
Very silly, you, woman!

(2007-01-24 19:49:57) 下一个
A few days ago, wacthed 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. One clip clicked me. Raymond's mom complained she lived in a loveless marriage. His dad was so upset and broke her new glasses. Mom was, then, thinking he loved her, even he ignored her comments, ignored her feelings, ignored her all, but he loved her because his reaction over her loveless marriage. I felt that is so womenish thinking. Looks like you have to receive such reactions to prove the love you dreamed. I can see myself in it too.
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春江水 回复 悄悄话 i love this show too. it made me laugh and cry.you are right,romantic is women's 空气和水。
Guoqin 回复 悄悄话 I love the show too. One way to relax myself after work and housework. I mean we, women, sometimes, just silly. We 'are being' romantic for our life-time. Never can give up. I'm teasing myself, because I have to. Otherwise, I could be insane.
WhyWo 回复 悄悄话 better than no response, right?
By the way, I love that show. Raymond is his mommy's boy..
His brother is his daddy's boy..