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《 渔 歌 子 》 : 江上行船险处多, 青山两岸对相过。 渔父唱,有欢歌, 浪打风吹雨一蓑。 一 古 松 子


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Closing cerenomy




中国第三届华颐杯卫冕冠军韦奕与马群一路过关斩将会师冠亚军决赛,韦奕以3比1的比分赢下了决赛轮,成功蝉联冠军,并获得了16万元冠军奖金。马群获得亚军,奖金8万元。三四名决赛在余泱漪与小将薛皓文之间展开,在半决赛遗憾负于马群的余泱漪迅速调整状态,在决赛中以三连胜强势战胜本届比赛中的黑马小将薛皓文,获得季军。小将薛皓文获得殿军,作为唯一一位闯入决赛的非种子棋手,薛皓文在本届比赛中的表现可圈可点,目前正在高中就读的他谈到此次比赛经历时表示:“这次冠军赛对我来说一次很好的锻炼机会,也让我感受到了跟特级大师之间的差距。在半决赛中,韦奕对阵本次比赛最大的黑马薛皓文,谈及这位小对手,韦奕给予了充分的肯定,他说:“我非常欣赏薛皓文的棋风,他是个非常不怕输的棋手,当然很多年轻棋手都是这个风格,但在他身上表现的更为明显。这次比赛对他来说是很好的锻炼和总结的机会,希望他能继续努力提升棋艺。” 最终比赛结果:https://chess-results.com/tnr919501.aspx?lan=1&art=4 

中国小将十五岁的肖同这个月参加了西班牙的两个比赛,收官还有两轮比赛,没有了保持等级分的顾虑,肖同开心地表示:“今后的比赛就能放开下了,我会继续努力争取更大的进步,也要感谢给予我帮助的老师和教练!”从西班牙开始冲击特大并最终在西班牙完成目标,在韦奕、卜祥志、侯逸凡、余泱漪之后,肖同排在中国最年轻特级大师榜上的第五位。这位年轻的特级大师意气风发,拿到GM称号并不是终点,肖同将继续挑战,他表示:“五月初计划去下迪拜公开赛的23+组,之后沙迦如果有名额而我也能保持等级分的话,我就去下25+的组。” ”这段摘自新浪棋牌。https://sports.sina.com.cn/go/2024-04-20/doc-inasnywq3961589.shtml https://sports.sina.com.cn/go/2024-04-19/doc-inaskrrk7055167.shtml 肖同参加的比赛 III SUNWAY FORMENTERA INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL - Group A  成绩:https://chess-results.com/tnr889441.aspx?lan=33&art=4&turdet=YES&flag=30  III Open Internacional Chess Menorca A 比赛成绩:https://chess-results.com/tnr819311.aspx?lan=1&art=4&fed=CHN&turdet=YES&flag=30 



FIDE Candidates Tournament 2024 (Toronto CAN) 
Wed 3rd Apr 2024 - Fri 26th Apr 2024 - Official Site

FIDE Candidates 2024 (8 players 14 Rds DRR Indiv TC:120m:30m+30spm(41)) - Games in PGN: Games | Live

FIDE Women's Candidates Tournament 2024 (Toronto CAN) 
Wed 3rd Apr 2024 - Fri 26th Apr 2024 - Official Site

FIDE Women's Candidates (8 players 14 Rds DRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games | Live


Top 10 Women Players banner:

2700chess.com for more details and full list

加拿大多伦多世界冠军候选人八人资格赛十四轮 Candidates Tournament,  5 - 24 April 2024, Toronto (Canada) 棋手:Nepomniachtchi, Praggnanandhaa, Caruana, Abasov, Vidit, Nakamura, Firouzja, the winner 胜者:古克石 Gukesh

加拿大多伦多女子世界冠军候选人八人资格赛十四轮 Women Candidates Tournament, 5 - 24 April 2024, Toronto (Canada) 棋手:Lei Tingjie, Lagno, Goryachkina, Salimova,Muzuchuk A., Vaishali, Koneru. Winner 胜者:谭中怡 Tan Zhongyi. 

希腊欧洲女子国际象棋锦标赛Women European Championship 18 - 30 April 2024, Rhodes (Greece) 参赛棋手及成绩:https://chess-results.com/tnr897945.aspx 

中国国际象棋冠军乙组比赛和女子乙组比赛十一轮,比赛时间:四月二十号至二十六号,比赛成绩:https://chess-results.com/tnr927194.aspx?lan=1&art=4 冠亚军将参加五月五日至十六日的甲组比赛十一轮。

中国国际象棋冠军赛甲组和女子组比赛十一轮,比赛时间五月五日至十六日在江苏兴化举行,参赛棋手王玥头号种子选手:https://chess-results.com/tnr935622.aspx?lan=33 女子鹿妙夷头号种子选手:https://chess-results.com/tnr935623.aspx?lan=33 

瑞典马尔默大赛女子世界冠军居文君应邀参赛四月二十七日至五月三日:The Limhamn Chess Club is proud to invite the players, the chess community, the media and the sponsors to the 29th annual Tepe Sigeman Chess Tournament. The tournament will take place April 27-May 3 this year, at the Elite Plaza Hotel in central Malmo. Eight players will play seven rounds, and the field will once again be one of the strongest ever, and perhaps also the most interesting! The home team is, as usual, represented by Sweden’s number one, GM Nils Grandelius (winner in 2013, 2017 and 2018). Among the opponents are last year’s winner and multiple World Championship contender, GM Peter Svidler, the current women’s world champion, GM Wenjun Ju, China, and GM Anton Korobov, Ukraine. We also welcome three young chess players that are all among the 20 highest rated players in the world, all born in this century: GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Uzbekistan, as well as last year’s participants in the Tepe Sigeman Chess Tournament, GM Arjun Erigaisi, India, and GM Vincent Keymer, Germany. The very youngest participant is the current world junior champion, GM Marc’Andria Maurizzi, France (born in 2007). This makes the 2024 field one of the strongest ever, and we would like to congratulate chess fans around the globe on the opportunity to see world-class chess live. You will be able to follow all games live, guided by our commentators, Swedish GM Stellan Brynell and French GM Laurent Fressinet. For those of you who are not able to visit Malmo and the Elite Plaza Hotel during the tournament, it will of course be possible to follow all games and the commentators live on the Internet (www.tepesigemanchess.com).  https://www.tepesigemanchess.com/ 女子世界冠军居文君等级分最低排名第八,最后比赛结果两胜三和两负3.5分排名第五,先后战胜德国超级棋手温森特•凯莫尔和乌克兰三号棋手克柔波夫,最后排名并列第一的三位棋手之一的乌兹别克斯坦小将在加赛快棋中战胜印度小将阿琼和俄国棋手史维德勒夺冠!祝贺!居文君马不停蹄前往迪拜参加大师公开赛。

迪拜大师赛中国棋手余泱漪头号棋手,女子世界冠军居文君也参赛,高中学生肖同也参加。比赛时间:五月三日至十三日,棋手名单: https://chess-results.com/tnr918183.aspx?lan=33 


第十二届挪威大赛五月二十七日至六月七日十轮 Norway Chess, 27 May - 7 June 2024, Stavanger (Norway) 现任世界冠军中国棋手丁立人应邀参赛。超级棋手 superplayers:Carlsen, Caruana, Nakamura, Ding Liren, Firouzja, Praggnanandhaa, double rounds.  https://norwaychess.no/en/players-2024/

首届挪威女子大赛Norway Chess (Women) 五月二十七日至六月七日十轮,中国棋手女子世界冠军居文君和女棋手雷挺婕应邀参赛。 27 May - 7 June 2024, Stavanger (Norway) 棋手 Players :Koneru, Lei Tingjie, Ju Wenjun, Muzychuk A, Vaishali, Cramling. Double rounds. 

波兰华沙超级巡回赛第一站快棋和超快棋比赛,五月六日至十三日,中国超级棋手韦奕应邀参赛 Kicking off the 2024 Grand Chess Tour will be the Superbet Warsaw Rapid & Blitz, the first of three speed chess events. With eight tour players along with two wildcards, a total of $175,000 will be up for grabs in the prize fund. The event starts with nine rounds of rapid action, followed by eighteen rounds of blitz, for a total of 27 games spread across five days. 参赛超级棋手 Participants:GM Magnus Carlsen, GM Wei Yi,GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov,GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,GM Jan-Krzysztof Duda,GM Anish Giri,GM Arjun Erigasi,GM Gukesh Dommaraju,GM Vincent Keymer,GM Kirill Shevchenko.

第四届Cairns Cup女子杯,比赛地点:美国圣路易斯俱乐部,比赛时间:六月十三日至二十三日。参赛棋手待定。 June 13-23, 2024 at the Saint Louis Chess Club in the USA 

罗马尼亚布加勒斯特超级巡回赛第二站,无中国棋手参加。比赛时间:六月二十五日至七月六日 GCT Bucharest 25 June - 6 July 2024, Bucharest (Romania) 参赛超级棋手: Participants: GM Fabiano Caruana,GM Ian Nepomniachtchi,GM Alireza Firouzja,GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov,GM Wesley So,GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave,GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,GM Anish Giri,GM Gukesh Dommaraju,GM Bogdan-Daniel Deac. 

Shortly after the Superbet Warsaw Rapid & Blitz will be the Superbet Chess Classic in Bucharest, Romania. The first of two classical events, this tournament will feature a 10-player round robin with eight tour regulars and two wildcards. With double the prize fund of the rapid events, the players will fight for a total purse of $350,000. Fans should make sure to catch all the action online via the Saint Louis Chess Club’s Twitch & YouTube channels.

克罗地亚萨格勒布超级巡回赛第三站快棋和超快棋比赛七月八日至十四日,无中国棋手参赛。Marking the midway point of the tour will be the SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz, which starts July 8. Following the same format as the Superbet Warsaw Rapid & Blitz, eight tour regulars and two wildcards will get another chance to display their skills under immense time pressure. Taking place in Zagreb, Croatia, the SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz continues to be one of the major stops in the Grand Chess Tour. 参赛超级棋手 Participants GM Magnus Carlsen,GM Fabiano Caruana,GM Ian Nepomniachtchi,GM Alireza Firouzja,GM Wesley So,GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave,GM Anish Giri,GM Guadrathi Vidit,GM Vincent Keymer,GM Gukesh Dommaraju,GM Ivan Saric. 

瑞士毕尔特级大师赛七月十六日至二十五日Biel Grandmaster 16 - 25 July 2024, Biel (Switzerland) 参赛主要棋手 top players :Praggnanandhaa R, Keymer, Le Quang Liem, Sindarov. 

德国多特蒙德优胜杯公开赛八月十日至十八日,中国十四岁女子鹿妙夷参赛:https://sparkassen-chess-trophy.de/index.php/en/news-en/miaoyi-lu-14-year-old-grandmaster-comes-to-dortmund 参赛棋手名单: https://sparkassen-chess-trophy.de/index.php/en/chess-trophy-2024/list-of-participants-open 

美国圣路易斯超级巡回赛第四站快棋和超快棋比赛,比赛时间:八月十七日至八月三十一日,17 - 31 August 2024, Saint Louis (USA),Rapid and Blitz in 10-16 August, 2024. 参赛超级棋手 Rapid and Blitz Games Participants:GM Hikaru Nakamura,GM Fabiano Caruana,GM Ian Nepomniachtchi GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov,GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave,GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,GM Levon Aronian,GM Alireza Firouzja,GM Wesley So,GM Leinier Dominguez.

美国圣路易斯超级巡回赛第四站,第十一届深奎费尔德杯,比赛时间:八月十七日至三十一日 The 11th Sinquefield Cup in Saint Louis (九轮) 17 - 31 August 2024, Saint Louis (USA), The ending tour stop and signature event of the GCT circuit, the Sinquefield Cup continues its traditional classical format. Hosted annually by the Saint Louis Chess Club with a $350,000 total prize fund, the strongest tournament on American soil will be the final opportunity for competitors to earn points in the 2024 Grand Chess Tour. And at the end of the tournament, a new tour champion will be crowned. 参赛超级棋手 Participants:GM Hikaru Nakamura,GM Anish Giri,GM Fabiano Caruana GM Ian Nepomniachtchi,GM Nodirbek Abdusattorov,GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,GM Gukesh Dommaraju GM Alireza Firouzja GM Wesley So,GM Ding Liren 丁立人.

匈牙利布达佩斯第四十五届国际象棋奥林匹克大赛 The 45th Chess Olympiad, 10 - 25 September 2024, Budapest (Hungary) 男女参赛棋手,国家待定。

世界冠军对抗赛 The World Chess Championship Match, November 20-December 15, 2024. Players: 丁立人对候选人资格赛胜者古克石 Ding Liren and winner's Candidates Tournament Gukesh Dommaraju, will play 14 rounds in China and India? Or Europe or USA? 十四局,比赛地点:中国和印度或者欧洲美国。

女子世界冠军对抗赛 The Woman World Chess Championship Match 2024. Players: 居文君对候选人资格赛胜者谭中怡 Ju Wenjun and winner's Candidates Tournament Tan Zhongyi, will play 14 rounds in Shanghai and Congqing, China . 十四局,比赛地点:中国上海和重庆。





随着何济霆/任翔宇最后一分锁定胜局,为期九天的汤尤杯五月五日在成都尘埃落定,最终中国队包揽了汤姆斯杯和尤伯杯。这是中国队历史上第十一次获得汤姆斯杯,第十六次夺得尤伯杯,也是第八次包揽汤尤杯。 六年后再次夺冠 中国男队赢得不轻松 本届汤尤杯之前,中国队曾经在1986年、1988年、1990年、2004年、2006年、2008年、2012年共7次同时夺得汤尤杯。中国男队上一次夺得汤姆斯杯是在2018年,当时在决赛中以3比1逆转日本队。



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