Top Reason why I choose American Cars
(2007-01-14 10:22:01)
Person A bought a Honda CR-V, it costs $22,700. Person B bought a Ford Escape, it costs $18,700. They are very good friends. B thought: since A spent $22,700 on a car, I would too. So B put $4000 dollars on the Mutual Fund for his Escape. 10 years later, both A and B have the same 120,000 miles on their cars and they both trade-in their cars. Honda CR-V is traded-in for $4385, Ford Escape is traded-in for $2300. Since Honda CR-V has 23-30 MPG and EScape has 24-29 MPG, their fuel costs are exactly the same: $9962 for 10 years. Since B has put $4000 for his Escape fund, after 10 years, the fund has grown to $10,381 (based on 10% Annual Rate of Return). At that moment, person A calculates all the costs on his Honda CR-V: $22,700 + $9962
(gas) + 1132 (repair fee) - $4385 (trade-in) = $29,409 Person B also calculates his costs on Ford Escape: $22,700 + $9962(gas) + $1360 (repair) - $2300 (trade-in) - $10,381 (Escape fund) = $21,341
Over 10 years, person B has saved $8068 on his Ford Escape vs his friend’s Honda CR-V.
If you only keep the car for 5 years.
Honda CR-V costs: $22,700 + $4981 (gas) + $566 (repair) - $8560 (trade-in value)=19,687.
Ford Escape costs: $22,700 + $4981 (gas) + $ 680 (repair) - $6820 (trade-in value) – $6441 (Escape fund) = $15,100.
Over 5 years, person B has saved $4587 on his Ford Escape vs his friend’s Honda CR-V.
Same rule applied to other cars. For a typical deal, Corolla/Civic/Sentra are $2k over-priced than their American car counterpart. Camry/Accord/Altima are $3-4k over-priced than their American counterpart. 4Runner/Pilot are $4-6k over-priced than their American counterpart. Sienna/Oddyssey are $6-10k
over-priced than their American counterpart. You can do your own research on the costs of those car vs their American counterparts if you are interested in one of them.
Let me make example on CR-V and Escape again. Highway loss Data Institute publishes injury data every year. They are stated in relative terms. The higher rate for a certain car, the higher risk is the car. Let’s go over most recently injury data for CR-V and Escape: In 2003, 46 for Escape, 90 for CR-V; in 2004, 67 for Escape and 102 for CR-V; in 2005, 83 for Escape and 116 for CR-V; in the year 2006, 87 for Escape and 116 for CR-V. It is
obvious that Ford Escape is much safer than Honda CR-V based on all those data. I am not saying every American car is safer than its Japanese counterpart. But it is the fact that many American cars are safer than their Japanese counterpart.
Japanese fun or at least DFBB fun always say like this: “Japanese cars are more reliable than American cars” or like that: “Japanese cars can run 200k miles, American cars can only run 100k miles”. It is time to close those wrong statements. I have seen so many old Ford or old Buick that only cost several hundred dollars, have over 200k miles on them, still run great,
drive freely from state to state. I have also seen so many Japanese DFBB, several thousands dollars, need repair from time to time, can’t run highway anymore. DFBB fun, please don’t make wrong or stupid statement again and again. If you are satisfied with your choice with DFBB, I am more than happy for you. But just don’t make any wrong statements to mislead new people.
If you need a high quality or highly reliable and safer car, go for a Lincoln car. If you want the same safety but a little bit less reliable car, go for a Volvo. If you want a very high level car, such as Aston Martin, the Japanese fun will shut up here. The highest level of Japanese car (Lexus, Infiniti, Acura
) is just at the same level of Lincoln and Volvo. Even a Japanese agree that there is no Japanese car can reach Aston Martin level. However, you still have a lot of choice on American or European cars at that level.
About the author of this post: never work for any motor company. have owned 1 Japanese car and several American cars. don't want to show off anything, just want to give some truth to the new people.