

(2007-08-09 15:49:18) 下一个

Finance workers \'forced to push dodgy loans\'

By Malcolm Farr

August 10, 2007 08:33am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

MOST frontline finance workers say they are pressured into pushing loans they know customers can\'t afford, says a survey.

Some feel forced by high sales targets to sell mortgages and credit card accounts, even though default was possible.

It causes unethical lending practices, said one worker.

And they blame the pressure tactics for the outbreak of excessive and dangerous lending.

However, a formal paper from bankers says the growth rate of repossessions might fall in 2007.

The finance workers\' testimony will be presented today to a government conference in Canberra on home loan lending practices.

The survey of 1870 finance industry workers found 52 per cent felt obliged to attempt to sell products when their customers didn\'t need them.

The survey, by the Finance Sector Union, found 63 per cent felt inappropriate sales targets were affecting their ability to provide a responsible service.

And 59 per cent said they were under pressure to meet targets set by superiors.

Rod Masson of the FSU said the culture of debt pushing was contributing to excessive debt levels in our community.

Banks are using performance management to force bank workers to push debt to customers who cannot afford it, he said.

The FSU will be among 31 organisations at today\'s House of Representatives inquiry into home lending in Canberra.

The inquiry will be told the FSU survey heard that finance workers thought it was morally wrong to push lending products given the increase of debt in our society.

One worker said: Most bank customers are fed up with staff trying to flog off bank products, as are bank staff.

Another said: The thing I hate about my work is pushing products to meet targets. It makes me resent customers.

Respondents also said they were asked to sell home loans even though they had not been fully trained for the task.

One comment was: The bank states it is interested in customer service, however, every morning we have a sales meeting and talk about targets.

In its own submission to today\'s conference, the bankers\' association said Reserve Bank research showed the strong and stable quality of bank loan books.
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