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体育美语: 篮球 - Basketball

(2009-02-22 18:22:16) 下一个
体育美语:篮球 - Basketball

P: Hey, Yang Chen, the Olympic basketball match between the U.S. and the Chinese teams is about to start. Let's go now.

Y: WOW, the stadium is packed! 看来这场中美篮球之战太令人期待了!

P: Which team are you rooting for?

Y: Hey - I think we should root for different teams. How about I root for the Chinese Team, 我支持中国队,你支持美国队。

Let's go, Team China, Let's go!

P: Let's go, Team USA, Let's go!

Do you think the basketball court looks smaller from here?

Y : 篮球场看着很小?那是因为我俩儿买的是便宜票,离篮球场地太远了。

别说话了,要开场了。Here comes the tip-off.

P: Let's see who gets the ball after the tip-off. Ah, the Chinese team got the ball.

The Chinese team scored a three pointer! And wait... Yao Ming scored it!

Y : 中国队一开场就得三分球,太棒了。 Let's go, Team China, Lets go!

P: Ok. A Team USA player just committed a personal foul, so Team China gets to shoot from the free throw line.

Y : Free throw, 投篮的时候没有人拦, 那还不是百发百中。Yay, another point for Team China!

P: Looks like the Chinese Team is on fire.

Rebound for Team USA .

Y : 美国队抢了栏板球?Oh no.

P: What a beautiful slam dunk! Looks like Team USA is in control of the game.

Y : 灌篮有什么了不起,中国队也来一个slam dunk!

P: Ah, but the ball is out of bounds.

Y : 那一定是美国队犯规,球才出界了。美国队Booooo...

P:Yang Chen, did you see the score? Team USA has won, and Team China has lost.

Y: No, Team China didn't lose, they just fell a little bit short of smashing Team USA.

P: A little bit short? Team USA beat Team China by 31 points. So..... you mean 31 points short?

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