金融易 Easy Money

Easy Money System 指导股票期货交易!
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老连的奇门九宫八卦阵! 再创奇迹!

(2008-07-22 13:51:27) 下一个
阳历: 2008年 7月 23日 8时
阴历: 戊子年 六月月 廿一日 辰时

干支: 戊子 己未 甲子 戊辰
空亡:(午未 子丑 戌亥 戌亥)
月将  午

岁破:午  丧吊:寅戌 月破:丑
择马:寅  桃花:酉  游都:丑
生气:巳  天医:卯  地医:酉  天鸡:寅
天马:申  禄神:寅  羊刃:卯

阴遁7局 直符:天柱 值使:惊门 符首:甲子

鼎典传统文化网--奇门遁甲在线排盘系统 www..com
数理知识 免费预测 音影娱乐 心理咨询 解梦 文学原创 佛学园地
│  六合  │  太阴  │  螣蛇  │
│  开门 辛│  休门 丙│ 庚生门 癸│
│  天辅 辛│  天英 丙│ 禽天芮 癸│
│  白虎  │      │  值符  │
│  惊门 壬│      │  伤门 戊│
│  天冲 壬│     庚│  天柱 戊│
│  玄武  │  九地  │  九天  │
│  死门 乙│  景门 丁│  杜门 己│
│  天任 乙│  天蓬 丁│  天心 己│


CME E-mini S&P 500 Futures
Contract Size
The size of one CME E-mini® S&P 500® futures contract equals $50 (the contract’s multiplier) times the current CME E-mini S&P 500 futures level. The contract moves in ticks of 0.25 index points valued at $12.50 (exception: futures calendar spreads move in increments of 0.05 index points = $2.50 contract).

These futures expire on a quarterly basis and are listed two months out in the March quarterly cycle. These contracts trade electronically only on the CME Globex® platform nearly 24 hours a day around the clock, around the world.

mini-sized Dow Futures $5 multiplier

Contract Size
Five dollars ($5) times the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index. The DJIA is a price-weighted index of thirty (30) stocks.

Final Settlement Day
The third Friday of the contract month.

Cash settlement on the final settlement day. The final settlement price is $5 times a Special Opening Quotation of the index.

Tick Size
Minimum price increment is one index point (equal to $5 per contract).

Price Quote
The DJIA Index, quoted in index points.

Contract Months
Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec. Four contract months listed at all times.

Last Trading Day
The trading day preceding the final settlement day.

Trading Platform
Electronic Only

Trading Hours
Monday: Thursday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm - 3:15 pm next day
Sunday: 5:00 pm - 3:15 pm next day
Quarterly futures/options: Trading can occur up to 8:30 a.m. on expiration day
Serial options: Trading can occur up to 3:15 p.m. on third Friday of the contract month

Ticker Symbols

BIG Dow futures ($25 multiplier), mini-sized Dow futures ($5 multiplier), and DJIA futures ($10 multiplier) are fungible contracts.

Daily Price Limit
Successive 10%, 20%, and 30% limits. For details, please see CBOT Regulation 1008.01.

Position Limits
The aggregate position limit in BIG Dow futures ($25 multiplier), mini-sized futures and options ($5 multiplier), and DJIA futures and options ($10 multiplier) is 50,000 DJIA futures ($10 multiplier) equivalent contracts, net long or short in all contract months combined.

Margin Information
For current information, please visit margin requirements.

CME E-mini NASDAQ-100 Futures

Contract Size
The size of one CME E-mini® NASDAQ-100® futures contract equals $20 (the contract’s multiplier) times the current CME E-mini NASDAQ-100 futures level. The contract moves in ticks of 0.25 index points valued at $5.00 per contract (exception: futures calendar spreads move in increments of 0.05 index points = $1.00 contract).

These futures expire on a quarterly basis and are listed two months out in the March quarterly cycle. These contracts trade electronically only on the CME Globex® platform nearly 24 hours a day around the clock, around the world.

CME E-mini Russell 2000 Futures

Contract Size
The size of one CME E-mini® Russell 2000® futures contract equals $100 (the contract’s multiplier) times the current CME E-mini Russell 2000 futures level. The contract moves in ticks of 0.10 index points valued at $10 (exception: futures calendar spreads move in increments of 0.05 index points = $5.00 contract).

These futures expire on a quarterly basis and are listed two months out in the March quarterly cycle. These contracts trade electronically only on the CME Globex® platform nearly 24 hours a day around the clock, around the world.
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