
生化能源可能将是下个MSFT... MSFT20年内上升千倍~! 谁能赚比他多

(2007-06-23 11:00:46) 下一个
MSFT从86年到05年分股一股变成了256股,股票从$0.25升到了最高$58~! 想想天天买进买出别说20年千倍, 能不赔钱有赚一百倍就是奇迹了. 我为什么这么看好生化能源~! 这是个趋势...
If any industry clearly comes out ahead, it\'s the ethanol business, analysts say. The Senate bill massively boosts the mandate for ethanol use from 7.5 billion gallons in 2012 to 36 billion gallons by 2022.
The Senate easily brushed aside concerns raised in some quarters that ethanol-related demand for corn could translate into higher food prices for consumers and higher feed prices for livestock producers. Proposals to rescind a tariff on ethanol imports and to reduce the ethanol production mandate if the Agriculture Department determined there was a corn shortage were both turned back during debate.
The ethanol mandate is the part of the bill that has the broadest consensus to it. It\'s a good initiative for the ethanol industry. It\'s a nice growth driver ... and I think one way or the other the Congress will help facilitate the growth of that industry before the next election, said Mark McMinimy, an agribusiness analyst at Stanford Group Co.

与其天天炒来炒去,不如放个看好的长线~! 所以我前几天看生化能源走软决定大笔买入生化能源类放个10-20年看看, 到时候看看是这边赚的多还是天天炒卖短线赚得多! 也欢迎大家提出不同意见供参考!
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