肖邦, 降A大调 波兰舞曲《英雄》 (作品53号)
Polonaise, Op. 53 (Chopin)
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The Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53 or (fr. Polonaise héroïque Heroic Polonaise) was written by Frédéric Chopin in 1842 for solo piano. This masterpiece is one of Chopin's most popular compositions and is still a current favorite of the classical pianoforte repertoire. The piece requires exceptional pianistic skills and requires virtuosity in order to be played at an appropriate level of quality.Although the piece is labeled as a polonaise, it has little to do with the typical polonaise style. It presents two sections with a polonaise rhythm, but most of it has no particular polonaise attribute. It has been said that Chopin had composed the piece having a free and powerful Poland in mind, which may have lead him to label it as a Polonaise.
Another possibility is that the Heroic Polonaise is closely related to the Polonaise in A major, Op.40, No. 1, known as the Military Polonaise. The introduction section of the Heroic is obviously inspired by the Military, which, unlike the Heroic, was a true polonaise.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonaise%2C_Op._53_%28Chopin%29

Vladimir Horowitz
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vladimir Samoylovich Horowitz (Russian: Владимир Самойлович Горовиц, Vladimir Samojlovič Gorovits; Ukrainian: Володимир Самійлович Горовиць, Volodymyr Samiylovich Horovyts) (1 October 1903 – 5 November 1989) was a Russian-American[1][2] pianist. In his prime, he was considered one of the most distinguished pianists of any age. His technique, use of tone color and the excitement of his playing are legendary. Though sometimes criticized for being overly mannered and showy, he has a huge and passionate following and is widely considered one of the greatest pianists of the twentieth century.
这是一首充满战斗力量和英雄气概,以《英雄》而著名的波兰舞曲,作于1842年。 肖邦的波兰舞曲根据其内容可分为两类,其一是以强壮的、雄纠纠的节奏,叙述波兰往昔封建时代的繁华;另一类则为忧郁的情绪,反映在沙皇俄国压制之下苦难的波兰。这一《英雄》波兰舞曲为前一类中的杰出代表。本曲气势磅礴,一气呵成,简直就是一首波澜壮阔的交响诗。因此有人认为本曲是作者用来描述十七世纪的一位波兰民族英雄抵抗外敌入侵的光辉史诗。肖邦的作品中有各式各样的英雄形象,本曲的主人公无疑是最具代表性的,肖邦在这一形象中倾注了自己全部的爱国热情。
Source: http://www.hongen.com/art/gdyy/amqbl/ga30307.htm