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这美国狐狸台新闻有趣: https://news.yahoo.com/cruz-responds-biden-allegedly-authorized-071548749.html
我们知道美国最近用战斗机打下了4个气球,据参议员Ted Cruz爆料,第二个气球是中学的科学实验气球,花费是12刀,在阿拉斯加西海岸被美国2亿美刀的F-22发射的一枚价值40万刀的导弹打了下来,当时气球的飞行高度是38910英尺。
Daniel: If our government knew exactly when it was launched and followed it straight to the point that they felt it was actually inadvertently blown into our direction, but sat on that and made a big public deal about it, then the little credibility they had is shattered. 让我们政府本来就很小的信用也没了。
JOHN: This administration needs to learn to get their story straight before they tell it. How can you believe them when it changes daily. It just a matter of time before it the guys fault that put the report in the wrong box. 他们每天一变,还能相信吗?
Tom: Facts don't matter in America anymore. The Military Industrial Complex and its boosters have seized on a golden opportunity to exploit already existing insecurity and hysteria to ramp up the sales pitch for more conflicts and more arms sales. And that's that. 就是军方故意夸大此事骗钱