
(zt) all chinese women r super models in american eyes

(2007-05-01 09:38:49) 下一个
This is Robert an extremely lucky husband, married to the woman who graces this message board as lucky_wife. My wife is pretty strong minded soul and I can tell you that I was surprised that she decided on her screen name (lucky_wife). I don\'t think she thinks she is so lucky when I\'m watching college basketball. :-) Anyways, I will refer to her as lucky_wife in this note so you know who I\'m talking about.

Well, without further ado, here is our story as seen through my eyes and perspective.

It was a very unlikely coincidence that brought lucky_wife and I together. I finished an earlier chapter of my life which ended in divorce from a marriage of 20 years and I was hopeful to discover an elusive concept called true and everlasting love.

My search for a sweetheart began when I decided to join Yahoo!Personals. I\'m not sure why I picked Yahoo!Personnals except that I created a web site on Yahoo! and saw their advertisement to join the service for a nominal fee.

In setting up my Yahoo!Personals profile, I stated that I was handsome, tall, liked golf/tennis, and was somewhat of a workaholic.

Upon completing my profile, I executed some searches for women. I decided that I wouldn\'t have any trouble meeting someone within 50 miles of my home so I limited my search within that vicinity.

I ended up sending out a few messages and got one response from a Caucasian lady who was a single mother. We talked a few times on the phone but nothing ever came of it.

On the second day, I botched my search and inadvertently set the distance to \'100 miles\'. Well, the search returned quite a few woman and I diligently went through each of the pictures and bios. As I scrolled through the listing, one woman stood out, this was lucky_wife.

In the picture, lucky_wife was standing on the beach. She was wearing sunglasses so she could not be distinguished but even so, it was a very beautiful picture and made her look about as perfect as a woman could look. She had long black hair and a nice expression. Her bio was really short, A nice and lucky lady looking for similar man. My first thought was: she must be pretty confident to not brag about herself.

I wrote her a short note about myself and told her that I was interested in her and let me know if she was interested.

She responded promptly to my email and indicated that she was interested. From there, we exchanged several email messages and discovered that we had several things in common; she recently visited Redwood City which is where I lived for a while and we both spent time at the same university.

When we spoke over the phone, I was struck by her voice and every word spoken from her mouth was like sweet music to my ears. After talking to each other a couple of times, we arranged to meet at a Barnes and Nobles near her home.

On that Saturday, I drove around 70 miles to get to Barnes and Nobles and I got there just a little before noon. As I waited at the cafe, I was pretty excited to see lucky_wife because she looked like a model in her photo.

After waiting about 10 minutes, my cell phone rang. It was lucky_wife and she had called to let me know that she was running a little late. After waiting there a little longer, my phone rang once again and lucky_wife informed me that she was walking through the entrance. I looked towards the Barnes and Noble entrance and there she was, lucky_wife.

She did not look like she did in the picture, mind you but she did not look bad either. She was taller than I expected and the first word that came to my mind was: lanky. Her hair was slightly disshelved as if perhaps she had just awoken from bed.

As she approached, I noticed her smile and after a quick greeting, we sat down for a chat over some orange juice. After conversing for a half hour or so, we took a stroll through the mall. Our conversation clicked nicely and it was as if we had known each other for a long time. Finally, we decided to grab a meal at Max and Erma\'s and after a bite to eat, we called it a date.

On my drive back home, I decided that I would ask lucky_wife out for a future date.

For our second date, we met for dinner and things got a lot more interesting. After dinner, we drove together around her town and she pointed out the high school. The high school was fairly majestic with huge pillars and although I had never heard of her town before, it was extremely nice.

After the drive, we decided to go back to her house and the first thing she asked me for was my ID. This took me by surprise as I had never had someone ask me for my ID except by policemen or bouncers. But, anyways I politely provided identification to her with a smile.

After a bit more talking, we sat together on the couch. I could feel some chemistry between us and I held her firmly and gave her a kiss. She gently pulled away because she did not want for things to get out of hand and if she got too turned on, who knows what might have happened.

While driving back home I realized that this relationship had some serious potential. Lucky_wife was well educated, seemed to have good values, and was pretty easy on the eyes.

Our third meeting was at a Wendy\'s restaurant during mid-week. I wanted lucky_wife to see my place of employment so I drove her to where I worked and we took a walk. I placed my arm around her and it felt so good to feel her body next to mine.

As I drove lucky_wife back, I brought my Sheltie (dog) with me but unfortunately, lucky_wife was allergic to dogs and her eyes started to swell. After dropping lucky_wife off, I drove back to my home.

Lucky_wife was planning to visit China but prior to that, I asked her to be my girlfriend. She asked if we wanted to be exclusive and that was a no-brainer for me. I already considered myself exclusive with her so that was that.

After talking to my mother about lucky_wife, I discovered that the day that we officially became a couple was the same day as my parents wedding anniversary. Who would have figured? I\'m not very supersticious but that seemed like a good sign and helped to reinforce that perhaps lucky_wife was the one.

On our fourth date, we watched a movie at home and snuggled next to each other. I noticed that lucky_wife looked very nice and I placed my arm around her body; we embraced and I kissed her, first on the forehead and then on the lips. I could feel the energy and excitement in the air as we had a physical attraction for one another. The night resulted in our first intimate encounter and it was clear at that point that the relationship was going to the next level. As we lay in the bed, I could hear lucky_wife\'s stomach making noises and I thought to myself that maybe she is a little nervous. Or, maybe she was just a little hungry.

We only had a few dates before lucky_wife embarked on her trip to China. While she was in China, I called her every day and let her know I was missing her.

After lucky_wife returned from China, she emailed me a picture of her posing at the Great Wall of China which I promptly defined as the desktop background on my computer at work. Several people mentioned that she looked nice and (of course) that was good because men always like it when people state that their partner is attractive.

After a couple of months of courtship, we decided to get engaged. In the USA, men typically surprise their mate with a really original proposal but that is not my style. Rather, we discussed it and decided that we would get officially engaged on lucky_wife\'s birthday, for added good luck.

Early in our relationship, long before our engagement, I had bought flowers for lucky_wife. Surprisingly, lucky_wife informed me that she did not want roses but she would much rather have something that lasts, like a high quality diamond.

I took her considerations to heart and purchased her a D-color diamond engagement ring which was radiant. Not only was it a stunning diamond, but it also looked stunning on her finger. Just to make sure that it glistens brightly, we get it polished on a fairly regular basis.

On lucky_wife\'s birthday, I took her to a nice restaurant and made the proposal official. The evening seemed to be very lucky and we were even given the entire diner at no cost.

One of the obstacles to our relationship was the long distance between our homes. As a weekly ritual, on Fridays I would drive 1 1/2 hours to be with lucky_wife and often times I would return home on Sunday.

After we got engaged, we decided that it would be a good idea to live together. In my previous relationship, I learned a lot of bad things about my spouse after we started living together and I did not want that to happen again. So, I put my home on the market and moved to lucky_wife\'s home. I would have preferred to not move since I liked my home and it was close to my work place but the logistics of the situation dictated that I move since relocating for me was easier than for her and we did not want her children to change school districts.

Living with my new family was relatively smooth. Lucky_wife\'s son and I grew close and I never had a son so it was a dream come true for me. My children were grown up so it took me some adjustment to be raising younger children again however the transition was easy.

For entertainment, we would do such activities as watch movies, go ballroom dancing, or play tennis. We were not the greatest dancers and I didn\'t know Foxtrot from Swing but when we danced we could just feel the love.

Lucky_wife and I have a special song by Anne Murray, titled Could I have This Dance, that we discovered at dance class. The song starts out with the following lines and it captures our emotion for each other:


This is a good waltz tune and every time I hear that song, I think of lucky_wife. Sometimes, we listen to it in the car and hold hands.

We have several rituals that distinguish ourselves from other couples, just little things but they seem to make our bonding very close. One is that I write I Love YOU on lucky_wife\'s hand as we lay in bed together.

After I\'m complete writing this, she always says And I love you.

Sometimes, lucky_wife worries about different things and I let her know that everything will be fine. One day, she was concerned that her company might outsource projects and perhaps she might get laid off. I assured her that everything would be fine even if she gets laid off. We can live comfortably on my salary so there was no need to be worried about losing her job.

One aspect of lucky_wife that I consider somewhat funny is her comments regarding her appearence. She always says that she is average looking and wonders whether I will still love her when she is old and gray. Her nickname is pretty so she knows that I think she is attractive. I tell her that, of course, I will love her and that she will always be My Love.

For some reason, lucky_wife thinks that American men will get divorced so easily but I assure her that I\'m in this marriage for the long run.

Finally, the wedding day came and we had a very small but wonderful wedding (yes, the $$$ went to the diamond ring). Lucky_wife seemed relieved that we were married and I was a very proud groom.

Once we got married, I changed jobs so that I did not have to work remotely. I was fairly lucky in finding a job as an architect just down the street from where lucky_wife worked. Each day I get to work, I send lucky_wife an email telling her that I love her and I end the email with Your devoted husband, Robert.

Now, every night I tell lucky_wife how lucky I am that I met her and I wished I had met her earlier. That would have been real lucky...

And, maybe that is why she picked the name lucky_wife.

And, that is our story.

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