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A Spelling Bee for Regular Folks (看图拼单词, from msn.com)

(2008-05-30 05:10:16) 下一个

A Spelling Bee for Regular Folks
It's not as easy as it seems!
By Tatyana Mishel

Here are some commonly misspelled words. Some may look easy, but some of these seemingly easy-to-spell words have even stumped national spelling bee contestants.

How to play: We'll give you a picture and put the word in a sentence. Then it's up to you. Don't forget to breathe — and have fun.

Preserved vegetable © Burke/Triolo/Jupiterimages

Some like sweet, others prefer a crunchy dill ______ with their tuna sandwiches. And some just like the drama of getting themselves in a ______. How do you spell it? (Answer.)

Small dog © Brand X Pictures /Jupiterimages

Last year, Paula Abdul tripped over her pet _________ and broke her nose. Spell this miniature dog breed that starts with "c." (Answer.)


Flakey pastry © Anthony-Masterson/GettyImages

You haven't had a________ until you've eaten one in Paris. One at your local Starbucks doesn't count. Spell this pastry. (Answer.)

A rum-based cocktail © Larry Gatz/Getty Images

This rum-based drink was a favorite of Ernest Hemingway. We're not sure that he would have belted back a frozen strawberry ________, however.  (Answer.)


Tracks days/months © Image Source/Jupiterimages

"I'm sorry I missed your baby shower. It seems I forgot to write it on my _______." (Answer.)


Where the dead rest © Marianna Day Massey/Corbis

Peaceful, sad, scary — everyone has a different reaction to visiting the dead at a ________. For scary, we blame Stephen King. (Answer.)


Often made of gold © Alison Wright/Robert Harding/Jupiterimages

Some like it fancy, some like the costume variety, but either way ______ adds a little bling to life. (Answer.)


Thunder follows this © Image Farm/Jupiterimages

Few acts of nature are as dramatic as a good  _________ storm. Hint: It's not thunder, the one that follows. (Answer.)


Cleans carpets © Lawrence Manning/Corbis

It's easier to use this object than to spell it, but really — who likes to ______? (Answer.)


Army boss © James W. Porter/Corbis
What would you do if you had to start your day to the orders of a drill ________? We'd hide under our bunks. (Answer.)
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