
精兵, 土豆, 我们各摆出处, 如何?^^

(2007-09-22 18:02:36) 下一个
我的Abraham是三教始祖, 受神引导到Caneen, 以及其子创立三教, 都出自2008大英白科全书电子板。 证明Christian, Jews, Muslim本是一家。 你的那个什么“闪族”, 是不是也可以找个出处, 晾一下呢? 呵呵。

TO 土豆, 我们吸取知识, 不是一定要看圣经地。 这里就算回答你的问题吧。

TO 精兵, 等待你的“闪族”。^^

注意, Abraham是不需要“看圣经”并严格依从的, 人家只要受God指示便可。 基督教的以经为本, 是不是可以看做偏离了God? 使对神的尊崇变为对经的抠字眼儿?而恰恰成为圣经中打着神的旗号, 招摇撞骗的人呢? 呵呵。

Britannica Elementary Article

Abraham is a special figure for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. He is called a patriarch, a term that comes from the Greek words for “father” and “leader.” He is considered a patriarch because he is said to be the founding father of all three faiths. Isaac and Jacob, the son and the grandson of Abraham, are also considered to be patriarchs in the tradition of Judaism.

What is known about Abraham and the other patriarchs is found only in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. However, scholars have found some evidence that parts of the story in Genesis may be true. This came from excavations of the royal palace at Mari, an ancient city on the Euphrates River.

The Bible\'s Story of Abraham\'s Life

According to the Bible, Abraham was a native of Ur in southern Mesopotamia (now in Iraq). He is believed to have lived more than 3,000 years ago. He was probably a member of a large clan of people who lived a seminomadic life, which means that they wandered from place to place. The clan later moved northward and settled near Haran, in what is now Turkey. At Haran God instructed Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a new location. Abraham obeyed the commands.

At the age of 75, he journeyed with his wife, Sarah, his nephew, Lot, and some other companions to Canaan. It was roughly where the country of Israel is now.

God also said to Abraham, “I will make of thee a great nation,” promising him that his descendants would inherit the land. This was a promise or agreement, called a covenant, that God made with Abraham. Because of the covenant, Canaan was called the Promised Land.

Abraham and his wife were quite old when they settled in Canaan. They did not think they would have any children. But God had promised them descendants. Abraham first had a son, Ishmael, born to Sarah\'s servant, Hagar. Isaac was born later to Sarah. After Sarah\'s death, Abraham married a woman named Keturah. They had many children. These children were sent away from Canaan to live elsewhere when they grew up. Isaac alone inherited the Promised Land. After Isaac\'s death, it went to his son, Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel. Because of God\'s covenant with Abraham, Israel as a nation saw itself in a special relationship with God: Israelites were the people of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham died at the age of 175. He was buried next to Sarah.

Importance to Other Religions

In the New Testament, Abraham is considered to be the father of all who believe in God. Christians believe that the promises made to Abraham have been fulfilled in Jesus. Muslims consider Abraham one of the prophets that came before Muhammad, the founder of Islam. The Koran, the holy book of Islam, says that Abraham, assisted by his son Ishmael, built the Kaaba. The Kaaba is a shrine in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. For the followers of Islam, the Kaaba is the most sacred place on Earth.

* MLA Style: Abraham. Britannica Elementary Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2007.
* APA Style: Abraham. (2007). Britannica Elementary Library. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
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