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(2008-02-25 18:40:15) 下一个


J.P. Morgan Raises Takeover Offer for Bear Stearns
(J.P. 摩根收购贝尔斯登的竞价提高)

U.S. investment bank J.P. Morgan Chase has raised its takeover offer for troubled rival Bear Stearns from two-dollars a share to about 10 dollars.

Sources close to the companies say J.P. Morgan's higher bid is meant to appease Bear Stearns shareholders who strongly objected to the lower price.

J.P. Morgan agreed to buy Bear Stearns earlier this month in a rescue deal backed by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The New York Times says the Federal Reserve is reluctant to help finance J.P. Morgan's higher bid for Bear Stearns.

The newspaper says the central bank does not want to be seen as spending taxpayers' money to bail out a bank that should take responsibility for its own risky behavior.






Tibet's Exile Government Says 130 Killed in Protests

Tibet's India-based government-in-exile now says 130 people died in the recent clashes between protesters and Chinese authorities in and around Tibet.

Tibetan exile groups previously said at least 80 people were killed in Lhasa, and that clashes in other Chinese provinces killed nearly 20 others. The Chinese government puts the official death toll from the riots at 19.

World leaders have been calling for a peaceful resolution of the situation in Tibet. Today (Monday), French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he sent a letter to Chinese President Hu Jintao and offered to act as a go-between for China and representatives of the Dalai Lama.




星期四 (032008)

Bin Laden Issues Warning to European Union over Prophet Cartoons

Al Qaida Terrorist Leader Osama bin Laden -- in a new message -- has warned the European Union that it will be severely punished for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in European newspapers. In an audio recording posted to an al-Qaida-affiliated Web site late Wednesday, a voice said to be that of bin Laden's says publishing the cartoons was a greater offense than Western forces bombing the homes of women and children. The audio track with English subtitles is heard over a video image of bin Laden holding a rifle.

Satirical cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed were published in Danish newspapers in 2006, sparking mass riots in Islamic nations worldwide. Last month they republished one of the cartoons -- in which Mohammed is wearing a bomb as a turban -- to show their commitment to freedom of speech, after police said a plot to kill the artist was uncovered. The bin Laden statement says the cartoons are part of a new crusade against Islam in which the Vatican has played a large and lengthy role.



US Jobless Claims Rise

The number of newly laid-off U.S. workers rose last week, the latest sign that the economic downturn is affecting the job market.A report Thursday from the Labor Department said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time rose 22-thousandto 378-thousand. Other data show the number of jobs in the U.S. economy declined in each of the past two months.


星期三 (031808)

China Says Olympic Torch Relay for Beijing Games will Continue Through Tibet

A Chinese Olympic official says the traditional Olympic torch relay will go through Tibet as planned, despite the recent crackdown by Beijing on protesters in the region. Jian Xiaoyu, the executive vice president of the organizing committee, says officials expect the situation in Tibet is stable enough to ensure a successful relay. The torch will be lit on Monday in Athens, Greece -- the ancient home of the Olympic games -- and will be flown to Beijing on March 31st.

The flame is scheduled to be taken to the top of Mount Everest in May, then will pass through the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Hundreds of pro-Tibet demonstrators gathered Tuesday at the International Olympic Committee headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, where they appealed to the committee to halt the Tibet leg of the Olympic torch relay.



Chinese Premier Reported Willing to Meet With Dalai Lama

Britain's prime minister says Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has told him he is willing to hold talks with Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, under certain conditions. Gordon Brown says Mr. Wen made the remark Wednesday during a phone conversation. Mr. Brown said he made clear to China's premier that there has to be an end to the violence in Tibet.

Mr. Wen's reported remark was in contrast to remarks from China's top Communist Party official in Tibet, who has lashed out at the Dalai Lama, saying China is engaged in a "life and death struggle" with the the Dalai Lama. Peaceful protests against Chinese rule in Tibet began early last week and gradually turned violent. China blames the Dalai Lama for the unrest -- a charge he denies.



星期二 (031808)

IOC Says No Governments Call for Olympic Boycott

International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge says no governments have called for a boycott of the Beijing Olympic Games because of China's handling of the unrest in Tibet. Rogge said he had been "heartened" that major governments were "almost unanimously" against a boycott. His statement came after European sports ministers and Olympic committees came out against any boycott of the Games on Monday. European Olympic Committees head Patrick Hickey said boycotts never worked. 

He added that boycotts of the Montreal Games in 1976, Moscow Olympics in 1980 and at the 1984 Games in Los Angeles only punished the athletes. Pro-Tibet demonstrators announced plans for a protest outside the International Olympic Committee's headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland on Tuesday. They will call on the IOC to block plans for the Olympic torch to pass through Tibet. 



U.N. Says Iraq Refugees Fuel Rise in Asylum Seekers

The U.N. refugee agency says a five-year decline in asylum applications in industrialized nations was reversed in 2007, largely due to a continued rise in Iraqi asylum seekers. In a release issued Tuesday The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees reports the number of applications for refugee status in industrialized nations rose ten percent in 2007. 2006 had been the lowest for applications in 20 years.

The agency reports that Iraq asylum seekers top the list for the second year in a row in 2007 - and that number almost doubled from 2006. More than 45 thousand Iraqis applied for asylum last year.

The UNCHR says that Iraqi asylum seekers in industrialized countries make up only one percent of the estimated four-point-five million Iraqis displaced by the conflict in that nation.





European Union Sports Leaders, Russia Oppose Boycott of Olympic Games

European Union sports officials are voicing opposition to a boycott of this year's Beijing Olympic Games amid China's handling of protests in Tibet.

Speaking ahead of a meeting today (Monday) of EU sports officials in Europe (in Slovenia), Slovenia's sports minister (Milan Zver) said he was against a boycott of the Summer Games. He also said discussion of a boycott during the meeting will be hard to avoid. 

Russia added its voice today to those opposing a boycott because of the situation in Tibet. A statement from the Foreign Ministry says the protests in Tibet are an internal matter. The ministry criticized what it called attempts to politicize the Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee says several top athletes are considering a boycott of this year's Beijing Olympics as a protest against China's crackdown on activists in Tibet. 





IOC Concerned About Possible Olympics Boycott

The International Olympic Committee says several top athletes are considering a boycott of this year's Beijing Olympics as a protest against China's crackdown on activists in Tibet. 

During a one-day visit to the island of Saint Lucia in the Eastern Caribbean Sunday, IOC President Jacques Rogge said the Olympic Committee is very concerned about the situation as China prepares to host the Olympics in August.

Rogge said Saturday a boycott would only penalize athletes. He has declined to say whether the IOC would change its position if the crackdown continues.

IOC members and senior government officials in several European countries say that they oppose any boycott of the games.





星期五 (031308)

US Senate Passes $3 Trillion Budget Plan

The U.S. Senate has approved a three-trillion dollar budget plan. The Democratic-controlled Senate approved the measure early Friday by a vote of 51-44, mostly along party lines. The budget blueprint will guide Congress as it passes spending bills for the 2009 fiscal year, which begins in October. The Senate resolution must be reconciled with a similar budget plan approved by the House of Representatives.

In the Senate plan, lawmakers rejected a one year ban on earmarks -- spending allocations for projects favored by specific members of Congress. Presumed Republican presidential nominee John McCain had called for the ban on earmarks. 
The Senate also approved the continuation of some of President Bush's tax cuts, including one for the working poor, but not for wealthier Americans.



EU Leaders Back Goals for Fighting Climate Change

European Union leaders have backed ambitious goals to fight climate change but stressed that they must be affordable at a time of economic downturn. In a statement issued at the conclusion of a two-day summit in Brussels, the leaders pledged to finalize by next year their strategy for a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020. But they stressed that the cost of the project should not impose excessive costs on EU member states.

Thursday, the leaders accepted a modified version of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's proposal for a new Mediterranean trading bloc that would include North African and Middle Eastern countries. The French leader won the support of his EU colleagues after accepting changes that eased Germany's concerns that the proposal would undermine EU unity. The leaders instructed EU officials to work out further details by July.



星期四 (031308)

China Steps up Air Security After 'Terrorist Plot'

China has announced new regulations to increase airline security and ensure transportation safety in the run up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In a statement posted on its Web site Thursday, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said staff will open and check more bags. Passengers will be banned from carrying any kind of liquid aboard domestic flights.

The administration also said "easy check-in" services, which allow passengers to pay for the privilege of speedier security checks and priority boarding, would be banned.
The new rules come less than a week after the Chinese government announced that it recently foiled a hijacking attempt on a passenger plane flying from China's northwestern region of Xinjiang to Beijing. State media in China have called the hijacking a "planned terrorist attack."



Indian Police Detain Tibetan Protesters

Indian police have arrested 100 people marching to the Tibetan border to protest the upcoming Olympic Games in China Thursday. Shortly after being detained , protest organizers warned that those in custody will go on a hunger strike.

The Tibetan marchers and some foreigners set off Monday from Dharmsala, the headquarters of the Tibetan government in exile. Earlier this week, Indian police briefly blocked the marchers and ordered them not to leave Kangra district. Indian
authorities say the protest violates a promise by exiled Tibetan leaders not to conduct anti-China political activities on Indian soil. 

The march was one of several events around the world this week to mark the 1959 Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. On Tuesday, several hundred Tibetan monks marched toward Tibet's capital, Lhasa, shouting independence slogans. Witnesses say Chinese police fired tear gas at the protesters.




星期三 (031208)

Asian, European Stocks Rise

World stock prices are surging following major gains on Wall Street Tuesday and new injections of cash in some major global financial markets. European markets are making strong gains in Wednesday's trading, with most of the major markets up one percent or more by midday. 

Major stock indexes in Japan, Hong Kong and Taipei all closed higher Wednesday, along with markets in Manila, Sydney, Taipei and Wellington. On Tuesday, the Fed -- acting in coordination with the central banks in Canada and Europe offered 200 billion dollars to banks and mortgage providers and said it could increase the size of the program if needed.



Russia's Oldest Person Dies at 117

Russia's oldest person -- a hunter and farmer from the Far East -- has died at age 117. Varvara Semennikova was just weeks from her 118th birthday when she died Sunday. 

Official records say she was born to a family of farmers and hunters in the Evenkia republic in May 1890. She was married twice and adopted three children after all her natural-born children died. Semennikova was Russia's oldest citizen and claimed to be the world's oldest living person. Her claim had not been verified by the Guinness Book of World Records.


官方记录显示,谢缅尼科娃1890年出生在俄罗斯伊基雅共和国一个农民和猎人的家庭。 她结过两次婚。在自己所有的亲生孩子去世后,谢缅尼科娃领养过3个孩子。谢缅尼科娃是俄罗斯最长寿的公民,并声称是全世界上最长寿的人。这项声称没有得到吉尼斯世界记录的核准。


China Admits Arrest of Monks in Tibet

The Chinese government has acknowledged it detained more than 60 Tibetan monks who demonstrated in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa Monday to commemorate the anniversary of an uprising against Chinese rule.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Tuesday the demonstration was an illegal act that challenged social stability. Qin called the participants "ignorant monks," abetted by what he described as a "small handful of other people." 

Monday was the 49th anniversary of a failed uprising that was crushed by the Chinese military, prompting Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, to flee into exile in northern India.

Also, a group of about 100 Tibetan exiles in northern India defied police orders Tuesday and resumed a protest march to their homeland to protest Beijing hosting the Summer Olympics.





China's February Inflation Soars to 11-Year High

Chinese officials say inflation jumped to an 11-year high of eight-point-seven percent in February. The National Statistics Bureau said Tuesday that the increase was driven by a 23 percent jump in food prices. It was a sharp increase from January's seven-point-one percent and exceeded the eight percent figure outside economists had expected.

By contrast, non-food prices were up by only one-point-six percent in February from one year earlier.

Snowstorms that began in early January and lasted into February devastated China's south, destroyed crops, paralyzed shipping and forced some steel mills and factories to shut down. Shortages of meat and vegetable in the snow-hit areas caused prices to soar.





China's Trade Surplus Plunges in February

China's trade surplus plunged 64 percent in February from a year earlier, as imports surged and exports sagged.

China's customs administration said today (Monday) that the trade surplus for February shrank to just eight-point-56 billion dollars from 19-point-five billion in January and 23-point-eight billion a year earlier.

Economists had been expecting a weakening of the export performance, partly as a result of the U.S. economic problems, making the American consumer less likely to buy Chinese goods.

Analysts said record snowstorms and the timing of the Lunar New Year holiday also contributed to the surplus decline.

China's surpluses cause tension with trading partners and threaten to worsen inflation by flooding the financial system with cash.





China Announces New Bullet Train Route

Officials in China say they will inaugurate a new bullet train route between Beijing and Tianjin in August.

The official Xinua news agency quoted railway officials Sunday as saying the Chinese-made train will run at 300 kilometers per hour.

The officials said the train would reduce the travel time between Beijing and Tianjin to 30 minutes from the current 70 to 80 minutes.

Shao Liping, director of the railway authority in Nanning, said a prototype of the train was finished in December, and has already completed a test run.

Officials said the train should be in service in time for the start of the 2008 Olympic Games.







WFP Distributes Emergency Food Assistance in Afghanistan

The U.N. World Food Program says it is providing emergency food assistance to millions of Afghans who cannot afford to buy wheat and wheat flour. The WFP said in a statement Thursday Afghans urgently need food to help them overcome increases in wheat prices that have exceeded 70 percent during the past year.

The agency said spring floods are a further concern, especially after a harsh winter with melting snow and spring rains expected to threaten tens of thousands of people. WFP Country Director in Afghanistan Rick Corsino said the agency plans to reach two-and-a-half-million people in the next three months, positioning 15-thousand tons of food in areas at greatest risk. Global food prices have risen by 40 percent since last June.



China Says Darfur Crisis Should Not Be Linked to Olympics

China's Special Envoy to Sudan Liu Guijinsays attempts by international activists to link the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games to the crisis in Darfur are nreasonable. Speaking to reporters Friday in Beijing, Liu Guijin says the Sudanese government could do more to "show its sincerity." But Liu accuses Darfur rebel groups of continuing to attack Sudanese villages and police stations, in an effort to gain greater influence in negotiations with Khartoum.

Liu says he has paid four visits to Sudan to talk to Sudanese government leaders about reaching a lasting diplomatic solution to the crisis. Beijing has close diplomatic and business ties with Sudan, including oil deals and weapons sales. Liu says China is simply a partner with other Asian nations in the oil deals. And he says his country is one of seven countries supplying arms to Khartoum.




China Says Schedule for President's Trip to Japan not Finalized

China's Foreign Ministry says a groundbreaking trip by Chinese President Hu Jintao to Japan has not yet been finalized. Speaking with reporters Thursday in Beijing, a ministry spokesman said the visit, the first by a Chinese president in a decade, is still under discussion. But, he also stressed China's commitment to improve relations between the two countries.

Japanese officials have said that Mr. Hu would visit in April, but recent media reports in Japan have suggested the trip might be delayed until May because of an ongoing investigation into a food safety dispute.

Earlier this year, poisoned Chinese-made dumplings made 10 people sick in Japan, sparking a nationwide food scare. Investigators say the dumplings were deliberately poisoned with pesticide, but it is unclear where the poisoning took place.




China Dismisses U.S. Report About its Growing Military Power

China's official Communist Party newspaper says the United States is exaggerating Chinese military capabilities to justify arms sales to Taiwan. An editorial in the People's Daily newspaper Thursday denounced a U.S. military report released Monday.

That report said Beijing was developing space-based weapons, and had increased its ability to conduct cyberwarfare.

The Chinese editorial also slammed Washington for rejecting a joint Russian-Chinese initiative on an anti-space weapons treaty. China says it will increase defense spending in 2008 by more than 17 percent, for a total of more than 57-billion dollars.

U.S. Defense Secretary Gates says China's military spending is higher than the communist state has admitted.




Chinese Hijacker Shot and Killed After Taking Australians Hostage

Chinese police have shot and killed a bus hijacker in northwest China after he took a group of Australian tourists hostage. Media reports from Australia and China say the man was armed with explosives and took 10 Australian tourists and their interpreter hostage. Nine were later released.

China's official Xinhua news agency says police shot and killed the hostage-taker after negotiations failed, securing the release of a 48-year old Australian woman.

Xinhua says the standoff lasted about two hours and took place in the center of Xian city in China's Shaanxi province. Xian is a popular tourist stop in China and near the site of the famed terracotta army where thousands of life-sized figures of warriors and horses are preserved in a tomb with China's first emperor.




Fire Kills 8 Disabled Children in Southern China

Chinese state media say a fire at a home for the disabled has killed at least eight children in Huizhou City, Guangdong province. The official Xinhua news agency says the children died of smoke inhalation after a mosquito-repellent incense coil set fire to

bed covers. The accident happened overnight.

The report says the children were apparently asleep when smoke filled their room. The institution's staff found them early Wednesday. The eight children were aged four to eight and were either blind, physically or mentally disabled.




China To Cooperate With WTO Over News Controls

China says it will follow World Trade Organization rules in settling a dispute with the European Union and the United States over restrictions on foreign suppliers of financial information.

China's Commerce Ministry said in a statement posted on its website Tuesday that Beijing respects the choices of WTO members. Europe and the U.S. are urging China to ease rules giving its Xinhua news agency the right to license and distribute financial news from overseas media organizations like Bloomberg, Dow Jones and Reuters. The rules forbid any foreign financial news company from dealing directly with Chinese clients.

China says it will strongly consider the request and deal with the dispute according to WTO procedures.




China Announces Increase in Military Spending

Chinese officials have announced an increase in defense spending of more than 17 percent this year. Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for China's National People's Congress, or parliament, told a news conference Tuesday that military spending in 2008 will exceed 57 billion dollars, up 17-point-six percent from last year.

China's defense spending last year rose nearly 18 percent. Other countries say China vastly underreports how much it spends on its military and the real figure could be three times as much as the publicly-released number.

The U.S. Defense Department issued a report Monday, expressing concern about China's expanding military power, saying it poses a risk to security in Asia.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang says the report is a serious distortion of facts, and it interfered in the country's internal affairs.






More Non-Communists to Become High Officials in China

Chinese state media say more non-communists will be given top government posts following last year's appointment of two ministers from outside the Communist Party since the late 1970s.

China's eight non-communist parties are reported to have a combined membership of 700-thousand. The media cited Wu Jianmin, who is spokesman for the first session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The meeting opens today ahead of China's legislature.

China's official Xinhua news agency says more than two-thousand CPPCC members will meet in Beijing for the next 11 days. Wu says Taiwan's upcoming referendum on joining the United Nations will be a key topic at the meeting. Wu said he hopes Taiwanese independence activities will be stopped.




Pro-Kremlin Youth Demonstrate Outside U.S. Embassy

Hundreds of pro-Kremlin youth demonstrated outside the U.S. Embassy in Moscow Monday following the victory of Dimitri Medvedev in Sunday's presidential election.

Members of the youth group Nashi wore capes emblazoned with the slogan "Russia Forward." A large banner said American wives should be taught to cook cabbage soup. The phrase is a reference to a sarcastic comment President Vladimir Putin made last month that Western election observers should mind their own business and teach their wives to make cabbage soup.




Murder Suspect Captured in Southern US

Chinese national Nai Yin Xue wanted for allegedly murdering his wife in New Zealand has been apprehended in the United States. Authorities say Nai Yin Xue was arrested Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia. Xue is accused of murdering his wife, An'an Liu, last September in New Zealand, then abandoning the three-year-old daughter at a train station in Melbourne, Australia, before fleeing to the U.S.

Federal law enforcement agents posted his picture on billboards and a popular television show devoted to capturing fugitives. Authorities say Xue was recognized by a group of Chinese nationals in Atlanta, who physically restrained him until police arrived. He initially gave a false name, but police found his wallet with his New Zealand driver's license.

Xue will be extradited to New Zealand to face the murder charge. His daughter is living in China with relatives. 




Britain To Withdraw Prince From Afghanistan After Deployment Revealed

Britain's Ministry of Defense says Prince Harry will be withdrawn from Afghanistan immediately now that his deployment on the front lines of the war with the Taliban has been revealed. The British government had reached an agreement with major media operating in Britain that they would not report the prince's deployment until it was scheduled to end in mid-June.

But this week an American Web site broke the news blackout on the service of the 23-year-old prince, third in line to the throne, revealing that he has been fighting alongside his fellow troops in the lawless Helmand province in southern Afghanistan since mid-December. The head of the British army, General Richard Dannatt, says Prince Harry's conduct has been exemplary, and that the young royal has run the same risks as everyone else in his battle group.




Train Runs Over and Kills at Least 16 in Western India

Indian officials say a high-speed train ran over and killed at least 16 people, including two children, in the western state of Gujarat. Authorities said Thursday the incident occurred Wednesday night when the victims were crossing the railway track. Most of the victims were day laborers from Uttar Pradesh state. Officials are investigating the incident.


British FM Says sensitive issues should not interfere with the 2008 Beijing Olympics

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says he has raised human rights in talks with Chinese officials this week, but adds that sensitive issues should not interfere with the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Speaking with reporters Thursday after a meeting in Beijing with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Miliband said Britain does not waste any opportunities to raise its concerns about human rights in China. But from Britain's point of view, he said engagement, not isolation is the right way forward.

As the Olympics near, China is coming under increasing pressure from activists, rights groups and even Hollywood to improve its human rights record. Standing at Milband's side, China's foreign minister dismissed attempts to link human rights to the Olympics. Yang argued that people in China enjoy extensive freedom of speech.




New York Philharmonic Holds Historic Concert in North Korea

The New York Philharmonic Orchestra began a historic concert in North Korea Tuesday, with the national anthems of North Korea and the United States.

The Philharmonic is the most prominent American cultural institution to visit the isolated country.

Speaking to reporters after arriving at the Pyongyang airport Monday, the Philharmonic's musical director Lorin Maazel expressed his hope that the trip would improve ties between the United States and North Korea. Maazel said he is a musician, and not a politician, but if the music moves its audience, the Philharmonic will have done what it can to bring the people of the two countries closer.




Pentagon: China Prepares to Open U.S. POW/MIA Records to U.S. Investigators

U.S. defense officials say China is prepared to grant the United States access to military records that could resolve the fate of thousands of American servicemen missing from the Korean War. Pentagon officials said Monday that the two sides will sign an agreement on the prisoner of war and missing in action issue on Friday in China. The U.S. side will be represented by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Ray.

China entered the 1950 to 1953 Korean War on the side of the North against a U.S.-led United Nations' force. The United States says China held Americans as prisoners of war and also managed POW camps in North Korea. Ray's visit will follow that of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who arrives in Beijing Tuesday to discuss how to move North Korea's denuclearization process forward.




Russia's Medvedev Pledges Support to Serbia on Kosovo

Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev has told Serbian leaders there will be no shift in his country's support for Serb sovereignty over Kosovo.

Medvedev and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are in Belgrade for talks with Serbia's (pro-western) President Boris Tadic and (nationalist) Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.

Medvedev says Moscow's position is that Serbia is a single state whose jurisdiction covers all of its territory.

Medvedev is expected to win next Sunday's presidential election in Russia, and follow Vladimir Putin as the leader of the country.

Russia and Serbia also signed a one-and-a-half billion-dollar gas deal designed to bring Russian gas to Western Europe through a new pipeline to run (from the Black Sea) through Serbia.






 China Reports Third Bird Flu Death This Year

Chinese health officials say a 44-year-old woman, who is believed to have contracted the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, has died in southern China.

A statement on the Web site of the Health Department of Guangdon province identified the woman as a migrant worker in the southern city of Shanwei. The statement said the woman became ill after contact with dead poultry suspected of having the virus.

China has reported two bird flu deaths this year. Officials say the country has had 19 bird flu deaths since the outbreak began.





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