
Happy 4th of July!

(2012-07-04 17:37:46) 下一个
I finally had a good sleep last night!

It was the eve of July 4th last night, so we played cards till mid-night, then when I woke up this morning, it was already 10:30! The rest of the family were still at sleep, I then remembered the goal I set for myself -- to exercise, which I have not got a start on it. I felt bloated on my body by doing nothing to it and felt guilty being so lazy. Therefore I got up and decided to make a trip to the closest super-market, on foot. That's about 40mins walking on a round-trip.

I changed into proper clothes and tip-toed outside the door. It's hot day today and the sun is big although there is some breeze in the air. I walked down on the side street and there were birds chirping all along my way. It reminded the walk I had on the first morning after I arrived China. I woke up really early due to the jet-lag, something like 3AM in the morning. My two daughters did the same as me. After we all got bored on the bed and hungry, when it was about 5 o'clock in the morning, I told them that I would head out to the street to see if I can find some food for them.

I remembered that morning. The air is nice and cool. It was quiet and peaceful before it turns into a battlefield an hour later for the rest of the day. I past through some streets, there were a couple of early risers were either trying to ignite their coal-stove-- a big and annoying routine I used to perform while I was a kid when the stove goes extinguished for some reason, or working on the laundry -- another huge task when there is no washing machine. When I reached the main street, I picked a direction in which I think there is a better chance to find food. I walked by a couple of small or big restaurants, all still closed, of course, and kept moving forward. At the turn of the main road, there stood my first hope. I can see steam rising above the giant steaming pot, and the owner is busy in making something next to it. I'm amazed and happy to find my good luck at so early in the morning. It's only 5:30. I went straight up to the little shop a shop and greeted the shop owner. I got two vegetable buns and two meat buns, and they looked bright, big, and fluffy, full of temptations. I asked the owner when he needs to get up in order to serve food at this time, and he tsaid, "3 o'clock'".

Everyone who are in the breakfast business gets up around 3AM in the morning, if not earlier.
The buns are one of the best I've ever tasted and they were gone with two minutes after I brought it back to the two girls. In fact, they were not satisfied with only three buns to share between the two (by the way, I finished one by myself while walking back :) and I had to repeat the trip again to get more 10 mins later.

I checked out a few thing in the supermarket, some fresh fruit, and two pack of ribs to be brought to friend's dinner party tonight, and two donuts to the girls as a treat for....4th of July.

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