
每个高中毕业生应知道的100个单词 中英文对照

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abjure 发誓放弃, 避免, 公开放弃
/əbˈdʒʊə(r); əb`dʒᴜr/ v [Tn] (fml 文)
promise or swear to give up (a claim, an opinion, a belief, etc); renounce formally 承诺或发誓放弃(要求, 意见, 信仰等); 正式放弃:
abjure one's religion 发誓放弃其宗教信仰.

abrogate [5AbrEu^eit] vt.废除, 取消
/ˈæbrəgeɪt; `æbrəˌˇet/ v [Tn] (fml 文)
cancel, repeal or annul (sth) 废止; 废除; 取消; 宣告无效:
abrogate a law, custom, treaty 废除一法例, 习俗, 条约.

abstemious [Ab5sti:mjEs] adj.有节制的, 节约的
/əbˈstiːmɪəs; əb`stimɪəs/ adj not taking much food or drink; not self-indulgent; moderate 饮食有度的; 有节制的; 适度的:
an abstemious person, meal 饮食有度的人, 节俭的一餐
* abstemious habits 节制饮食的习惯.

acumen [E5kju:mEn] n.敏锐, 聪明
/ˈækjʊmen, also əˈkjuːmən; ə`kjumən/ n [U] ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly; shrewdness 敏锐; 精明; 聪明: business acumen 善理业务的才智
* have/show/display great political acumen 有[显示/展现]极大的政治才干.

antebellum [5Anti5belEm] adj.<美>战前的(尤指南北战争前的)

auspicious [C:s5piFEs]n.吉兆的, 幸运的
/ɔːˈspɪʃəs; ɔ`spɪʃəs/ adj showing signs of future success; favourable; promising 吉利的; 吉祥的; 有前途的:
I;m pleased that you´ve made such an auspicious start to the new term. 你新学期开门红使我很高兴.

belie bi5lai] v.掩饰
/bɪˈlaɪ; bɪ`laɪ/ v (pres p belying, pp belied) [Tn]
1 give a wrong or an untrue idea of (sth) 使人对于(某事物)产生错误的或不符合实际的想法:
His cheerful manner belied his real feelings. 他那快活的样子掩饰了他的真实感情.

2 fail to justify or fulfil (a hope, promise etc) 不足以证明; 未能实现(希望、诺言等):
Practical experience belies this theory. 实际经验证明这个理论是错误的.

bellicose [5belE7kEus] adj.好战的, 好斗的adj (fml 文)
eager to fight; warlike; aggressive 好斗的; 好战的; 寻衅的:
abellicose nation, nature 好斗的民族、天性.

bowdlerize[5baJdlEraIz]vt.删除(书等的)不妥的文句, 删改, 修订
/ˈbaʊdləraɪz; `baᴜdləˌraɪz/ v [Tn] (sometimes derog 有时作贬义)
remove words or scenes considered indecent from (a book, play, etc); expurgate; censor 删除(书刊、剧本等中)有伤风化的词语或场面;删去; 删改.

chicanery Fi5keinEri]n.强辩, 强词夺理, 狡辩, 欺骗/
ʃɪˈkeɪnərɪ; ʃɪ`kenərɪ/ n

1 [U] use of clever but misleading talk in order to trick sb, esp in legal matters; dishonest practice 耍花招哄骗别人(尤指于法律事务中); 不诚实的行为:
accuse a politician of chicanery 谴责一政客的欺骗手段.

2 [C] trick or deception 哄骗; 欺骗.

chromosome [5krEumEsEum]n.[生物]染色体
/ˈkrəʊməsəʊm; `kroməˌsom/ n (biology 生)
any of the tiny threads or rods in animal and plant cells, carrying genes 染色体.

churlish [5tFE:liF]adj.粗野的,脾气坏的,无礼的
adj: It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer. 拒绝这样慷慨的建议未免有些失礼.

circumlocution [7sE:kEmlE5kju:FEn]n.婉转曲折的陈述
/ˌsɜːkəmləˈkjuːʃn; ˌsɝkəmlo`kjuʃən/ n [C, U] (instance of the) use of many words to say sth that could be said in a few words 累赘的说法; 迂回的说法.

circumnavigate [7sE:kEm5nAvi^eit]vt.环航
/ˌsɜːkəmˈnævɪgeɪt; ˌsɝkəm`nævəˌˇet/v [Tn] (fml 文)
sail round (esp the world) 环绕(尤指地球)航行:
Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人.

deciduous di5sidVjuEs] adj.每年落叶的, 非永久性的
/dɪˈsɪdjʊəs, dɪˈsɪdʒʊəs; dɪ`sɪdʒᴜəs/ adj (of a tree) that loses its leaves annually, usu in autumn (指树木)每年(通常在秋季)落叶的:
deciduous forests 落叶林.

deleterious [7deli5tiEriEs]adj.有害的, 有毒的
/ˌdelɪˈtɪərɪəs; ˌdɛlə`tɪrɪəs/ adj ~ (to sb/sth) (fml 文)
harmful 有害的:
have a deleterious effect on a child s development 对孩子的发育有不良影响.

diffident [5difidEnt] adj.缺乏自信的
/ˈdɪfɪdənt; `dɪfədənt/ adj ~ (about sth) not having or showing much belief in one's own abilities; lacking self-confidence 对自己的能力缺乏信心的; 露出怯态的; 缺乏自信的:
an able but diffident young student 能干但缺乏自信的青年学生
* Don't be so diffident about your talents. 别对自己的才能如此缺乏信心.

enervate [5enE:veit] v.削弱
/ˈenəveɪt; `ɛnɚˌvet/ v [Tn] cause (sb) to lose strength or energy 使(某人)失去力量或精力; 使衰弱:
an enervating climate 使人无精打彩的气候
* a long, enervating illness 长期而使人衰弱的病.

enfranchise in5frAntFaiz, en-] vt. 给予选举权, 给予自治权, 解放
/ɪnˈfræntʃaɪz; ɪn`fræntʃaɪz/ v [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态]
1 give (sb) political rights, esp the right to vote at parliamentary elections给予(某人)政治权利(尤指议会选举权):
In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权.

2 set free (slaves) 解放(奴隶).

epiphany i5pifEni] .主显节, 出现

equinox [5i:kwinCks]n.昼夜平分点, 春分或秋分
/ˈiːkwɪnɒks, alsoˈek-; `ikwəˌnɑks, ɛk-/ n either of the two times in the year (around 21 March and 22 September) when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are of equal length 春分; 秋分:
spring/vernal equinox 春分
* autumnal equinox 秋分.

euro Euro [`jJErEJ]adj.=European n.[动]岩大袋鼠[澳洲土著语]

evanescent [7i:vE5nesnt] adj.渐消失的, 易消散的, 会凋零的
/ˌiːvəˈnesnt; US ˌev-; ˌɛvə`nɛsnt/ adj
quickly fading; soon disappearing from memory 迅速消失的; 不久便淡忘的:
as evanescent as snowflakes on a river 如雪花落入河中, 瞬即消失
* a pop singer's evanescent fame 流行歌曲演唱者一瞬即逝的声誉.

expurgate [5ekspE:^eit]v.删除
/ˈekspəgeɪt; `ɛkspɚˌˇet/ v [Tn] remove (what are considered to be) improper or objectionable parts from (a book, etc) 从(书等中)删除(被认为)不当或令人反感的部分:
an expurgated edition of a novel 一部小说的洁本.

Facetious adj. 幽默的, 滑稽的, 喜开玩笑的
/fəˈsiːʃəs; fə`siʃəs/ adj (usu derog 通常作贬义)
intended to be amusing, often inappropriately (常为不当地)引人发笑的, 诙谐的:
a facetious young man 耍贫嘴的小伙子
* She kept interrupting our discussion with facetious remarks. 她不断用开玩笑的话干扰我们的讨论.

fatuous adj.愚昧的, 昏庸的, 发呆的, 愚笨的, 自满的
/ˈfætʃʊəs; `fætʃᴜəs/ adj stupid and silly; foolish 蠢的; 傻的; 笨的:
a fatuous person, smile, remark 笨人、傻笑、蠢话.

feckless adj. 无气力的, 没精神的, 软弱的, 无用的
/ˈfeklɪs; `fɛklɪs/ adj (derog 贬)
inefficient; irresponsible 效率低的; 不负责任的.

fiduciary adj.基于信用的, 信托的, 受信托的 n.被信托者, 受托人

filibuster n.掠夺兵, 暴兵, 海盗vi.掠夺, 阻饶议事vt.阻碍议案通过
/ˈfɪlɪbʌstə(r); `fɪləˌbʌstɚ/ n (esp US)
1 person who tries to delay or prevent the making of decisions in (esp parliamentary) meetings by making long speeches 以冗长的演说拖延或阻挠会议(尤指议会)做出决定的人.

2 such a speech 此种冗长的演说.
v [I] (esp US) act as a filibuster (以冗长演说)拖延或阻挠:
filibustering tactics 藉冗长演说来拖延的战术.

Gamete n.[生物]接合体, 配偶子
/ˈgæmiːt; `ˇæmit/ n (biology 生)
sexual cell able to unite with another in reproduction 配子.

gauche adj.笨拙的, 粗鲁的, 偏转的, 无礼的
/gəʊʃ; ˇoʃ/ adj
1 socially awkward or clumsy 不善交际的; 不圆滑的:
I find him terribly gauche. 我认为他太不圆通了.
* a gauche manner, person, remark 不雅的举止、人、言语.

(of literary or artistic work) clumsy (指文学或艺术作品)拙劣的, 不简练的:
a rather gauche style, technique, etc 拙劣的文体、技艺等.

gerrymander .为本党利益改划选举区分vi.不公正操纵, 欺骗 n.改变选举区, 欺骗
/ˈdʒerɪmændə(r); `dʒɛrɪˌmændɚ/ v [Tn] (derog politics 贬, 政)
arrange the boundaries of or divide (an area) for voting in order to give unfair advantages to one party in an election (为使某政党在选举中取得优势)不公正地将(某地区)划成或分成选区.

n [C] such a rearrangement 对选区做出的不公正重新划分.

Hegemony n霸权
/hɪˈgemənɪ; US ˈhedʒəməʊnɪ; `hɛdʒəmonɪ/ n [U, C]
leadership, esp by one state in a group of states 领导权; 支配权; (尤指国家集团中的)霸权.

haemoglobin n.血色素

homogeneous adj.同类的, 相似的, 均一的, 均匀的
/ˌhɒməˈdʒiːnɪəs; ˌhɑmə`dʒinɪəs/ adj formed of parts that are all of the same type 由同类部分组成的.

hubris n.骄傲 , 傲慢, (狂妄自大)
/ˈhjuːbrɪs; `hjubrɪs/ n .arrogant pride 傲慢.

hypotenuse n.直角三角形之斜边
/haɪˈpɒtənjuːz; US -tənuːs; haɪ`pɑtnˌus/ n (geometry 几)
side opposite the right angle of a right-angled triangle (直角三角形的)斜边, 弦.
=>illusat triangle 见triangle插图.

impeach vt.[律]控告, 检举, <主美>弹劾, 怀疑
/ɪmˈpiːtʃ; ɪm`pitʃ/ v
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (forsth) accuse (a public official or politician) of committing a serious crime, esp one against the State 控告(公职人员或政治家)犯罪(尤指有害国家的); 弹劾:
The committeedecided to impeach the President. 委员会决定弹劾总统.
* impeach a judge for taking bribes 控告法官受贿.

2 raise doubts about (sth); question 对(某事物)怀疑; 提出异议:
impeach sb's motives 怀疑某人的动机.

incognito .隐名埋姓地, 化名地adj.. 隐名埋姓的, 化名的
/ˌɪŋkɒgˈniːtəʊ; US ɪŋˈkɒgnətəʊ; ɪn`kɑˇnɪˌto/ adj [pred 作表语], adv with one's true identity hidden; in disguise 隐瞒个人真实身分; 伪装:
He didn't want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito. 他不想被人认出, 所以出行时隐瞒身分.
n (pl ~s) pretended identity 假身分.

incontrovertible adj.无可争议的, 无疑的, 明白的
/ˌɪŋkɒntrəˈvɜːtəbl; ˌɪnkɑntrə`vɝtəbl/adj so obvious and certain that it cannot be disputed or denied 无可辩驳的; 不容否认的:
incontrovertible evidence 确凿无疑的证据.

inculcate v.谆谆劝导
/ˈɪnkʌlkeɪt; US ɪnˈkʌl-; ɪn`kʌlket/ v ~ sth (in/into sb); ~ sb with sth
fix (ideas, principles, etc) firmly in sb's mind, esp by repetition 向某人灌输(思想、原则等)(尤指反覆地):
inculcate in young people a respect for the law 向年轻人灌输尊重法制的思想
* inculcate young people with a respect for the law 用尊重法制的思想反覆教育年轻人.

infrastructure n.下部构造, 基础下部组织
n (a) subordinate parts, installations, etc that form the basis of a system, an organization or an enterprise (eg of an army) (组成一制度、企业或组织如军队的)基础结构, 基础设施.

(b) (economics 经)
stock of fixed capital equipment in a country (eg roads, railways, power-stations, water supply, etc) 基础设施, 基础结构(国家的固定基本设备, 如公路、铁路、发电站、供水装置等).

interpolate v.窜改, 添写进去, 插入新语句
/ɪnˈtɜːpəleɪt; ɪn`tɝpəˌlet/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) (fml 文)
1 make (a remark, etc) which interrupts a conversation, speech, etc 插入(言语等):
If I may interpolate a comment, before you continue your speech... 很抱歉打断你的演讲, 请让我插句话....

2 add (sth) to a text, book, etc, sometimes misleadingly (在文章、书等中)插入文字等(有时指篡改):
Close inspection showed that many lines had been interpolated into the manu at a later date. 经仔细检查发现不少字句是後来添写进原手稿中去的.

irony n.反话, 讽刺, 讽刺之事
/ˈaɪərənɪ; `aɪrənɪ/ n
1 [U] expression of one's meaning by saying the direct opposite of one's thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc 反语; 反话:
`That's really lovely, that is!' he said with heavy irony. `那真是可爱极了, 真的!'他故意说反话.

2 [U, C] situation, event, etc that is desirable in itself but so unexpected or ill-timed that it appears to be deliberately perverse 有讽刺意味的情况、事情等(其本身未始不可取, 但因出人意料或来非其时而似故意乖违):
the irony of fate 命运的嘲弄
* He inherited a fortune but died a month later; one of life s little ironies. 他继承一笔遗产後一个月就死了, 有点时乖命蹇吧.

Jejune adj.缺乏营养的, 贫瘠的, 无兴趣的, 不成熟的
/dʒɪˈdʒuːn; dʒɪ`dʒun/ adj (fml 文)
1 (of writings) dull and uninteresting; unsatisfying to the mind (指文字)枯燥无味的, 言之无文的.
2 childish; unsophisticated 幼稚的; 不懂世故的.

Kinetic .(运)动的, 动力(学)的
/kɪˈnetɪk; kɪ`nɛtɪk/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语]
of or produced by movement 运动的; 运动引起的:
kinetic energy, ie that generated by a moving body 动能.

kowtow n.<汉>磕头vi.叩头
/ˌkaʊˈtaʊ; kaᴜ`taᴜ/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb/sth) be submissive, humble or respectful (to sb/sth) (向某人[某事物])叩头, 磕头, 臣服:
a refusal to kowtow (to the government's wishes on this issue) 拒绝屈从(于政府对这一问题的意旨).

laissez faire leI`seI`feEr] n. 放任, 自由主义

lexicon n.词典
1 dictionary, esp of an ancient language (eg Greek or Hebrew) 词典, 字典(尤指古代语言的辞书, 如希腊语或希伯来语).
2 (linguistics 语言)
vocabulary (contrasted with grammar) 词汇(与语法相对).

loquacious adj.多话的, 饶舌的, 潺潺的
/ləˈkweɪʃəs; lo`kweʃəs/ adj (fml 文)
fondof talking; talkative 爱说话的; 多话的.

lugubrious adj.(尤指故意装出来的)可怜的, 悲惨的, 悲哀的
/ləˈguːbrɪəs; lu`ˇubrɪəs/ adj dismal; mournful阴郁的; 悲哀的:
Why are you looking so lugubrious?你怎么看上去这样忧郁?

Metamorphosis n.变形
/ˌmetəˈmɔːfəsɪs; ˌmɛtə`mɔrfəsɪs/ n (pl -oses / -Esi:z; -E9siz/) (fml 文)
change of form or nature, eg by natural growth or development 变形; 变态; 变质:
the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly从幼虫变成蝴蝶的过程
* (fig 比喻)
the social metamorphosis that has occurred in China 中国发生的社会变化.

mitosis n. 有丝分裂, 间接核分裂

moiety n.二分之一, 一部分, 半族
/ˈmɔɪətɪ; `mɔɪətɪ/ n (usu sing通常作单数)
~ (of sth) (fml or law 文或律)
either of two parts into which sth is divided; half 一半; 二


nihilism n.[哲]虚无主义, 极端怀疑论
/ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm, ˈnɪhɪl-; `naɪəlˌɪzəm, `nɪhəl-/ n [U]
1 total rejection of all religious and moral beliefs (否认一切宗教信仰和道德观念的)虚无主义.

2 belief that nothing really exists (否认一切存在的)虚无主义.

nomenclature n.命名法, 术语
/nəˈmenklətʃə(r); US ˈnəʊmənkleɪtʃər; `nomənˌkletʃɚ/ n (fml 文)

(a) [C, U] system of naming, esp in a particular branch of science 命名法(尤指某学科的):
botanical nomenclature 植物命名法
* the nomenclature of chemistry 化学术语命名法.

(b) [U] names used in such a system (依命名法采用的)名称, 学名.

nonsectarian adj. 无宗派的

notarize vt. 证明, 确认

obsequious adj.谄媚的, 奉承的, 拍马屁的
/əbˈsiːkwɪəs; əb`sikwɪəs/ adj (derog 贬)
~ (to sb) too willing to obey or serve; too respectful (esp in the hope of getting a reward or favour from sb) 逢迎的; 巴结的; 卑躬的:
an obsequious shop owner 善于讨好顾客的店主
* a worker who is obsequious to the boss 对老板卑躬屈膝的人.

oligarchy n.寡头政治, 寡头政治的执政团n (politics 政)
1 (a) [U] form of government in which a small group of people hold all the power 寡头政治; 寡头统治.
(b) [C] these people as a group 寡头统治集团.

2 [C] country governed by an oligarchy 寡头统治的国家.

omnipotent .全能的, 无所不能的
/ɒmˈnɪpətənt; ɑm`nɪpətənt/ adj (fml 文)
having unlimited or very great power 有无限权力的; 全能的:
the omnipotent officials, bureaucrats, state police, etc有极大权力的官员、官僚、州警察等.

orthography n.正确拼字, 正字法, 正字学
/ɔːˈθɒgrəfɪ; ɔr`θɑˇrəfɪ/ n [U] (fml 文)
1 (study or system of) spelling 正字; 正字法; 拼字法:
Indictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography.在词典中, 词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的.

2 correct or conventional spelling 正确的或传统的拼写形式.

oxidize v.(使)氧化
/ˈɒksɪdaɪz; `ɑksəˌdaɪz/ v [I, Tn]
(a) (cause sth to) combine with oxygen (使某物)氧化.
(b) (cause sth to) become rusty (使某物)生锈.

parabola n.[数] 抛物线
/pəˈræbələ; pə`ræbələ/ n (geometry 几)
plane curve formed by cutting a cone on a plane parallel to its side 抛物线.

paradigm n.范例
/ˈpærədaɪm; `pærəˌdaɪm/ n
1 set of all the different forms of a word (一词的)词形变化表:
verb paradigms 动词的词形变化表.

2 type of sth; pattern; model 范例; 样式; 模范:
a paradigm for others to copy 供他人效法的范例.

parameter n.参数, 参量, <口>起限定作用的因素
/pəˈræmɪtə(r); pə`ræmətɚ/ n
1 (mathematics数)
quantity that does not vary in a particular case but does vary in other cases 参量; 参数.

2 characteristic or feature, esp one that can be measured or quantified 特点, 特性(尤指可以衡量或计量的).

3 (usu pl 通常作复数)
limiting factor or characteristic; limit (限定性的)因素, 特性; 界限:
We have to work within the parameters of time and budget. 我们工作受时间和财力所限.












还有一点没time翻了,sorry about it!
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