
转贴:问世间情为何物 -- 沉船的教训

(2007-01-31 00:23:34) 下一个
问世间情为何物 -- 沉船的教训 (坑已填完)


D Day, 14:30 hour, at my desk

饥肠辘辘的买了马路对面客满为患的越式广东餐, 狼吞虎咽中...nnd, 今天的ginger fish块头怎么那么小? 老板娘倒是越来越会做生意了哈? 看来放几个PPMM在柜台上还是有用的, 大家都去看人了....正在问候老板和老板娘还有那个皮笑肉不笑的打饭妹, 恍惚间, 有人拿着一叠文件, 笑盈盈的出现在面前....#!@$!^$$%....error fixing team的人...

-- sugar!! dont tell me there's sth wrong with my deals!! i will hv heart attack again!

-- "Nah, mate, just need a favour from you!"

靠, 无事不登三宝殿... 肯定没什么好事情, 我心里忖到...抽出一张tissue, 抹了抹嘴巴, 无辜的盯着这位仁兄:

-- what's up, dude?

-- "well......"

一番眉来眼去之后, ... 这位同学提出了一个offer:

-- "i will call the Spanish bank for your last transaction investigation, as you know, my spanish is not really good, i will get my manager to help you on this as he is good at spanish...but i really do need you to call ICBC for me as they are normally not responsive, and now we have you who speaks Mandarin" ....

U this lazy bug... 我心里暗暗说, 这是你职责范围内的事情, 还要跟我讨价还价? 我每秒钟都需要去挣钱养你们这群每天把我和我的客户折磨的半死的少爷小姐们, 90%的情况下客户的询查你们都做不好也不好好做, 总是一拖再拖, 现在出了事情又来推? 拜托, 少了我的钱, 你的工资和我的bonus谁来付? 望着那殷切却奸诈的笑脸, 我拼命的挤出一丝微笑...

-- man, i think we are all busy? maybe you can give this to the clearing bank?

-- "Nah, man, this sh*t went all the way up to the ombusman and the director, i told them you might be helpful as your lingual, so i think it's a good idea to finish it ASAP as we are hving all the sh*t from the client"

嘿, 小子! 好你个机灵鬼, 先给我扣个帽子? 我越看他的肥脸越觉得无奈, tmd, 一堆事情等着去做, 还要来给你擦屁股....每次客户的查询电话你都想尽一切办法不接, 不就是欺负我是新来的, 还对整套程序不熟悉? 现在需要帮忙了就屁颠屁颠的跑过来了? 气归气, 无奈归无奈, 先深吸一口气平静一下心中的无名火, 双手一摊, 摆出很理解的样子,

-- mate, we look after each other all the time, dont we? leave this with me, i will call, but not now....

-- "When do u think you will be able to make the call to ICBC Beijing?"

-- I will let you know....

-- "Okie dokie, the files are here. i will sit with you when you are ready, Hopefully we will have this done by 3:00 pm, right? So i can get back to them"

看完了他摇摇摆摆走开的背影, 我苦笑看着饭盒里咬了半口的Thai chicken, 算了, 还是先填饱肚子, 再来理会这件无厘头的事情吧....
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