

(2007-01-28 16:49:20) 下一个

What is croup?
Croup is an infectious illness ofthe respiratory system involving the larynx (voice box, vocalcords), trachea (windpipe), and the airways leading to the lungs(bronchial tubes). Croup can result in serious breathing difficultiesin children. It can be caused by many different viruses, includingthose responsible for the common cold and influenza. It tendsto occur more often in the winter months when the weather is colder.Occasionally it is caused by a bacterial infection. It is morecommon in babies over 6 months of age and young children, andoccurs more often in boys than girls.

Croup is contagious, and is usually spread by airborne infectiousdroplets sneezed or coughed into the air by infected children.When infectious droplets are inhaled by a healthy child, symptomscan develop in 2 to 3 days. The infection can also be spread byinfected mucus deposited on doors, furniture, toys, and otherobjects. A healthy child can become infected by accidentally touchingthe infectious mucus and transferring the infection into his/hermouth.

What are the symptoms of croup?
Approximately 2 or 3 days after beinginfected, the child notices increasing hoarseness and sore throat.A hacking "croupy" cough develops which sounds likea barking seal and becomes worse at night. Gagging and vomitingcan occur with coughing. The cough is usually accompanied by afever (100.4 to 104 degrees F; 38 to 40 degrees C). The infectioncauses swelling of the larynx and impairs air passage. A harshcrowing sound ("stridor") during inhaling can be heardwhen the child's air passage narrows. Even though most childrenwith croup are cared for at home, those with breathing difficulties,high fever, or dehydration may need to be hospitalized. Infantswith croup are grumpy, tired and have poor appetites. The majorpart of the illness lasts for 3 days. A wet cough can continuefor another 2 weeks. It is also possible to acquire the infectionmore than once.

What is the treatment for croup?
Croup can be frightening for bothchildren and parents. Therefore, comforting and reassuring thechild is the first step. Breathing difficulties can develop andworsen rapidly. Close monitoring of the child is, therefore, importantduring the early phases of the illness.

To help the child breathe more comfortably, a cold or warm mistvaporizer or humidifier can be placed near the child. To avoidaccidental burns, hot water vaporizers should be out of the reachof infants and toddlers. Also effective is having the child breathein a bathroom steamed up with hot water from the tub or shower.When cough or stridor worsens at night, 10 or 15 minutes sittingor driving in the cool night air can also help the child breathe.
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