
How To Speak and Write Correctly - Chapter 7. Errors

(2015-12-01 07:50:11) 下一个


Learn from mistakes.

"In the following examples the word or words in parentheses are uncalled for and should be omitted:

  1. Fill the glass (full).

  2. They appeared to be talking (together) on private affairs.

  3. I saw the boy and his sister (both) in the garden.

  4. He went into the country last week and returned (back) yesterday.

  5. The subject (matter) of his discourse was excellent.

  6. You need not wonder that the (subject) matter of his discourse was excellent; it was taken from the Bible.

  7. They followed (after) him, but could not overtake him.

  8. The same sentiments may be found throughout (the whole of) the book.

  9. I was very ill every day (of my life) last week.

  10. That was the (sum and) substance of his discourse.

  11. He took wine and water and mixed them (both) together.

  12. He descended (down) the steps to the cellar.

  13. He fell (down) from the top of the house.

  14. I hope you will return (again) soon.

  15. The things he took away he restored (again).

  16. The thief who stole my watch was compelled to restore it (back again).

  17. It is equally (the same) to me whether I have it today or tomorrow.

  18. She said, (says she) the report is false; and he replied, (says he) if it be not correct I have been misinformed.

  19. I took my place in the cars (for) to go to New York.

  20. They need not (to) call upon him.

  21. Nothing (else) but that would satisfy him.

  22. Whenever I ride in the cars I (always) find it prejudicial to my health.

  23. He was the first (of all) at the meeting.

  24. He was the tallest of (all) the brothers.

  25. You are the tallest of (all) your family.

  26. Whenever I pass the house he is (always) at the door.

  27. The rain has penetrated (through) the roof.

  28. Besides my uncle and aunt there was (also) my grandfather at the church.

  29. It should (ever) be your constant endeavor to please your family.

  30. If it is true as you have heard (then) his situation is indeed pitiful.

  31. Either this (here) man or that (there) woman has (got) it.

  32. Where is the fire (at)?

  33. Did you sleep in church? Not that I know (of).

  34. I never before (in my life) met (with) such a stupid man.

  35. (For) why did he postpone it?

  36. Because (why) he could not attend.

  37. What age is he? (Why) I don't know.

  38. He called on me (for) to ask my opinion.

  39. I don't know where I am (at).

  40. I looked in (at) the window.

  41. I passed (by) the house.

  42. He (always) came every Sunday.

  43. Moreover, (also) we wish to say he was in error.

  44. It is not long (ago) since he was here.

  45. Two men went into the wood (in order) to cut (down) trees."

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