


(2007-07-06 09:14:48) 下一个

F1当然可以工作的,无非需要合法途径和手续。On-campus employment, OPT,人所皆知,费某就不费笔墨了。跟华人圈里口口相传的法律不一样,费某的职业训练在忠于原文,因为如果费某胡造法律是要出事的。

1、Off-campus Employment
非CPT的校外工作,是可以被允许的。前提是要获得移民局的批准。移民局批准的依据是severe economic hardship.
8 C.F.R.§214.2(f)(9)(ii)(A):
General. An F-1 student may be authorized to work off-campus on a part-time basis in accordance with paragraph (f)(9)(ii) (B) or (C) of this section after having been in F-1 status for one full academic year provided that the student is in good academic standing as determined by the DSO. Part-time off-campus employment authorized under this section is limited to no more than twenty hours a week when school is in session. A student who is granted off-campus employment authorization may work full-time during holidays or school vacation.
学期间,OFF-CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT,不超过每周20小时。假期可以全职工作。

Severe econimic hardship的成立:
8 C.F.R. § 214.2(f)(9)(ii)(C):
If other employment opportunities are not available or are otherwise insufficient, an eligible F-1 student may request off-campus employment work authorization based upon severe economic hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the student\'s control. These circumstances may include loss of financial aid or on-campus employment without fault on the part of the student, substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate, inordinate increases in tuition and/or living costs, unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student\'s source of support, medical bills, or other substantial and unexpected expenses.

2、Curricular practical training /CPT
8 C.F.R.§214.2(f)(10)(i):
An F-1 student may be authorized by the DSO to participate in a curricular practical training program that is an integral part of an established curriculum. Curricular practical training is defined to be alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. Students who have received one year or more of full time curricular practical training are ineligible for post-completion academic training. Exceptions to the one academic year requirement are provided for students enrolled in graduate studies that require immediate participation in curricular practical training. A request for authorization for curricular practical training must be made to the DSO. A student may begin curricular practical training only after receiving his or her Form I-20 with the DSO endorsement.

3、Work for recognized international organizations
8 C.F.R. § 214.2(f)(9)(iii):
A bona fide F-1 student who has been offered employment by a recognized international organization within the meaning of the International Organization Immunities Act (59 Stat. 669) must apply for employment authorization to the service center having jurisdiction over his or her place of residence.

3、Doing/operating Business
美国法律对非移民non-immigrant工作限制的根源在于限制外国人与美国人对工作机会的竞争。所有的限制,是针对外国人作为employee,而不是作为employor,也不是作为independent contractor.而对外国人工作规定的,是劳工法律,移民法相关内容遵循劳工法。employment现在没有精确的定义,法律遵循法庭的判决,特别是联邦最高法院Rutherford Food Corporation v. McComb的判决。要考虑的因素有主要是degree of control over the business。如果是自己的公司自己的餐馆,则是否employee根本就不是个issue。

8 Del. C. § 101:Incorporators; how corporation formed; purposes
(a) Any person, partnership, association or corporation, singly or jointly with others, and without regard to such person\'s or entity\'s residence, domicile or state of incorporation, may incorporate or organize a corporation under this chapter by filing with the Division of Corporations in the Department of State a certificate of incorporation which shall be executed, acknowledged and filed in accordance with §103 of this title.

公司的employment。这里有很流行的说法,自己成立了公司,只能雇用别人来做,自己不能做。劳工法已经很明确地界定,self-employment不是employment。Hall v. McLaughlin, 864 F.2d 868, 870 (D.C. Cir. 1989); Modular Container Systems, Inc., 89-INA-228 (July 16, 1991) (en banc); Edelweiss Manufacturing Company, Inc., 87-INA-562 (Mar. 15, 1988) (en banc).
70年代时在8 CFR有很明确禁止外国学生self-employment的规定,8 C.F.R.§214.2(f)(6), 但是这条规定现在已经不存在。


关于移民之类的问题,华人之间容易讳莫如深,或者有意无意地误导。事实上,大致了解移民法对任何一个华人是必要的,即使是请律师做,。更何况大部分华人律师办移民的,并不懂多少移民法。而了解的根本,就是INA移民归化法与8 CFR。
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