
Name Check backlog 3 years, 积压百万余(zhuantie

(2007-02-03 11:07:58) 下一个
Mr. Cannon of FBI name check program testified in a court
that 16% (440,000) of the 2.7 million names reted by USCIS in 2002 are still under pending by end of 2006. These do NOT include the normal submission each week from USCIS, of which 10% will be added to the backlog queue after the 2002's 440,000. Because the yearly normal submission from USCIS is about 1.5 million, for the 4 years from 2003 to 2006 at least 4 x 1.5 million x 10% = 600,000 names are pending. Plus the 440,000 names from the reted 2002 cases, more than 1 million names are pending in FBI. 这仅仅是需要file review 那10%的数字,如果算上所有的在自动检测当中被hit出的其它22%,积压就更惊人。对于6个与内没有结果的申请人来说,恐怕要等待几年了。

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