
zt 二战中最辉煌的战舰:The Big E (组图,中英双语对照)

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      企业号(Enterprise CV-6)是第7艘以企业命名的舰只,她是约克城级航母中的第2艘,于1934年7月动工建造,1936年10月下水,1938年5月在东海岸开始服役,1939年4月转入太平洋服役。

       企业号绰号“大企(the Big E)”,几乎参加了太平洋的所有重要战役。大企是个幸运儿,在对手是崇尚武士道的日本人的情况下,能够看到战争的结束本身就说明了这一点。


  美国“企业”(Enterprise CVN-65)号核动力航空母舰为世界上第一艘核动力航空母舰。1964年,“企业”号进行了史无前例的环球航行,途中无需加油和再补给,历时64天,总航程3万多海里,充分显示了核动力的巨大续航力。

The Most Decorated Ship of the Second World War

Source: United States Naval Institute

"The carrier that fought the most through the entire war..."
-----Dedicatory Plaque, Enterprise Tower, U.S. Naval Academy


  Enterprise entered World War II on the morning of December 7, 1941, when her scout planes encountered the Japanese squadrons attacking Pearl Harbor. Not until May 14, 1945, when a Kamikaze attack off Kyushu, Japan, left a gaping hole in her flight deck, was she forced to leave the war.

  Of the more than twenty major actions of the Pacific War, Enterprise engaged in all but two. Her planes and guns downed 911 enemy planes; her bombers sank 71 ships, and damaged or destroyed 192 more. Her presence inspired both pride and fear: pride in her still unmatched combat record, and fear in the knowledge that Enterprise and hard fighting were never far apart.

  The most decorated ship of the Second World War, Enterprise changed the very course of a war she seemed to have been expressly created for.




"Steady nerves and stout hearts are needed now."


Battle Order Number One

  While the events that led up to the outbreak of general World War in 1941 are well understood, the motivations for those events are not always agreed upon, even today, over sixty years later.

  By December 1941, Axis armies controlled vast areas in and around Europe: from Italy, Spain and North Africa in the south, east nearly to Moscow, north to the Baltic and west to the Atlantic and North Sea. England, already "stripped to the bone" battling German U-boats and bombers, increasingly depended on American shipping and support for her very survival.

  In Asia, for decades tension had grown between the European colonial powers - England, Holland and France - the United States, and Japan: the western powers insisting on the right of unfettered access to China's markets, Japan determined to replace Western colonization with her own brand of "Asia for Asians", and the United States as committed to keeping China free and open, as to not propping up the European colonies.

  By 1941, the Allied powers were in general agreement that the first priority must be defeating Germany. American war plans reflected the shift in emphasis from defending American and European possessions in the Pacific, to controlling shipping on the Atlantic and preparing for an invasion of Europe itself. Meanwhile, increasing diplomatic and economic pressure was applied to Japan, aimed at forcing her withdrawal from China, where her armies had been involved in a long series of "incidents" since 1931. Japan, however, would not budge. As the year wore on, President Roosevelt and his diplomats, resigned to inevitable armed conflict with Japan, now simply negotiated for time, estimating that by mid-1942 enough forces could be stationed in the Far East to deter Japan from making a grab for the resource-rich Dutch East Indies and Malaysia.

  As part of this build-up, Enterprise shuttled Army Air Force P-39s and P-40s, as well as Navy planes, from West Coast ports to Pearl Harbor, and to outlying detachments on Wake and Guam further west. She departed on her last mission of this sort on November 28 - two days after Japan's Pearl Harbor strike force sailed from Japan - carrying Marine pilots and their planes to Wake Island, flying them off on December 2 before turning east to return to Pearl. Forced to slow by a massive weather system which also sheltered the Japanese Combined Fleet advancing on Oahu, Enterprise missed her expected return date to Pearl Harbor: December 6. Instead, she was 150 miles west when the first Japanese bombs began to fall December 7. Her first notice that war had begun came from one of her own pilots, Ensign Manuel Gonzales, of Scouting Six, flying in to Ford Island Naval Air Station that Sunday morning:

  "Please don't shoot! Don't shoot! This is an American plane."

  Moments later, he was heard ordering his aircrewman Leonard J. Kozelek to bail out: neither man was ever heard from again.





  作为计划的一部分,“企业”号定期派出P-39和P-40飞机作为海军航空兵在西海岸和珍珠港之间进行巡逻。并向威克岛和关岛甚至更西的地方派出飞机巡航。11月28日,她最后一次派飞机进行巡逻。两天后日军偷袭珍珠港的舰队离开日本,“企业”号和她的飞机一起向东回到了珍珠港。由于天气原因以及日军联合舰队向奥阿胡岛的攻击,“企业”耽误了回珍珠港的日期。到12月6日她还有150英里的航程,而12月7日日本飞机已经开始轰炸珍珠港了。她第一次注意战争是因为她的一名飞行员,第6侦察队的海军少尉Manuel Gonzales,在那天早上,他正飞往美军福特岛的海军基地。


  不久,有人听见他命令Leonard J. Kozelek 来解释,然而没有人在听得见了。

  Scene at Ford Island Naval Air Station, in Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

  Immediately after the attack, Enterprise was ordered to seek out and attack the Japanese fleet. Faulty intelligence and bad guesses led to her to search the waters southwest of Hawaii, where she found only more American ships. It is just as well, though, as it's unlikely Enterprise alone would have been an even match for the six Japanese fleet carriers now escaping west after the devastating morning raids.

  At dusk the following day, Enterprise and her Task Force, low on fuel, crept into Pearl Harbor. Angry and frightened voices called out to her: "You'd better get the hell out of here or the Japs will nail you too." "Where in hell were you?" Working in the dark, in shadows cast by the still-burning Arizona, Enterprise refueled while her men hauled on board provisions brought to the ship by lighters. By 0600 the next morning, she had cleared the harbor channel and returned to the vast Pacific, with room to maneuver, room to run.

  It was 9 December 1941, and Enterprise was at war.




"... And then there was one patched-up carrier."
----Rear Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid


  For Enterprise, 1942 began much as 1941 had ended, as she patrolled the western approaches to the Hawaiian islands and periodically returned to Pearl Harbor for supplies, frustrating both brown shoes and bluejackets alike.

  By the close of 1942, however, Enterprise was battered and barely seaworthy, her men exhausted and their nerves raw. What they had accomplished, though, was nothing short of remarkable.

  After a series of raids during the spring, Enterprise, Yorktown CV-5 and Hornet CV-8 brought Yamamoto's "year to run wild" to an abrupt halt off Midway Island. During the late summer, Enterprise covered the Allied landings on Guadalcanal, then guarded reinforcement efforts. Heavily engaged and damaged in the Battle of the Eastern Solomons in August, and the Battle of Santa Cruz in October, she was ordered once more in November to block yet another major Japanese effort to retake Guadalcanal. The result, known now as the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 12-15 November 1942, was the decisive action in the long struggle for the jungle island. In five days of heavy combat, the Japanese landing forces were virtually destroyed, and their supporting battle groups, damaged or destroyed, were pushed away from the island, signaling the end of Japan's southern expansion.

  In this first year of war, Enterprise and the other ships of the Pacific Fleet faced nearly overwhelming odds regularly. At Midway, Enterprise and her sister ships Hornet - which had never directly engaged the enemy before - and Yorktown - hastily patched up after being struck by an enemy bomb in the Coral Sea battle - squared off against four battle-hardened Japanese carriers ... and won. At Santa Cruz, Hornet and Enterprise - just two carriers now - again engaged four of the enemy's and inflicted such devastating losses on Japan's naval aviators that over a year would pass before Japan's carriers could once again challenge the American fleet.

  Over the course of the year, the Big E was struck six times by Japanese bombs, and more than 300 of her men were killed or wounded as a result. Enterprise Air Group and Air Group Ten, flying from Enterprise's deck the first eighteen months of the war, suffered heavy losses as they faced the best of Japan's fighting forces. One by one, the other prewar carriers of the Pacific fleet were lost in battle, or damaged and forced to withdraw for repair. Lexington CV-2 was lost in May, and Yorktown less than a month later. On the last day of August, Saratoga CV-3 absorbed her second torpedo of the year and was forced to retire to Pearl Harbor. Wasp CV-7, struck by three torpedoes on September 16, was not so lucky.

  Finally, on the morning of October 26, as Hornet burned just over the horizon, Enterprise became the last operational US carrier in the Pacific. A bold sign appeared in the hangar deck - "Enterprise vs. Japan" - reflecting both the desperate nature of the situation, and the resolve of Enterprise's men. Not until December 5, when the repaired Saratoga arrived at Noumea, would the men in Enterprise see another friendly flattop.

  After December 1942, however, Enterprise never fought alone again. Japan's navy, though still formidable, had been greatly weakened by the battles of 1942, battles in which the Big E had often played a pivotal role. And Japan's naval air arm, decimated at Midway, the Eastern Solomons, and Santa Cruz, would never make good its losses. By the end of 1942, Japan had been fought to a stand-still.






"If Enterprise is ready to fight, so am I."
     -----U.S. Navy Admiral, 1943



  After the battering carrier battles of 1942, 1943 marked a period of recovery and regrouping for both Japan and the United States. This is not to say that the fighting ceased entirely. It did not. Fighting on Guadalcanal continued until February 9, when Army General Alexander Patch announced "Organized resistance on Guadalcanal has ceased." With this, General MacArthur moved forward with Operation Cartwheel.

  Cartwheel was a two-pronged drive towards the Japanese stronghold of Rabaul, on the northern tip of New Britain. MacArthur and the Allied forces under his command would advance up the northern coast of New Guinea, cross the Dampier Strait to land on New Britain, and then push along the island's coast to Rabaul. Meanwhile, Halsey - operating under MacArthur's command - would conduct a series of landings in the Solomon Islands, from Guadalcanal to New Georgia, and on to Bougainville, just 250 miles from Rabaul. In the end, Rabaul was isolated and bypassed, but not without several bitter night engagements between Japanese and Allied surface forces.

  In late January, Enterprise was sent into the Coral Sea, to cover the landings of four transports full of men and supplies on Guadalcanal, part of the final push to drive the Japanese from the island. In her final engagement in the seas around Guadalcanal, she provided air cover for the heavy cruiser Chicago, torpedoed by land-based Japanese planes the evening of January 29. Late the next afternoon, another enemy strike materialized. In the attack, known as the Battle of Rennell Island, Enterprise's fighters downed 11 of the 12 enemy planes, unfortunately not before four more torpedoes had slammed into Chicago's hull, fatally wounding her.

  经过1942年的战斗,1943年日美双方都在进行着恢复和整编。这并不是说战争已经完全停止了。瓜达尔之战一直持续到这年2月9日,美国陆军将军亚历山大 帕奇才宣布:“瓜达尔德日军已经完全被肃清。”与此同时麦克阿瑟将军正在进行着蛙跳作战。


  在1月下旬,“企业”号被派往了珊瑚海,去为瓜达尔岛的的登陆部队提供支援,以便最终彻底地把岛上的日军赶走。在最后的海战中,她为重巡洋舰“芝加哥”号提供空中支援。结果在1月29日“企业”号被日军的陆航鱼雷机的鱼雷击中。在第二天下午,敌军又进行了一次空袭。在这次空袭中,也就是雷纳尔岛海战中,“企业”号击落了日军来袭的12架飞机中的11架。很不幸的是至少4枚鱼雷击中了“芝加哥”号的甲板 ,给它造成了致命的伤害。

  This Air Group 6 Hellcat failed to clear the deck after being waved off a landing. Catapult officer Lieutenant Walter Chewning clambers onto a wing to pull the pilot free

  第6飞行大队的泼妇战斗机由于剧烈的震动降落失败。发射军官Walter Chewning 中尉正爬上机翼去解救飞行员。

  By the end of April, the situation in the South Pacific was such that Enterprise could finally be spared for a much needed overhaul. Departing Espiritu Santo May 1, she arrived in Pearl Harbor May 8. Hopes that she'd promptly be sailing for the States were crushed as the harbor entrance came into view, literally: a signal light flickered the message that she'd be training a new air group for the next six weeks. The six weeks eventually stretched into ten, though the strain of waiting to sail home was briefly relieved on May 27, when Enterprise received the first  ever awarded to a carrier.

  Finally, on Bastille Day, 1943, Enterprise sailed for home, slipping into a berth in Bremerton, Washington, as dusk settled on July 20. In moments that each of the hundreds of men had anticipated for months, three large groups of men and officers were given 30 days leave, departing the ship about a month apart. Meanwhile the engineers, welders, steamfitters, metalworkers and machinists of Bremerton Navy Yard swarmed over the ship, properly repairing her many wounds, and refitting her to reflect the new realities of war. When she departed Bremerton on 1 November 1943, a new torpedo blister extended three quarters the length of her hull. Her flanks bristled with 50 20mm guns, and 40 40mm Bofors barrels: 36 more anti-aircraft guns than she had in July. Her 40mm and 5-inch guns were now coupled to radar-controlled gunfire directors, and her damage control systems were completely overhauled. The flight deck had been lengthened eighteen feet and widened by five. Below decks, more berths had been packed in for her growing crew, and her bridge had been modernized.

  Her appearance in Pearl Harbor on November 6 reportedly caused one Admiral to declare "If Enterprise is ready to fight, so am I." She had returned to a new war. The desperate defensive battles of 1942, fought by a handful of carriers against staggering odds, were past, as the U.S. Navy prepared to embark on the most sustained naval offensive in history. Enterprise and Saratoga, the only surviving veterans of 1942, now joined over a dozen new flattops, including six new Essex-class fleet carriers. Returning to action November 19, off the Gilbert Islands, Enterprise would not return to the United States for another 560 days. In that time, she and the armada which surrounded her would carry the war to the very shores of Japan. 




"Hit hard, hit fast, hit often."
       -----Admiral William F. Halsey


  On the evening of 22 January 1944, under the watchful eyes of Undersecretary of the Navy James Forrestal and Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, an enormous striking force, designated Task Force 58, slowly filed out of Pearl Harbor and set course southwest for the Marshall Islands. Divided into four task groups - any one of which could have crushed the Japanese forces at the Eastern Solomons or Santa Cruz - the "big blue fleet" would not return to Pearl Harbor until the war's end.

  On both sides of the Pacific, it was understood that 1944 marked the year the war would be won or lost. On both sides of the Pacific, war plans developed decades earlier were refined and then acted upon with vastly varying degrees of success.

  The American War Plan Orange, which called for fleet to battle its way across the Pacific to relieve the Philippines in the event of a Japanese attack, became reality in 1944. But the plan had a new twist. Instead of single drive through the central Pacific, 1944 witnessed two simultaneous offensives: one commanded by General Douglas MacArthur from the south, the other led by Admirals Spruance and Mitscher through the Marshall and Marianas islands. Both drives converged on the Philippines in October.

  Similarly, the Japanese pre-war plan, of drawing the enemy fleet into Japanese home waters, to be destroyed in a single, decisive battle, influenced their naval strategy in 1944. But while the American war plan led to incredible advances, leaps of 1000 miles at a time, the Japanese plan resulted in the utter destruction of Japan's naval forces.

  Though offensive to Americans today, this poster captured the fury and determination of the country at the height of the Second World War.


  Like an athlete at the peak of her condition, Enterprise was tirelessly in action for the entire year. In January she raided Taroa, in the Marshall islands, and then sailed north to pound Kwajalein atoll in preparation for its occupation. In February, she launched raid after raid against Truk, Japan's feared mid-Pacific fortress, breaking her own record for the tonnage of bombs dropped in a single day, and launching the first night bombing attack in the history of naval warfare.

  In March, she covered the Emirau landings (one of the few easy landings of the war), then steamed 1,100 miles west of Truk to bomb the Japanese defenders of the Palau atoll, including Peleliu. In April, the Big E raided Woleai, sailed to Majuro atoll for a short rest, then headed south to cover MacArthur's landings at Hollandia, on the northwest coast of New Guinea. After the landings, she once again blasted Truk, and then returned to Majuro.

  Enterprise lay over in Majuro for most of May, then on June 6 sortied with Task Force 58 north to the Marianas Islands. In a display of military and industrial might not seen before or since, the United States threw its weight behind two massive offensives on opposite sides of the globe. Off the beaches of Normandy, the United States, Canada and England amassed an invasion force of 4,000 vessels, 110,000 vehicles and nearly three quarters of a million men, then penetrated the Atlantic Wall on D-Day: June 6, 1944. Simultaneously, in the Pacific, a fleet of 535 ships and 127,000 soldiers and Marines bore down on Guam, Saipan and Tinian: major links in Japan's inner defensive line.

  In early June, Enterprise and the other fast carriers hammered on Japanese planes and air fields in the Marianas, and then on the landing beaches themselves, in preparation for invasion launched on June 15.

  A few days later, in the last great carrier battle of the war - likely the last in history - Mitscher and Spruance faced off against Japanese Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, and destroyed Japan's naval air power for good. Prowling off the Marianas until July 5, Enterprise turned east for Pearl Harbor for repair, and to bring aboard a new air group: Air Group 20.

  By the end of August, she was back in action off the Bonin islands, then Yap, Ulithi, Peleliu and Palau. After supporting the Peleliu invasion in September, she struck at the Philippines and Formosa, before taking part in the largest naval battle in history: Leyte Gulf.

  For another month, Enterprise and Task Force 38 (renamed from Task Force 58 when Halsey relieved Spruance after the Marianas invasions) roamed off the Philippines, attacking Japanese air fields and shipping, before finally returning to Pearl Harbor on December 6.

  When Enterprise stood out from Oahu on Christmas Eve 1944, she had been re-designated CV(N)-6. The "N" stood for "Night". Enterprise was the first fleet carrier ordered into, and capable of, around-the-clock warfare. At night, her planes would fly combat air patrols and launch strikes against the enemy; by day her flight deck was ready to receive planes and pilots too battered to return to their home carriers, to fly CAP missions during enemy attack and to provide fighter direction for the fleet.

  For a seaman in Enterprise in the last days of 1944, it was clear that the Allies had made great strides during the preceding year: that the writing was on the wall for Germany and Japan. What he could not know was that the coming year would see the most fierce fighting, and the highest casualties, of the entire Pacific conflict. Nor could he know that 1945 would be the year that Enterprise would finally be removed forcibly from the war.













 Enterprise's Number One elevator caps a 400 foot pillar of smoke and wreckage, moments after a bomb-laden Kamikaze plunged through her flight deck, May 14, 1945.


"You're scared and no denying it ..."
       -----VT(N)-90 Squadron History, April 1945


  The first Kamikaze ("Divine Wind") attacks in October 1944 changed the nature and psychology of the Pacific war. The Kamikaze - a Japanese fighter or bomber, often armed with a single large bomb, carrying enough fuel for a one-way suicidal strike - was a lethal and fearsome weapon.

  The Kamikaze, if he succeeded in penetrating a Task Force's cruiser and destroyer screen, was far more dangerous than an ordinary bomber or torpedo plane. Though usually flown by minimally trained pilots, Kamikazes were in a sense "smart" bombs, capable of waiting for the opportune moment to strike, and keeping up with every turn of their target. If they struck a ship - and 7% did - the disintegrating plane, burning fuel and plunging engine would inflict considerable damage beyond that caused by the bomb itself.

  The Kamikaze attack symbolized a mindset incomprehensible to most Americans. For the most part, American commanders strove to minimize casualties in their forces: suicidal attacks were virtually unheard of. But the Kamikaze attack was suicidal, was ordered by commanding officers, was part of Japan's strategy. It went beyond what American seamen understood as "fair fighting": even in war. It disoriented, it terrified, it assaulted a man's hope that he might make it home alive.

  In the face of this threat, and with Japanese naval air power in ruins, U.S. carrier forces had three primary roles: providing air support for ground forces and landings, providing air defense for the fleet, and suppressing Japan's ground-based air forces. As a night carrier, carrying Night Air Group 90, Enterprise was particularly involved in the latter two missions.

  Along with other carriers designated as night carriers - the light carrier Independence CVL-22, and Saratoga CV-3 - Enterprise defended the fleet from night bomber attacks, flew daytime combat air patrols, and launched nighttime strikes against enemy shipping and airfields. It was dangerous and exhausting work. Joe Hranek, crewman in Enterprise's VT(N)-90 recalls: "...I was never sure where we were until [the pilot] cut the engine and the deck lights suddenly appeared. All in all it was sheer terror."

  Enterprise's first strikes of 1945 were against airfields on Luzon, Philippines, followed by raids into Indo-China, and five major strikes on shipping and installations along the Indo-China and South China Sea coasts. Sailing north, she pounded Formosa (Taiwan) before returning to Ulithi atoll for replenishment. Departing Ulithi on January 26 she joined Task Force 58 on the mission her men had been waiting three long years for: . Dwarfing the Doolittle raid of April 1942, the February 16-17 strikes on Tokyo involved nearly 800 Navy fighters, bombers, and torpedo planes: blasting airfields, shipping and port facilities and industrial targets in and around Tokyo. Enterprise's Night Air Group 90 (NAG-90) flew into Tokyo Bay at dusk February 16, attacking the air base at Yokosuka, tearing up planes and airfields, radio and radar installations, trains and depots.

March 20, 1945: Aftermath of three near misses, and two friendly fire hits.

  Withdrawing south, Enterprise and the other carriers took up stations off , attacking nearby enemy airfields, and providing close air support for the Marines who landed on February 19.

  If Allied victory seemed inevitable by this time, Iwo Jima, and later Okinawa, proved how Pyrrhic the victory could become. On Iwo Jima, 5931 Marines, 881 sailors and over 20,000 Japanese defenders died. Kamikaze attacks sank the escort carrier Bismarck Sea CVE-95, and knocked old Saratoga out of the war for good. Although most of TF 58's carriers pulled away from Iwo on February 23 for further strikes against Honshu, Japan, Enterprise's TG 58.5 remained behind. For a record-setting seven days and six hours between February 23 and March 2 - 174 hours total - Enterprise ran continuous air operations. Day and night, she provided air defense for the Marines on Iwo, the amphibious forces, and her own task group, and also struck at enemy airfields and shipping at Chichi Jima, to the north. Only severe weather forced the Big E to halt flight operations on March 2. The next day, round-the-clock operations resumed and continued until March 9, when Army Air Force planes flying from captured Iwo Jima airfields were able to relieve Night Air Group 90.

  After two short days in Ulithi, Enterprise again sailed north, this time to pound airfields in Kyushu and Shikoku, in preparation for the Okinawa landings. On March 19, to the horror of every man in the fleet, the carrier Franklin CV-13 was struck by two bombs while her flight deck was full of armed and fueled planes. The resulting explosions and inferno killed 798 men. Remarkably, Franklin survived and eventually retired to the U.S. east coast for repair, but for her the war was over.

  The next day, Enterprise herself came under attack. Throughout the day, enemy bombers and suicide planes had harassed the fleet, attacking singly or in small groups. Late in the afternoon, two 'Judy' bombers dove on the ship in separate attacks. The near misses caused no serious damage. However, in their determination to protect the Big E, other ships in her group had drawn down their anti-aircraft fire close to her flight deck. Moments after the second near miss exploded off Enterprise's starboard quarter, two 5" shells fired by another US Navy ship slammed into the Enterprise's 40mm gun tubs forward of the bridge, killing 7 and wounding 30. The spreading fires set off 20mm and 40mm shells in the gun tubs, and threatened the fueled and armed planes on the hangar deck below. After 20 minutes of fire-fighting efforts, hardly interrupted by another near miss off the port quarter, Enterprise's men had the fires under control, and 15 minutes later, out for good.

  At Ulithi, men from repair ship Jason and Enterprise's R Division labored for ten days to patch up her wounds. On April 5, she sailed to join TF 58 off Okinawa, where the 3rd Marine Corps and XIV Army Corps had landed on April 1. On the 6th, as the Big E steamed northwest, 350 Kamikazes attacked TF 58, sinking three ships. Over the next six weeks, suicide attacks sank another 33 ships and damaged 368 others. On April 11, for the second time in less than a month, Enterprise was again attacked. Two Kamikazes crashed within yards of her, wrenching her hull, killing one, and wounding 18.

  Again Enterprise withdrew to Ulithi for repairs by Jason's men: again, three weeks later, she returned to combat off Okinawa. On May 11, the Kamikazes returned, this time catching Admiral Marc Mitscher's flagship Bunker Hill CV-17 with a deckload of planes. Bunker Hill was still afire when Mitscher transferred his Flag to Enterprise. Striving to end the Kamikaze attacks - costing the Navy "a ship and a half a day," in Admiral Nimitz's words - on May 12 Enterprise launched a night strike against Kyushu, targeting air fields and port facilities.

  Two days later, however, inbound Kamikazes once more began filling the fleet's radar screens shortly after sunrise. One of the planes penetrated the destroyer screen, hopping from cloud to cloud, carefully avoiding the anti-aircraft barrage and patrolling fighters. Shortly before 0700, the bomber dove on Enterprise, flipped over and plunged through Enterprise's flight deck just aft of the forward elevator. The explosion sent the 15 ton elevator rocketing 400 feet into the air, wounding 72 men and killing 12. Though the Big E never left her station or lost speed, her fighting efficiency was compromised, and on 16 May 1945, she withdrew from combat. The last carrier struck by a Kamikaze, she would not return to war.

  Returning first to Pearl Harbor, she received a hero's welcome before sailing for "Uncle Sugar" - the United States - two days later, flying an enormous 578 ft pennant: one foot for every day since she'd left Bremerton in November 1943. Once again in Bremerton, she was repaired and overhauled: she was moored to Pier 6 in Puget Sound Navy Yard when Japan surrendered on 14 August 1945.

Enterprise pulls away from Southampton, England, on December 13, 1945.

  Enterprise returned to Pearl Harbor in September, then sailed on September 25 with her new Night Air Group 55, bound for New York via the Panama Canal. This was the first of four "Magic Carpet" voyages she'd complete that fall and winter. From Pearl, she carried 1141 passengers, including hospital patients and repatriated prisoners of war.

  She rejoined the fleet in New York Harbor October 17, for the Navy Day celebration on October 27. By this time, her story, and the crucial role she'd played again and again in the Pacific war, were public knowledge and for two weeks the Big E was the center of the city's attention. Her name was emblazoned across  - "The Big E, Fightin'est Carrier, In!" Moored to Pier 26 on the Hudson River, she welcomed over a quarter million visitors, and rendered "passing honors" to President Truman when he inspected the ships at anchor on the 27th. That afternoon, Enterprise's Navy Band #51 led the World War II Victory Parade - and thousands of United States sailors, soldiers and Marines - down New York City's Avenue of the Americas. After nightfall, Night Air Group 55 flew in formation, fully alight, to salute the fleet and the Big E herself.

  Recognition of her greatness did not end there. Tying up briefly in Southampton, England, on her November Magic Carpet voyage, Enterprise became the first - and to date only - ship outside the Royal Navy ever awarded that Navy's highest honor: the Admiralty Pennant. On that voyage, she carried 4668 servicemen home from Europe; on her next voyage, she carried another 4413 military passengers from Southampton, arriving in New York on . Her last Magic Carpet voyage took her to the Azores, where she picked up 3557 passengers, including 212 WACS, returning to New York January 17, 1946. The next day she moored at Bayonne, New Jersey: a proud ship, but never to sail under her own power again.





  和其他被指定的夜航航母比如CVL-22轻型航母“独立”号和CV-3“萨拉托加”号一起,“企业”号主要为舰队提供对夜间轰炸机攻击防御,白天进行空中战斗巡逻,夜间攻击敌方船只和机场。这都是危险和疲劳的工作。“企业”号上的一个名为Joe Hranek成员回忆说“直到引擎关掉,甲板灯亮起,我都不知道我们到底在哪里。这一切完全是令人恐怖。”


  随后“ 企业”号和其他航母撤向南方,在硫黄岛外进入战备状态。它们攻击邻近的日本机场,并为2月19日登陆的海军陆战队提供空中支援。











"...the one ship that most nearly symbolizes the history of the Navy in this war."
       -----Secretary of the Navy, James V. Forrestal


  Enterprise languished at her Bayonne, New Jersey moorage for twelve and a half years. Though she never went to sea again, she remained in active service until February 17, 1947 when she was decommissioned, and reclassified as a unit in the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. As a reserve unit she was redesignated CVA-6 (attack carrier) in October 1952, and then CVS-6 (anti-submarine carrier) on August 8, 1953. While "young" for a capital ship, she had been rendered obsolete by the rapid development of naval aviation during and after the war. She could not economically be modernized to handle the heavier, faster planes coming in to service. (The Big E served for nine years. In comparison, her namesake, the nuclear-powered , commissioned in 1961, is expected to have an active duty life of 50 years.)

  With Enterprise in mothballs, a number of efforts were made to preserve her for public exhibit. The first attempt came in 1946, when she was proposed for donation to New York State. Three years later, the San Francisco Museum of Science and Industry suggested exhibiting her at Treasure Island Naval Air Station, in San Francisco Bay. The Navy declined the offer, citing the cost of transferring the ship and maintaining her afterwards.

  No further attempts were made until October 1956, when the Navy released a list of ships it could no longer afford to mothball. The list included Enterprise, as well as several of the great battleships that had fought at her side: North Carolina, South Dakota and Washington.

  Though many years had passed since the last effort to preserve her had failed, Enterprise had not been forgotten. In 1954, several of her former crewmembers formed the , holding their first reunion that year in Chicago, Illinois. In 1956, Enterprise received a number of special visitors. Rear Admiral Thomas Kinkaid, who'd flown his flag from her in 1942 at the , held his retirement ceremony on her hangar deck. That same year, 350 Enterprise Association members attended a reunion at New York's Astor Hotel, the highlight of which was a visit to the Big E at her Bayonne moorage.

  When the Navy announced it could no longer maintain Enterprise, the Association stepped forward to save her. Launching a publicity drive and aided by Enterprise's old friend, Admiral William F. Halsey, the Association succeeded in passing a resolution through Congress to establish Enterprise as a national memorial in Washington, DC. But the resolution had a catch: the Association had to assume full fiscal responsibility for maintaining Enterprise, and was given just six months to raise the initial two million dollars needed to move and preserve the ship.

August 21, 1958: The Big E is pushed past the Brooklyn Bridge, and into oblivion.

  For a nation eager to forget the terrible wars and depression of the first half of the century, excited by the developing space race, and not yet appreciative of the historic value of the war's great combatants, it was too much in too short a time. The Association, recognizing the impossibility of saving the ship, sought a compromise with the Navy.

  An agreement was reached between Secretary of the Navy Thomas S. Gates, and the Enterprise Association. The Association would abandon its drive to save the ship, allowing the Navy to sell her for scrap, relieving it of the cost of continuing to mothball her. In return, the Navy promised to name the first nuclear-powered carrier (then in construction) "Enterprise", dedicate the Elevator Tower at the Navy-Marine Corps Stadium in Annapolis in Enterprise's name in exchange for a $10,000 sponsorship from the Association, and donate to the Association any parts of Enterprise suitable for inclusion in a memorial to the carrier. All but one of these promises were kept: Enterprise's distinctive tripod mast, which was to be mounted atop the Elevator Tower, was ultimately discarded.

  Enterprise's demise caused much hurt and anger for many who served in her. And while it may not have been clear then, it is now: Enterprise was a unique national and historical treasure, and the country is poorer for her not being preserved. The last surviving prewar carrier (Saratoga was destroyed by an atomic bomb test in 1946), the only carrier to fight at Pearl Harbor, the only surviving carrier from Midway and the Guadalcanal campaign, the ship which at one point was the only U.S. carrier left to fight in the Pacific, Enterprise was one of a handful of truly great ships in history: Constitution, Victory, Constellation, Enterprise.

  Still, there were those who felt that Enterprise's greatness was more than could be preserved by simply preserving the ship: it was the efficiency and fighting spirit of her men, the blessing of Fortune, her knack for being where she was needed most, and the affection and respect she instilled in all who served with her. Alvin Kernan writes in "Crossing The Line":

  "...I couldn't bear to think of her sitting around in some backwater, being exploited in unworthy ways, invaded by hordes of tourists with no sense of her greatness. Better by far, I thought, to leave her to memory of those who had served on her when she was fully alive, vibrating under full steam at thirty-two knots, the aircraft turning up, guns firing, heeling over so sharply that the hangar deck took on water to avoid the bombs."

  Having served the State, Enterprise - CV-6, the Big E, the Galloping Ghost, "the carrier that fought the most throughout the entire war" - was sold for scrap on July 1, 1958.

  By March of 1960, she was gone.




尽管最后一次保存企业号的失败的努力已经过去了很多年,但是企业号至今仍没有被遗忘。在1954年,一些原来企业号的成员组织成立了“企业号CV-6联合会”,并且在这一年,于芝加哥举行了第一次聚会。在1956年,企业号接待了许多特殊的参观者。曾经在1942年的圣卡鲁斯海战中在企业号上升起将旗的托马斯.金凯德海军少将在它的甲板上举行了自己的退役典礼。同年,350名企业号的前成员参加了在纽约的Astor Hotel的聚会,并且参观了企业号。






1960 年3月,企业号永远逝去了。

The Ship

  Three views of Enterprise CV-6, from 1938 to 1944, courtesy of Gordon G. Buttars. Click an image for an enlarged sketch of how the carrier appeared in 1938, 1942 and 1944.


  Enterprise CV-6 was the second of the three Yorktown-class carriers. One of the most successful warship designs in history, the Yorktown-class carriers were built with the experience gained from earlier carrier designs: Lexington CV-2 and Saratoga CV-3, which were built on converted battle-cruiser hulls, and Ranger CV-4, the first US carrier specifically designed as a carrier.


  Enterprise, and her sister ships Yorktown CV-5 and Hornet CV-8, while of a third smaller displacement than Lexington and Saratoga, could carry practically the same number of aircraft, and 30% more aviation fuel. In other words, they could deliver the same offensive punch more times, and more efficiently. The Yorktown-class carriers were exceptionally seaworthy, and more maneuverable than their predecessors. In keeping with American carrier doctrine, they sacrificed armor and guns to maximize the number of attack planes carried. Yet, with hundreds of watertight internal compartments, they were also capable of surviving terrific battle damage.


  Perhaps their primary weakness as designed was vulnerability to torpedo attack. Both Yorktown (at Midway) and Hornet (at Santa Cruz) were severely damaged by Japanese torpedoes, though it's worth noting that both ships put up considerable resistance to actually sinking afterwards. It is also noteworthy that of the all the US fleet carriers to serve in the Pacific in the first year of the war, Enterprise was the only one not to be struck by an enemy torpedo ... and near the end of that first year, she was also the only battle-ready US fleet carrier. As part of her 1943 refit at Bremerton, Washington, Enterprise acquired a torpedo blister along three quarters of her hull, above and below waterline.


  Her war-time modifications also reflected the nature of the Pacific war. After the tremendous carrier battles of 1942, it was clear that anti-aircraft protection was a vital component of any surface ship's armament. By the end of 1943, Enterprise and most other combatants in the US fleet bristled with 20mm and Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns, two of the most effective anti-aircraft weapons of the war. Radar-controlled fire directors for both the 5" and 40mm guns - added in 1943 - gave Enterprise the ability to beat back attacking aircraft in all weather, day or night.


All Hands

Enterprise's extraordinary record can be attributed to three main factors. First, as a Yorktown-class carrier, she was blessed with a highly effective design. Fast, efficient, and maneuverable, she easily outperformed her predecessors, and held her own with the Essex-class carriers introduced in 1943.

Second, on more than one occasion, Fortune was by her side. Had her task force not been slowed by a storm in December 1941, she would have been docked in Pearl Harbor on December 7, and a prime target for the Japanese attack. Had her Air Group Commander Wade McClusky not spotted a lone enemy destroyer speeding northwest at Midway, that battle might well have ended in a Japanese victory as lopsided as the eventual American triumph.

More than anything else, however, Enterprise's historic legacy is due to the men who served in her. Even a partial roll-call reads like a Who's Who of the Pacific War. Vice Admiral William F. Halsey flew his Flag from her on the early, daring raids against Wake and the Marshalls, as well as the Doolittle Raid. From her bridge, Vice Admiral Raymond Spruance commanded Enterprise and Hornet at Midway. Vice Admiral Marc Mitscher's Flag flew from her when she was Kamikazied off Kyushu, in May 1945. Medal of Honor recipient Edward "Butch" O'Hare commanded her Air Group Six in late 1943, before dying tragically during the United States' first carrier-based night fighter mission: an ultimately successful tactic developed largely by O'Hare and Air Officer Tom Hamilton, and later refined by Bill Martin, commander of VT-10 and Night Air Group Ninety. Wade McClusky, Earl Gallaher, Richard Best and Gene Lindsey - all heroes of Midway - flew from her deck that June 4th morning.

Edward "Butch" O'Hare

The list continues, of those whose spirit was imprinted on Enterprise and on her men: Robin Lindsey, Daniel "Dog" Smith, William "Killer" Kane, Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa, John Crommelin, James "Jimmy" Flatley, James Ramage, Bruno Gaido, Osborne Hardison, Herschel Smith.

And then there were the thousands of "ordinary" men, who led otherwise quiet lives, but who in a way seldom seen in this day and age, put their plans and dreams on hold, their lives in jeopardy, and turned out to squarely face a lethal foe, and an assault on their values. As many as 30,000 men served in the Big E during her nine years of active service. Among them were 103 enlisted men and one officer who earned all 20 Battle Stars awarded to Enterprise and her men, as well as "plank owners" and others in her pre-war crew who brought the Big E to maturity, ready to fight from the first day of the war.

These men created in Enterprise a spirit which made her one of the most successful and beloved warships in history: a living legend and a symbol of American resolve in every task force in which she sailed.



  另外,“企业”号的历史遗产还归功于在战舰上服役的人们。以及那些精通于太平洋战争的人们。海军中将威廉F哈尔西在早期就把她作为旗舰,在威克岛和马绍尔群岛以及杜立特空袭中。从她的舰桥上,海军中将Raymond Spruance 指挥“企业”号和“大黄蜂”号在中途岛作战。在1945年5月九州之战中,麦克阿瑟将军的占企业曾经在“企业”号上飘扬。在1943年底,她的第6飞行大队指挥官王牌飞行员Edward "Butch" O'Hare 获得了荣誉勋章。1943 年 11 月 26 日晚到 27 日凌晨第一次采夜战作战中,他牺牲了。但是O'Hare和Tom Hamilton发明的夜间作战最终获得了成功。并且由VT-10的夜间第90大队指挥官Bill Martin发挥到了极致。Wade McClusky, Earl Gallaher, Richard Best 和 Gene Lindsey 这些中途岛的英雄们在6月4日早晨从她的甲板上开始了辉煌的战斗一生。

  这个光荣的名单一直延续着,记载着“企业”号和她的船员们的精神:Robin Lindsey, Daniel "Dog" Smith, William "Killer" Kane, Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa, John Crommelin, James "Jimmy" Flatley, James Ramage, Bruno Gaido, Osborne Hardison, Herschel Smith.




  Enterprise's exploits did not go unrecognized, at home or abroad. Over the course of the war, she received 20 battle stars, three more than any other ship (sisterships New Orleans CA-32, Minneapolis CA-36 and San Francisco CA-38 each received 17 battle stars), and seven more than the next carrier (Essex CV-9, which received 13 stars).

        In May 1943, while she prepared to return to the States for much needed repair and refitting, Enterprise became the first aircraft carrier to be awarded the Presidential Unit Citation. She later received a Navy Unit Commendation, becoming the only carrier awarded both decorations for service in the Second World War.

      Perhaps her two most prestigious tributes were received after she left the war. In August 1945, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal cited Enterprise as the "one vessel that most nearly symbolizes the history of the Navy in this war." Two months later, following the Navy Day celebration in New York in October 1945, Secretary Forrestal recommended to President Truman that Enterprise, unable to operate the heavier, faster aircraft then entering service, be preserved "as a visible symbol of American valor and tenacity in war, and of our will to fight all enemies who assail us...."

      Later that fall, while participating in the Magic Carpet program for returning servicemen to state-side from the European theater, Enterprise docked in Southampton, England on November 23, 1945. During her brief stay, she was boarded by the British First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Albert Alexander, who presented Enterprise a British Admiralty Pennant, the most prestigious decoration of the Royal Navy. Enterprise is the only ship outside the Royal Navy to have received the pennant, in the more than 400 years since its creation.

Enterprise and her veterans, included among the 16 ships and 10,000 sailors, airmen and Marines who took part in the Doolittle Raid in April 1942, were officially recognized for their daring exploit just recently, on May 15, 1995. The Task Force 16 Citation is the most recent decoration awarded Enterprise and her veterans: it may not be the last.



    也许是因为她获得这两个最高的荣誉是在离开战争之后的缘故。在1945年8月,海军部长James Forrestal 赞扬“企业”号为“海军在这场战争中最有代表性的军舰”两个月后,1945年10月在纽约举行的海军节上, Forrestal部长向杜鲁门总统说“企业”号不能良好的运转,需要进行维修。“她代表了美国人在战争中面对敌人时的勇气、韧劲和我们的意志”。

    在秋末,1945年11月23日的英格兰,“企业”号停靠在南安普敦港,参加为从欧洲战场凯旋而归的战士们进行的欢庆会。在她短暂的逗留期间,英国海军大臣Albert Alexander爵士参观了“企业”号。他还在“企业”号上升起了英国的海军旗帜,这可是英国皇家海军最高荣誉的旗帜。“企业”号是英国皇家海军建军4000年以来唯一拥有这面荣誉旗帜的外国军舰。


Remembering Enterprise“企业”号的回忆

"Just as Enterprise deserves not to be forgotten, so too should her era not be forgotten."


  Enterprise left an indelible mark on the course of the Pacific War, and on the hearts of the men who served in her. Although the campaign to preserve Enterprise herself met with failure, her memory and spirit have been preserved in myriad ways, largely through the efforts of her former crew and air groups.


Memorials and Relics Flags 记录和神圣旗帜

  Two flags known to have flown from Enterprise's mast still survive to the present day. Her battle flag at Santa Cruz (26 October 1942) was later presented to Landing Signal Officer LT Robin Lindsey for his exemplary performance that day, and is now on display in the USS Enterprise CV-6 exhibit at the National Museum of Naval Aviation, in Pensacola, Florida.  
“企业”号桅杆上著名的旗帜时至今天还有两面保存着。她在圣克鲁兹(1942年10月26日)的战旗在那一天作为表彰授予了预警军官Robin Lindsey。现在这面旗帜陈列于佛罗里达彭萨卡拉海军航空兵国家纪念馆。

  The Big E's Commissioning Day flag, as displayed in Fall 1999, in Phoenix's professional baseball stadium.

    Enterprise Stern Plate企业号尾部标志

    The difficult task of dismantling Enterprise was directed by W. Henry Hoffman. An engineer with an appreciation of history, Hoffman took over 150 photographs of Enterprise before and during her scrapping, and also took possession of the stern plate from her fantail: a massive steel work, 16 feet long, which proudly proclaimed the ship's name in raised letters. Hoffman donated the plate - the only major remaining piece of Enterprise's hull - to the township of River Vale, New Jersey, where for many years it was displayed behind the center field fence of a Little League ballfield.

    On 2 October 2000, the stern plate - having been sandblasted and repainted - was placed in River Vale's Veterans Park - its new, permanent home - where a dedication ceremony was held 9 December 2000.

  由W亨利 霍夫曼下令拆除。作为历史鉴定专家,霍夫曼  拍摄了超过150张企业号换装前后的照片。而且拥有它尾部标志的所有权:一个巨大的钢制部件,16英尺长,上面刻有“企业”号名字的字母。霍夫曼把这块“企业”号剩下的涂装捐赠给了新泽西州的河谷镇。多少年以来,这块牌子一直放置在一个小球场中央围栏的后面。

Enterprise's stern plate in its current location in River Vale, New Jersey. Photo courtesy Mel Hofer (pictured).


Ship's Bell and Anchor


    In 1950, the United States Naval Academy, with the assistance of then-Superintendent Admiral Harry W. Hill, took possession of the Enterprise ship's bell. The bell is now stationed in front of Bancroft Hall, in a mount donated by the Academy Class of 1921, and rung when the Academy observes Morning Colors, and to celebrate sports team victories over rival Army.

    One of Enterprise's 15-foot tall anchors is on exhibit in the Washington Naval Yard, in Washington, DC, and maintained by the Naval Historical Center.


Enterprise CV-6 Ship's Bell

Enterprise's ship's bell, in Annapolis, Maryland.



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