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科幻插画大师Boris Vallejo画作

(2008-03-15 12:51:38) 下一个

科幻插画大师Boris Vallejo




Boris惊世的油画风格向世人展示了他那种不平凡的写实风格。他的作品经常充斥的神话人物,他使用着被喻为“梦幻照 片”的画笔,描绘着那些超写实主义的虚幻角色、生物和逼真的幻境。 三十多年来,Boris使用他那精湛的技艺和对颜色、线条、材料的纯粹本能感觉来创作。其结果是,人们可以在各种书籍、杂志、纪念册、日历、海报上见到大量的Boris作品。

Boris是一个实用主义艺术家。他并不期待那些博物馆和艺术收藏家有一天会收藏他的作品,因为现今实用艺术经常别归 到商用美术类上去。有一种图书在美国经常可以保持5-6万销售量。所有的这些书,他们都有一个新颖的惊人的内容,同样也 需要一个醒目的封面。一幅迷人的图片常常可以吸引大量的消费者,同时也带来丰厚的利润,而现今,我们可以肯定断言 Boris是图书封面艺术的无冕之王。


Boris Vallejo was born in Lima, Peru in 1941 to a distinguished solicitor. He became interested in art and music at an early age. He studied violin for 7 years. For 2 years he attended a pre-medical course but then with the encouragement of his friends who had noticed how well he drew, he enrolled in the graphic arts division of Peru's Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes' (National School of Fine Arts) where he received a 5 year scholarship.

He was 16 years old when he received an offer to study in Florence, but he refused it. With he confidence growing, in 1964, unable to speak English and only $80 in his pocket, he put together a portfolio of his work and came to the United States. Even though he had no friends or relatives here, with the help of a few other Peruvian immigrants he had met, he quickly found a job in the advertising department of a trust company in Hartford, Connecticut. Later he transferred to the New York office.

After 2 years, he became a freelance graphic artist taking on any work he could find, from advertising graphics to Christmas cards. He soon moved to comics where he could express his creativity with monsters and his vision of heroes with bulging muscles. His forms of winged creatures fighting heroes and heroines became very popular.

A master of his art, Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell(who has become a master of his style as well) have continued to amaze and excite their growing number of fans with his unique style of barbarian art.


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