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[ 涨势喜人] 昨天靠了个大黑马PWRD,今天又靠个二黑马 [黄金股NAK]

(2007-07-27 20:34:29) 下一个 Friday, July 27, 2007NAK closed@14.01(+7.36%), called this morning My call:Bullish play: NAK@13.55, Target:13.72, ..., stop:13.4 Jul 27posted by Blue @ 8:54 PM ******************************************************* PWRD closed@25.65(+25.74%), called@20.5 yesterday, passed my target24 Up about +25% within 2 days after called:PWRD rose to 22 +7.8%, met my targetMy call yesterday:Bot PWRD@20.5 Target: 22- 24 -Jul 26 ******************************************************* AXYS reached 28.42 today, called@22.4 on Jul 10 Reached my target 28!Growth play: AXYS@22.4 Target: 24.8, 28, 30 stop: 22 - Jul10 ******************************************************* Growth play: RGR now 19.28, Called@14.35 on Jun 6 Wednesday, July 25, 2007Growth play: RGR now 18.55(+10.02%), Called@14.35 on Jun 6This growth play up nearly +30% within 7 weeks since calledBought RGR@14.35 SWHC@14.7 for gun-play. :-0).. -June 6 posted by Blue @ 11:51 PM Monday, June 18, 2007SWHC now 16.84, called@ 14.7 on Jun 6. RGR now 15My call on June 6Bought RGR@14.35 SWHC@14.7 for gun-play. :-0).. -June 6 ******************************************************* PWRD rose to 22 +7.8%, met my target My call yesterday:Bot PWRD@20.5 Target: 22- 24 -Jul 26
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