
2006 Census - 离婚的多了,单亲家庭多了

(2007-06-26 21:41:28) 下一个
The classic couple family with children now represents 45 per cent of all families (down from 50 per cent 10 years ago), while couple families without children are up from 34 per cent to 37 per cent, and one parent families are up from 14.5 to 15.8 per cent of families.

To put that another way, 1 million Australian children are living with only one parent.

There are a million more unmarried adults now than in 1996, and 484,000 more divorced, widowed or separated people.

And 23 per cent of households contain only one person - up from 22 per cent in 1996. That\'s 1.8 million Australians living alone.
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