
现场直播 - 老鹰夫妇养宝宝 - The Raptor Resource Project

(2012-04-17 08:40:06) 下一个


Decorah Eagles


The Raptor Resource Project在 Decorah, Iowa 的秃鹰窝旁架了摄像机,看老鹰下蛋孵蛋,看老鹰把宝宝养大直到飞离巢。这对老鹰夫妇从2007年就住在这个巢里,2008孵了2个,2009孵3个,2010孵了3个,2011孵了三个,今年三月底孵出了三个,是第12,13,14个宝宝。这对爹妈从早到晚轮流守在窝里,抓鸟抓鱼一口口地喂,小家伙一天一个样。去年看直播的人太多,常常联不上,今年人少好联多了。

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How high is the nest? About 80 feet.

  • How big is the nest? About 6 feet across, about 5 feet deep; it weighs close to 1367 lb.

  • How old is the nest? The eagles built it in 2007. A previous nest close by fell when a windstorm broke one of the branches.

  • Which is the male and which is the female? It is hard to tell the difference unless they are both on the nest. The female is larger than the male. This female has an arched ridge above her eyes that goes further back than on the male, and her eyes are surrounded by a greyish shadow; the ridge above the male’s eye is shorter and seems a little closer to the eye. The male has a line around his eyes that makes them look “beady,” and his head looks “sleeker” than the female’s.
    Here's a bigreddiggy video from last year about the differences. mom and dad differences

  • What is the history of this male and female?
    They have been together since the winter of 2007-2008. Her markings at that time indicated that she was about 4 years old. They successfully hatched and fledged 2 eaglets in 2008, 3 in 2009, 3 in 2010, and 3 in 2011.

  • How did they capture D1?
    Here's a link to how it happened. The Capture of D1

  • What is the area around the nest like? The nest is in a cottonwood tree on private property near the Decorah Fish Hatchery (operated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources), on the banks of the babbling waters of Trout Run in extreme northeast Iowa. The nest can be seen from the hatchery, but visitors to the hatchery should keep their distance from the nest tree, both to respect the private property where the tree is located and to avoid disturbing the eagles. Here is a ground-level video of the surroundings, taken in March 2010. This video shows the eagles’ point of view.

    Why are the eaglets called D12, D13, and D14?
    Everyone has been anticipating the way to reference the 2012 Decorah eaglets. The first place will be D for the Decorah, Iowa, nest site. Numbers beginning with 12 will follow the D. Each successive year will continue on from the previous year.

    We use nomenclature for the following reasons:

    D identifies the nest site – Decorah, Iowa
    Traditional names can create an undue tendency to anthropomorphize. While the human emotion that may be attached to the eaglets is understandable, an alpha-numeric system for referencing them may help us distance ourselves to observe the wonder of wildlife and nature at work.
    Beginning at 12 honors the 11 known successful fledges at the nest.
    This reference system will allow RRP to integrate their findings more easily with other researchers.
    This will be easily continued from year to year.

    For the 2012 nesting season, we will refer to the first egg to hatch as D12. The second is D13. The third is D14.

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