
The Only Way To Catch A Miracle Is To Believe In It

【Seinfeld】 All episodes - 全180集

(2008-02-01 09:48:40) 下一个

【英文名称】:Seinfeld -- All episodes -- Season 1-9
【类 型】:情景喜剧
【片 长】:每集约20分钟
【字 幕】:外挂英文
【地 区】:美国
【语 言】:英语

The semi-fictionalized version of Jerry Seinfeld is the main protagonist on the United States television sitcom Seinfeld (1989–1998). The character was named after, based on, and played by the comedian himself.

The series revolves around Jerry's misadventures with his best friend George Costanza, wacky neighbor Cosmo Kramer, and ex-girlfriend Elaine Benes. He is usually the voice of reason amidst his friends' antics and the focal point of the foursome's relationship. An eternal optimist, he rarely runs into major personal problems. Jerry is the only main character on the show to maintain the same career (a stand-up comedian, like the real Seinfeld) throughout the series. He is the most observational character, sarcastically commenting on his friends' quirky habits.

Much of the show's action takes place in Jerry's apartment located at 129 West 81st Street, apartment 5A, as stated in the episode "The Alternate Side". He and his friends also frequently appear in "Monk's", a fictional cafe. The outside sign for Monk's that is shown before we see the inside scene is actually that of Tom's Restaurant, a diner style eatery located near Columbia University on Broadway.

Jerry appeared in all 180 episodes of Seinfeld (including several 2-part episodes), holding the distinction of being the only character in the show to appear in every episode.

Ratings History
Season 1 = Not in the Top 30
Season 2 = Not in the Top 30
Season 3 = Not in the Top 30
Season 4 = 25
Season 5 = 3
Season 6 = 1
Season 7 = 2
Season 8 = 2
Season 9 = 1

【MU 下载连接】:

 Seinfeld: Season 1
Pilot. The Seinfeld Chronicles
1x02. The Stakeout  
1x03. The Robbery
1x04. Male Unbonding  
1x05. The Stock Tip


 Seinfeld: Season 2
2x01. The Ex-Girlfriend
2x02. The Pony Remark
2x03. The Jacket
2x04. The Phone Message
2x05. The Apartment
2x06. The Statue
2x07. The Revenge
2x08. The Heart Attack
2x09. The Deal
2x10. The Baby Shower
2x11. The Chinese Restaurant
2x12. The Busboy

 Seinfeld: Season 3 
 3x01. The Note
The Truth
The Pen
The Dog
The Library
 3x06. The Parking Garage  
The Cafe
The Tape
 3x09. The Nose Job 
The Stranded 
The Alternate Side
The Red Dot  
The Subway  
The Pez Dispenser 
The Suicide  
The Fix-Up  
The Boyfriend (1)(2)
 3x19. The Limo  
The Good Samaritan
 3x21. The Letter
The Parking Space
 3x23. The Keys
 *** 请大家下载后把3x22 The Parking Space.和3x23 The Keys的文件名对调一下。
 Seinfeld: Season 4
4x01. The Trip (1) 
4x02. The Trip (2) 
4x03-04. The Pitch The Ticket
4x05. The Wallet (1)  
4x06. The Watch (2)  
4x07. The Bubble Boy
4x08. The Cheever Letters
4x09. The Opera
4x10. The Virgin
4x11. The Contest
4x12. The Airport
4x13. The Pick
4x14. The Movie
4x15. The Visa
4x16. The Shoes
4x17. The Outing
4x18. The Old Man
4x19. The Implant
4x20. The Junior Mint
4x21. The Smelly Car 
4x22. The Handicap Spot
4x23-24. The Pilot (1)(2)

 Seinfeld: Season 5
5x01. The Mango 
5x02. The Puffy Shirt 
5x03. The Glasses
5x04. The Sniffing Accountant 
5x05. The Bris
5x06. The Lip Reader 
5x07. The Non-Fat Yogurt  
5x08. The Barber  
5x09. The Masseuse  
5x10. The Cigar Store Indian  
5x11. The Conversion 
5x12. The Stall 
5x13. The Dinner Party
5x14. The Marine Biologist  
5x15. The Pie  
5x16. The Stand-In
5x17. The Wife
5x18-19. The Raincoats (1)(2)
5x20. The Fire
5x21. The Hamptons
5x22. The Opposite

 Seinfeld: Season 6
 6x01. The Chaperone
 6x02. The Big Salad
 6x03. The Pledge Drive
 6x04. The Chinese Woman   
 6x05. The Couch 
 6x06. The Gymnast 
 6x07. The Soup
 6x08. The Mom & Pop Store 
 6x09. The Secretary
 6x10. The Race
 6x11. The Switch
 6x12. The Label Maker
 6x13. The Scofflaw
 6x14-15. Highlights of a Hundred (1)(2)
 6x16. The Beard
 6x17. The Kiss Hello
 6x18. The Doorman
 6x19. The Jimmy
 6x20. The Doodle
 6x21. The Fusilli Jerry
 6x22. The Diplomat's Club
 6x23. The Face Painter
 6x24. The Understudy
 *** 请大家下载后对调文件名:"The.Soup" and "Mom.N.Pop.Store";  "The.Race" and "The.Switch"。

 Seinfeld: Season 7
7x01. The Engagement
7x02. The Postponement
7x03. The Maestro
7x04. The Wink
7x05. The Hot Tub
7x06. The Soup Nazi  
7x07. The Secret Code  
7x08. The Pool Guy 
7x09. The Sponge  
7x10. The Gum  
7x11. The Rye 
7x12. The Caddy 
7x13. The Seven  
7x14-15. The Cadillac (1)(2)
7x16. The Shower Head
7x17. The Doll
7x18. The Friars Club
7x19. The Wig Master
7x20. The Calzone
7x21-22. The Bottle Deposit (1)(2)
7x23. The Wait Out
7x24. The Invitations

◆ Seinfeld: Season 8 ◆
8x01. The Foundation
8x02. The Soul Mate
8x03. The Bizarro Jerry
8x04. The Little Kicks
8x05. The Package
8x06. The Fatigues
8x07. The Checks
8x08. The Chicken Roaster
8x09. The Abstinence
8x10. The Andrea Doria
8x11. The Little Jerry
8x12. The Money
8x13. The Comeback
8x14. The Van Buren Boys
8x15. The Susie
8x16. The Pothole
8x17. The English Patient
8x18. The Nap
8x19. The Yada Yada
8x20. The Millennium
8x21. The Muffin Tops
8x22. The Summer of George

◆ Seinfeld: Season 9 ◆
9x01. The Butter Shave
9x02. The Voice
9x03. The Serenity Now
9x04. The Blood
9x05. The Junk Mail
9x06. The Merv Griffin Show
9x07. The Slicer
9x08. The Betrayal
9x09. The Apology
9x10. The Strike
9x11. The Dealership
9x12. The Reverse Peephole
9x13. The Cartoon
9x14. The Strongbox
9x15. The Wizard
9x16. The Burning
9x17. The Bookstore
9x18. The Frogger
9x19. The Maid
9x20. The Puerto Rican Day
9x21-22. The Clip Show (1)(2) (a.k.a. The Chronicle (1)(2))
9x23-24. The Finale (1)(2)


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阅读 ()评论 (82)
yangtj207 回复 悄悄话 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NQZJRM77
zhizhilee 回复 悄悄话 箐箐, 8x12 the money 链接失效了,就差这一个了,帮忙啊。
little_rain 回复 悄悄话 Could you help to display subtitle....
I am using WinXp pro/windows media player 11
do they work?

Much thanks
qjy 回复 悄悄话 Thanks a lot!
VerdantHill 回复 悄悄话 Thanks a lot!
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 9x03.The Serenity & 4x20 Junior mint 的连接已经更新!
VerdantHill 回复 悄悄话 Could you please check the 9x03.The Serenity Now? There is no actual link. Thank you very much.
qjy 回复 悄悄话 4x20 Junior mint
I couldn't download, no corresponding link
xiahua 回复 悄悄话 thanks a lot
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 给Seinfeld搬了一个家。以前在Uploading没有下载全的朋友现在可以慢慢下了。Enjoy!
it'sjustagame. 回复 悄悄话 Thank you a lot. Have started to enjoy it now.
yunsousifang 回复 悄悄话 我知道了,因为我没有下全,所以要密码,是我自己粗心了。
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 回复yunsousifang的评论:

yunsousifang 回复 悄悄话 箐箐,第7季的14-15需要解压密码,能把密码公布一下吗?
yunsousifang 回复 悄悄话 你真敬业!太谢谢了
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 我刚刚重新上传了一个,第五集的the Pie,可以下了。
yunsousifang 回复 悄悄话 箐箐,第五集的15 pie 链接不灵了
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 Uploading从三月底就有很多下载问题,等待时间加长就是从那个时候开始的。



Good Luck!
niy38 回复 悄悄话 I have trouble to download now: always asked to wait 18 min,
but after 18 min, click download, then asked to wait 18 min,
and keep repeating that. no way to download.
dcsleepless 回复 悄悄话
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 回复usabc2991的评论: 很多人下载都没有问题,我自己也刚刚又检查过,都有声音呀!你再试试别的Media Player。
usabc2991 回复 悄悄话 Starting with season 5, there are increasing number of episods where when unpacking, the size and packed size don't match, and can't be played (no sound). Anyone else run into this?
butdie 回复 悄悄话 回复远桥的评论:

$ file Seinfeld.Season.9.sub.rar
Seinfeld.Season.9.sub.rar: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

cata1234 回复 悄悄话 THX WQ.

It works.
远桥 回复 悄悄话 Now I can unzip the .zip file, thanks a lot!
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 我刚下载试过了,Season.9.sub.rar可以解压,没有问题呀。不过我还是又多做了一个zip文件,解不开rar文件的朋友可以试试这个。

远桥 回复 悄悄话 Seinfeld.Season.9.sub.rar is not RAR archive, could you please fix it??? Many many thanks!
cata1234 回复 悄悄话 Thank WQ.

There is an error msg when unrar the season 9 sub file: Seinfeld.Season.9.sub.rar is not RAR archive

Anyway, thx again
canucks1 回复 悄悄话 never mind, It works after I redownload all four files.

Finally, I dl all of them.
You have done a great work,
canucks1 回复 悄悄话 Hi,
I hate to say but this 4 zipped files give me crc error again when I unzip them.

Seinfeld_-_7x14-15_-_The.Cadillac.DVDRip.XviD-FoV.part1.rar to part4
tearose 回复 悄悄话 Thanks again, please be told there is no 3x10 sub.
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 我没有找到Season 9 srt format的subtitle,只有sub+idx format的。我已经看过了,可以看。如果你的Media Player不支持这种格式,那你需要到影坛去问问专家了。

cata1234 回复 悄悄话 thanks, but the Season 9 sub does not work. Please check. thx again.
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 124 125 part 1 修好了。
canucks1 回复 悄悄话 124 part1 and 125 part1 link broken
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 124,125,158 和163已经更新,请大家重新下载。
PizzaHutDelivery 回复 悄悄话 Thank you again for your superb job.

158 part1(95.25M) and 163 part1(95.28M) might be incomplete? I could not unzip. Other part1s are 95.37M.
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 好了,修好了,159 part2。

Maveric 回复 悄悄话 发现第159集part2 的连接有问题,“http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200802&postID=344#/f88e517c/10080".
对角线 回复 悄悄话 大功告成,祝贺一下。
canucks1 回复 悄悄话 Seinfeld_-_7x14-15_-_The.Cadillac.DVDRip.XviD-FoV.part1.rar and part2 has a CRC error when unzip the two files...
tearose 回复 悄悄话 ten millions thanks.
butdie 回复 悄悄话 又来报告typo了,链接完全messed up

159. The Serenity Now - Part 2
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 wow,周末都没休息?感谢之极!
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 132 Part 1 修好了!
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 先感谢上传!但弱弱地报告个错误:缺"The Bottle Deposit"rar.part3 导致无法解压。132的Part1指向133的Part1。请周一纠正下,周末愉快!
lovechanyu 回复 悄悄话 Hi, please note that 132, part 1, leads to 133, part 1,
could you please check it? Thanks.
对角线 回复 悄悄话 回复WQ_菁菁的评论:

WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 连接修好了。

对角线 回复 悄悄话 133. The Wait Out part1 文件 Not Found. 麻烦查看一下。多谢上传。
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 尽管看了很多遍,俺也是很开心地又一遍一遍地看,现在好了,俺上班都可以偷偷看呢(其实是听),哈哈。


WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 谢谢,我的四个文件名都换过了。请大家下载后也对换一下好了。
kent928 回复 悄悄话 I can't thank you enough for the superb job! Seinfeld is my favorite show:-)

By the way, I just noticed several mix-ups with the file names (not the links, but the files themselves). After downloading I switched names for "The.Soup" and "Mom.N.Pop.Store"; also "The.Race" and "The.Switch".

小分队员 回复 悄悄话 正等着6呢,太好了。谢谢!
canucks1 回复 悄悄话 大妹子辛苦了, 人民喜欢你。
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 唉呀呀......真真的不敢当。大家开心你也开心就好。
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 这么快就上传了season 5?哇,你是俺心中的女神啊。。。
You_best 回复 悄悄话 Hi, WQ_菁菁,

There is no screen file for Seinfeld_-_3x10_-_The_Stranded.FoV.xvid.avi. Could you please help to find one? Thank you so much and have a nice day.
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 谢谢,看来你已经开始看了。而且好象看了不少了。

butdie 回复 悄悄话 先谢谢活雷锋

WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 好象是有点问题。我已经把连接更新了。
业余战士 回复 悄悄话 不好意思,前面的消息作废,连接还是有效的,只是原连接后面的.avi.html有的没有拼全而已。
业余战士 回复 悄悄话 首先要谢谢楼主辛苦上传,1~3季下的都很顺利,今天试图下第四季,发现有三个连接:The Smelly Car,The Pilot (1),The Pilot (2) 好像连接失效了,不知道是我自己机器的原因还是别的。
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,真是太太感谢啦!!!


WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 好了,SEASON 4 上传完了。一上班就看见你的留言,吓我一跳。你真的厉害,比我
小分队员 回复 悄悄话 WQ_菁菁,

多谢提供Seinfeld!轻声问一句,什么时候上传season 4以后的啊?俺每天都来你的blog好多次看看有没有更新。

moreroads 回复 悄悄话 太感谢了,我最最最喜爱的
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 真糗!在过去的一年里做了两个上千人用的Project都没有这么多bug。

无限衍生 回复 悄悄话 Thank you so much! Is that your daughter? Lovely!

I found Some mislabeled links:
21 leads to "22 The Library"
22 leads to "23 The Parking Garage"
23 leads to "24 The Cafe"
25 also leads to "24 The Cafe"
Therefore, episodes 21 and 25 are missing.

Thanks again!
PizzaHutDelivery 回复 悄悄话 The link for "21. The Dog" leads to "22. The Library"
The link for "25. The Tape" leads to "24. The Cafe"

I really appreciate your effort, and thank you very much for the show, it's my favorite.
lovechanyu 回复 悄悄话 Thanks a lot!
By the way, I just found two more wrong links as follows:
Season 3:
#21 The Dog - is for The Library
#25 The Tape - is for The Cafe
Could you please kindly correct them? Thanks.
WQ_菁菁 回复 悄悄话 好了,Season 2, #11 的连接修好了。

所有的TV SHOW里我最爱的就是SEINFELD,曾经去Bluckbuster借了DVD回来自己拷。前不久下载到全部的九个Season,真的不容易,别提多开心了。
lovechanyu 回复 悄悄话 Dear WQ_菁菁,

Thanks so much for uploading this great TV sitcom "Seinfeld". It is one of my favorite TV shows for all these years. I'm starting to download the entire show one by one.

Please note that Season 2, #11 - "The Statue", there is no valid link for this one, could you please check? Thanks again.