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AdamsHouse Junior Petar Cai '10 died of cardiac arrest around noon today atMt. Auburn Hospital. Peter collapsed at this morning's River Run, andwas transported to the hospital after tutors and students had triedadministering CPR.
According to some reports, a tutor from Adams - who also happens tobe a doctor - was running behind Peter during the race. When Petercollapsed the tutor immediately tried to save his life by administeringCPR.
Peter Cai was known to go running often, and didn't seem to have any major health issues.
The tragedy was announced via e-mail to the Adam House community at12:45. Most of the other Houses sent out emails to notify students ofthe news, as well as annouce that Adams House would convene at 1:30p.m. in its dining hall.
Peter, stemming from Pittsburg, studied molecular and cellularbiology. He was also a violinist for the Mozart Society Orchestra.
Dean Hammonds: "We are deeply saddened"
In a statement issued to the whole University, Dean of Harvard College Evelynn Hammonds had the following to say:
Dear Students,
We are deeply saddened by the death today of Harvard Collegejunior Peter Cai. Peter was a beloved member of Adams House and wasvery involved in campus life including volunteering as a tutor in thePhillips Brooks House Association's Chinatown program and as aviolinist in the Mozart Society Orchestra. A molecular and cellularbiology concentrator, the Pittsburgh, PA native was pre-med and wasactive in various science and pre-medical student groups.
His friends at Adams House were informed this afternoon of hisdeath that occurred when he collapsed after participating in the RiverRun, an intramural student race held annually along the Charles River.The cause of his death has not been determined. Grief counselors havebeen made available to the Adams House community and a memorial serviceis being planned in his honor. We ask that everyone in the communitymake a special effort during this time to reach out and support thosewho were closest to Peter.
Peter will be missed immensely by the many students, faculty andstaff whose lives he touched during his time at Harvard. The thoughtsand prayers of the Harvard community are with his family and loved ones.
Evelynn Hammonds