
In the power of your tongue

(2007-04-10 20:25:42) 下一个
Death and life in the power of your tongue. From Bible. Why all these never been digested by human being? Same or similar proverb. Like the Sun and the Moon, like the world, from one generation to next, repeat itself. And yet, we do not understand it, not take it, until we fall,

Let me fall. let me fall, ...whose song? That young kid. Yes, I do not remember his name, young with un-matching voice. Language is always like one layer of filter, made you away from who you are, what you feel, ...

Who visited me? Some interesting beings. and then, silient....Did I have any hope to meet someone? I did have hope, and I did meet someone. That is nice part here. Shun Jiang Shui, a nice lady, happy and peaceful.

That's all right. That is life. You see goods, you see bads. C'est la vie!

Suddenly, one name, flashing in my mind. Phi. I do not know why. I even miss him a little bit. Even I remember how I hated him. He was not a bad man, very gentle some time. Just too silly even stupid to be with me. No matter what, he is a good friend. I wish he have a good life, at least decent life there.

How about Bei? He was all I had, even just exist in mind. a fantacy.

I am tired. I should go to sleep now. I am hearing my little angle's breathing. I love her.

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