THE PHOTO: Todd Oldham shoot, New York City, 1998
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS: ''Todd Oldham liked the idea of a pair of pants made out of duct tape — so they taped me into a pair of jeans. We had to cut me out of them after the shoot.''

THE PHOTO: R.E.M. in concert, Paris, 1995
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS:''This T-shirt was given to me by an actor friend because it reminded him of me. It was really bedraggled and worn in. That's the shirt I was wearing when I first met Patti Smith.''

THE PHOTO: R.E.M. at the Live 8 concert in Hyde Park, London, 2005
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS: ''Without hair there's not a lot I can do onstage to kind of ornament myself, so I started doing the Blade Runner makeup. The top half of my face was blue and irritated all the time because I was sweating every night. The Incredibles came out at the time this tour started, but I did the makeup before then.''

THE PHOTO: The Tibetan Freedom Concert, Washington, D.C., 1998
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS: ''This was our first performance as a three-piece since Bill left the band, and I just wanted to present something that had a little pizzazz. So I went onstage in tighty-whities and this thing. It was a Gaultier knockoff. I flashed the whole audience.''

THE PHOTO: Athens, Ga., 1982
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS: ''That's a thrift-store suit and thrift-store glasses and a thrift-store hat. Athens was the kind of community where people didn't have the kind of money that they have in Los Angeles or Chicago or New York, so there were a lot of thrift stores. You'd get an old suit and usually it would have like a 40'' waist, so you would just cinch it with a rope or a belt and that became a whole look. It seemed like a lot of really short, rotund guys passed away in the late '70s and early '80s, and those were the suits that you had to wear, and so you just kind of worked with it.''

THE PHOTO: Houston, Texas, 1986
MICHAEL STIPE SAYS: ''Yeah, I remember this show, it was in Texas. I bought these stick-on mailbox letters.''
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: ''And the 'Number One'?''
STIPE: ''Well, to me, it says 'no one.'''