You leave me here. Get away. Get out. I said leave me here, goddammit!

Radio: This is Strongarm. Your first movers are inbound*at this time, over.

Forrest: Then, it felt like somethin’ just jumped up and bit me.

Dan: I can’t leave the platoon. I told you to leave me there, Gump! Forget about me. Get yourself out. Did you hear what I said? GodDanmit, put me down. Get your ass out of here. I didn’t ask you to pull me out of there, goddamn you. Where the hell do you think you’re going?

Gump: To get Bubba.

Dan: I’ve got an airstrike inbound right now. They’re going to napalm*the whole area. Gump, you stay here, goddammit. That’s’ an order!

Gump: I gotta find Bubba!


*stinging: 带刺的

*shoot: 此处同shit

*fast-movers: 轰炸机

*inbound: 进入指定区域

*napalm: 用固体燃烧汽油弹轰炸


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