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来源: 睿ma

天才(Gifted)的定义因人而异,确切地说是因Questioner而异,但一般来说,Gifted Children比同等年龄的孩子要大大超前,普通的教育很难满足他们。在这有必要区分天才儿童(Gifted Children)和聪明儿童(Bright Children),通俗点,聪明孩子你讲笑话的时候他会笑,天才孩子会讲笑话让你笑。天才儿童通常会对某些东西或活动非常着迷,不搞清楚不罢休,而且他们学东西非常快,大脑发达,能够思考高度抽象的东西并应用于实际。天才儿童喜欢Multitask,可以同时做多个事情而不混淆不搞砸。天才儿童还有一个特点就是不喜欢和同龄或比自己小的孩子玩。所以,多数的孩子充其量是聪明孩子,天才的孩子比例很少(少于0.05%,也就是一万个孩子里也就那么5个。)


如果你不幸生了一个天才宝宝,也别害怕,天才有天才的教法。通常天才儿童和其他的天才在一起是学得更快,因为如果在普通的环境中,老师家长倾向于让天才儿童去教不是天才的孩子,天才慢慢也就平庸了。那上哪找这些同样的天才呢?Summer schoolafter-school programs museums 和各种大学社会的天才program,当然还有网络。 

Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner 

         Knows the answers                     Asks the questions

         Is interested                             Is highly curious

         Is attentive                               Is mentally and physically involved

         Has good ideas                           Has wild, silly ideas

         Works hard                               Plays around, yet tests well

         Answers the questions                 Discusses in detail, elaborates

         Top group                                  Beyond the group

         Listens with interest                   Shows strong feelings and opinions

         Learns with ease                         Already knows

         6-8 repetitions for mastery        1-2 repetitions for mastery

         Understands ideas                     Constructs abstractions

         Enjoys peers                              Prefers Adults

         Grasps the meaning                     Draws inferences

         Completes assignments                 Initiates projects

         Is receptive                                Is intense

         Copies accurately                        Creates a new design

         Enjoys school                               Enjoys learning

         Absorbs information                    Manipulates information

         Technician                                   Inventor

         Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation       Thrives on complexity

         Is alert                                        Is keenly observant

         Is pleased with own learning         Is highly self-critical

IQ Overview 

        160   Very Superior    1 in 10,000

        150   Very Superior    9 in 10,000

        140   Very Superior    7 in 1,000

        130   Superior            3 in 100

        120   Superior            11 in 100

        110   Bright               27 in 100

Reasons for Testing 

        To provide details about learning needs, including strengths and weaknesses

        To help identify a child for a gifted program

        To discover any learning disabilities requiring intervention

        To help advocate for appropriate educational accommodations

When to test 

The best time to test gifted children is between the ages of four and eight. Testing before age four is likely to result in unreliable scores because their behavior is too unpredictable. Testing after age 8 can result in inaccurate scores. Inaccuracies can be caused by several factors including test ceilings, perfectionism, and underachievement.

What kind of test? 

        IQ tests measure ability.

        Achievement tests measure what a child already knows.

Eight Great Gripes of Gifted Kids 

        No one explains what being gifted is all about.

        School is too easy and too boring.

        Parents, teachers, and friends expect us to be perfect all the time.

        Friends who understand us are few and far between.

        Kids often tease us about being smart.

        We feel overwhelmed by the number of things we can do in life.

        We feel different and alienated.

        We worry about world problems and feel helpless to do anything about them.

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