匡吉2015-01-19 23:41:23回复悄悄话
现在美国有一本畅销书Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris by Jennifer L. Scott,大力推荐大家读读.里面确实提到衣橱只放10件高品质高品位的衣服,其他狗屁刀刀的衣服要么不要买,要么扔掉.但她是分了春夏和秋冬两季,大衣,外套,鞋之类不算其中.另外从该书中深深感到两点,所谓主流的美国白人是如此的崇拜法国,主流的美国白人日常穿衣其实是很讲究的,绝对不是什么T桖牛仔裤及运动鞋.
florence0012015-01-19 10:28:32回复悄悄话
it is impossible! if you live in the place have four seasons , you need certain amount of clothing.
if you like fashion, you need ten closets , not ten gamments.
I am building my own functional closets right now, when I finish I will sharing with you.
if you like fashion, you need ten closets , not ten gamments.
I am building my own functional closets right now, when I finish I will sharing with you.