
印第安人death toll, many sources.

(2007-07-30 13:18:23) 下一个
* M. D. Aletheia, The Rationalist's Manual (1897): 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered.
* David Barrett, World Christian Trends: Conquistadors killed 15M Amerindians
* Coe, Snow and Benson, Atlas of Ancient America (1986)
o Total pre-Columbian population: 40M
o Mexico: Original population of 11M to 25M ("lower figure commands more support") fell to 1.25M (1625)
o Peru: Pop. fell from 9M (1533) to >500,000 (early 17th C)
o Brazil: Original population of 2.5M to 5.0M ("recent commentators favoring the higher") fell to 1M
* Massimo Livi-Bacci, Concise History of World Population History 2d (1996)
o Mexico: Population fell from 6.3M (1548) to 1.9M (1580) to 1M (1605)
o Peru: Pop. fell from 1.3M (1572) to 600,000 (1620)
o Canada: from 300,000 (ca. 1600) to < 100,000 (ca. 1800)
o USA: from 5M (1500) to 60,000 (ca. 1800) [sic. Probably means 600,000 because he cites Thornton]
* R.J. Rummel estimates that 13,778,000 American Indians died of democide in the 16th through 19th Centuries:
o Total dead among native Americans in colonial era: 49.5M out of pre-contact population of 55M
+ Democides in this: 5M
o Democides among Indians, post-colonial era: 8,763,000
o Democides in US: 15,000
* Skidmore & Smith, Modern Latin America (1997)
o Mexico: Population fell from 25M (1519) to 16.8M (1523) to 1.9M (1580) to 1M (1605)
o Peru: from 1.3M (1570, forty years after Conquest) to <600,000 (1620)
* Stannard, American Holocaust (1992): 100,000,000 deaths across the hemisphere across time
o 16th Century death toll: between 60M and 80M
+ Panama, 1514-1530: 2M Indians killed
+ Mexico
# Central: Population fell from 25.0M (1519) to 1.3M (1595)
# SE: fell from 1,700,000 to 240,000
# North: fell from 2,500,000 to 320,000
+ Peru, 16th C.: between 8.5M and 13.5M people destroyed.
* Fredric Wertham, A Sign For Cain : An Exploration of Human Violence (1966): South American death toll of 15,000,000.
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