Wiserman2007-06-27 12:48:11回复悄悄话
In Taiwan, basically there are two groups of people.
Group 1] Anti-Independence group - They don't have the gut to say/show aht they really want. They were misled by Chiang KaiShiek mentally and scared/threatened by the violent independnet extremists.
Group 2] Independent "as-revolutionists" - They are being stimulated by Japanese and partially by USA. They know how to scare/bully the bigger but very timid group(anti-independent. group), but they are coward in nature. They are afraid of any stonger/more violent forces. This is,"台獨份子,沒有人準備為台獨而戰、而犧牲..."
Right now, Taiwan is full of garbages.
jwayne_12007-06-26 19:02:59回复悄悄话
最鐵桿的老共份子,也沒有人準備為台獨而戰、而犧牲... They can just easily get other people to do it. The problem with Taiwan is they don't have that many poor and mislead people.
But, if stupid Bush or whoever decides to keep being stupid, 老共 would also 視「統一」為洪水猛獸.
Group 1] Anti-Independence group - They don't have the gut to say/show aht they really want. They were misled by Chiang KaiShiek mentally and scared/threatened by the violent independnet extremists.
Group 2] Independent "as-revolutionists" - They are being stimulated by Japanese and partially by USA. They know how to scare/bully the bigger but very timid group(anti-independent. group), but they are coward in nature. They are afraid of any stonger/more violent forces. This is,"台獨份子,沒有人準備為台獨而戰、而犧牲..."
Right now, Taiwan is full of garbages.
But, if stupid Bush or whoever decides to keep being stupid, 老共 would also 視「統一」為洪水猛獸.
So, go figure.