本溪水洞 is located near 本溪 city, which in turn is near Shenyang.
I knew before I went that Caves in China are lit with colorful lights, so I planned to photograph this cave under its original cave lighting (that is, not from a flash light). What I did not expect is that you visit this cave only in a boat, and the boat is moving quite fast. What this means is that even though I can hold the camera still, there is still motion blur. So with hindsight, I would bring a flash unit with me and take some flash photos in addition to photos under normal cave lighting.
Overall comments about this cave: it is the most beautiful cave I have visited, even more beautiful than the Diamond Cavern near Mammoth Cave which was my #1 choice.
1. Cell phone photographers just outside the Water Cave:

2. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you (choose one): A. the Water Cave, B. my man, C. my BF.

3. 屠龙刀