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The Rain

(2008-10-01 20:32:55) 下一个

Title: The Rain
Artist: Floweryard
Album: Morning Mist

I find my way here in the rain
A silent friend, need not explain
Deep inside, deep inside of me

Raindrops on a leaf
The morning mist, cover the fields
Leaves blow in the wind
Carry me home, carry me home

Blowing wind touch my cheek
Gently speak, see me weep
Cross the fields, where I seek
Out of reach, that's where I can breath

I find my way here in the rain
A silent friend, need not explain
It comforts me, and speaks to me
The rain pours down like it pours down
Deep inside, deep inside of me

As in a dream, I begin to see
Rain pouring down, on everyone
Do you cry , when I hide
You feel my pain, sometimes you
seem to understand

I find my way here in the rain
A silent friend, need not explain
It comforts me, and speaks to me
The rain pours down like it pours down
Deep inside, deep inside of me

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YuGong 回复 悄悄话 回复:英文歌曲:The Rain
来源: 宋德利利 于 08-10-01 22:10:37 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

回答: 英文歌曲:The Rain 由 YuGong 于 2008-10-01 20:36:33

YuGong, my silent friend

I like to walk in the rain
I like to think my silent friend
A silent friend, need not explain
You comfort me, and silently speak to me

I like to write in the evening
I like to think my silent friend
A silent friend, need not explain
You comfort me, and timely write to me

I like listening English songs when tired
I like to think my silent friend
A silent friend, need not explain
You comfort me with beautiful songs
