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体育美语: 划艇运动 Crew (or Bowing)

(2008-12-12 21:42:14) 下一个

体育美语: 001讲


Y: Hi, this is Yang Chen.

P: And I'm Patrick. So, today Yang Chen we are going to be introducing everyone to this sport...

(Sound effect of rowing)

P: It's called crew. C-R-E-W.

Y: That's right. Crew也叫rowing,就是划艇运动。

P: Crew or rowing is a sport with an ancient history, but the first races took place in England.

(God Save the Queen music).

Y: 最早的crew比赛开始于英国,在牛津这些英国大学非常流行。不过划艇运动也是美国大学校园历史最悠久的一项体育活动。

P: Crew involves teams of 2, 4 or 8 rowers in a row boat called a shell.

Y: 划艇用的船叫做shell。这是一项集体运动,有两人,也有四人或八人一组的。

P: A shell can be very long. A shell for a team of eight rowers is about 60 feet long!

Y: Whoa, 60 feet,那就等于是18米多!

P: To row a boat that long requires a lot of upper body strength and endurance.

Y: Upper body strength 上半身要有力气,尤其是臂力。Look at my muscles, Patrick.

P: Very impressive. I think you should take up the sport of crew or rowing and maybe someday you can participate in the Olympic games.

Y: Nah. 我虽然有upper body strength,但是endurance耐力不够。Hmm, I could use some exercise.

P: What do you say we head to the gym and do some serious rowing?

Y: Let's go!



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