

(2007-01-31 00:49:55) 下一个
Students will be banned from buses and trains if they don’t give up their seats for elderly passengers under new rules which come into effect in New South Wales today.
Warnings will be issued over loud speakers at stations advising students they face losing their concession passes for disrespectful behaviour.
Under the rules, students will be forced to vacate seats for the elderly and frail and for pregnant women.
The penalties for failing to do so range from a two-week suspension or a permanent revocation of their passes.
“We shouldn’t have to constantly make these reminders but regular bus commuters tell me we’ve forgotten some of the most basic principles,” Premier Morris Iemma said yesterday.
“That is, if you’re fit and healthy, get off your backside for someone who might need the seat more than you and students in particular have no excuse not to vacate their seat for adults who are paying full fare and are standing.”
The stricter rules for students means they will receive fewer warnings before their concession passes are revoked.
Mr Iemma said the changes are in response to his Respect and Responsibility program aimed at stamping out anti-social behaviour.
“Students face a range of penalties for breaching these rules from a two-week suspension for discourteous behaviour to permanent bans for dangerous acts,” he said. “It means no excuses if the rules are broken.”
A code of conduct will be handed out in Sydney’s schools.
Transport Minister John Watkins also launched a bizarre new campaign to stop people coughing on each other on public transport.
During winter, a warning system will remind sick passengers to cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing.
Mr Watkins said commuters are at greater risk of catching the flu.
“Unfortunately, at this time many unwell commuters think nothing of catching public transport and coughing and sneezing over fellow passengers,” he said.
“There are a number of simple messages we’ll be using to remind commuters to think of others.
“So if you’re feeling crook take steps to look after yourself as well as those around you.”

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