CIA 和 FBI 都要裁撤 ,感觉不像是真的 ?会不会引起武装暴乱了 ?
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Linux bash , comparison 圆括号 和方括号
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胰腺头部 4到5 mm 的囊肿 ,做微创手术 ,Laparoscopic Surgery 有哪位网友听说或经历过 ?
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load balancers, Ingress controllers, or NodePort in OPen SHift
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Openshift or Kubernetes , manifest file
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Jenkins docker image update , and restore data
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Kubernetes ,OpenShift cluster : Cluster IP and Node IP
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API http 5 verbs , AKA methods
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Airflow and database installation
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Airflow , bashOperator and other
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ClassMethod and staicMethod in Python Class
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Oracle IAM , components list as far as I know
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how DataDog , DynaTrace store log , performance metric and trac
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\'MEAN\' and \'Drupal\' : what are the 2
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create db2 exporter for Prometheus .use Django as web server
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Python decorator @classmethod and @staticmethod decorators
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中国自动分成5-10 个国家 用美金 ,讲英语,废除人民币,全世界范围选举首席行政长官 或领导人
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day1 and day 2 in Cloud and DevOps
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胆结石或胆管结石,有没有什么药确实有效 ,食疗 ?如果不是严重到开刀的状况 ?
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NYCB 自由落体 ,估计所有小银行开始新一轮 抛售破产 ?快逃 ?
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centrum multivitamin for men 是否会造成所有食物过敏?
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ansible , refer system variable inside role\'s task folder examp
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dallas DFW 机场 ,两程 都是 America Air line , 50分钟 ?
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中国应该支持美金,美国应该反对台独 ,合作维护世界和平与进步。让百姓踏实过日子。
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east palestine ohio 化学品大爆炸 ,有多严重 ? 是否影响所有五大湖 ?
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Non-compete 条款 : 前雇主电邮提醒 Non-compete 条款 ,分享并请教
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请教:本人IT contractor ,签了agency提供的合同文件 ,但是agency 不签字 ,是否有效 ?
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俄乌 台海 都应该和为贵 ,尽量包容 妥协所有 利益方 or stake holders
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个人觉得 美国是邪恶之源,诱惑乌克兰入北约,煽动普金出兵 ??
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test Jboss eap command line shutdown instance
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how to stop postgres db in linux
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the file handle cron.daily cron.hourly and cron.weekly
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Jenkins transfer variable to other job
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